Competitors are responsible for both sides of their competition car being labeled with legible Numbers and Class letters per the SCCA Solo Rulebook.  It is encouraged to use a number between 1 and 99.  It is also encouraged that the second driver of a two-driver car uses the first driver’s number plus 100.

Example: Driver one is #9, then driver two is #109. No number above 199 is allowed.

Penalty for not changing numbers between driver’s runs will result in a DNF for that run.  

Proper identification of your car will help us tremendously in making sure the event runs smoothly.

  • Car Numbers

    Must be min. 8" high with a 1.25" stroke.

  • Car Class

    Must be min. 4" high with a .75" stroke and between 25%-75% of the height of the numbers

    • Letters must be in upper-case abbreviated form rather than spelled out. (example: CSPL instead of C Street Prepared Ladies)
    • All vehicles must display numbers and classes on both sides, which must be readable by timing & scoring, course and grid workers at all times.
    • Letters and numbers must be the same typeface and color, and this color must provide adequate contrast to the background.
    • Numbers and class letters must be on a body panel, not on windows

