A message from the RE to our club members.
A Message From The RE
As we bring 2020 to a close, we have a few items to finish up and some fun news to look forward to in the future. 2020 has been an odd year for everyone. For NCR it meant canceling the April Super Tour and May SARRC/MARRS road racing events. We also had to cancel our entire Autocross schedule for the year because our site wasn't able to host events. We were able to put on 2 successful regional races at VIR with March into Spring and Goblins Go along with 2 successful Time Trials at NCCAR with the "We're Serious, It's Happening" and "Not The Apocalypse We Expected…" events.
The first item we need to finish-out 2020 is the election of officers to the NCR Board of Directors. Did you know the NCR BoD elections are happening right now? Click here to read about the candidates for the 2020 open offices and then click the button at the bottom to cast your ballot. You don't even have to leave the house or put on a mask to vote in this election.
The other items we need to finalize are awards. We plan on having an online awards program or awards presentation video in early 2021. There is no need to make travel plans, so we should be able to get together and have a fun Zoom call while we recognize the folks who have contributed to the success we’ve had in 2020. The Awards Committee has a list of nominees, but if you know of anyone who should be recognized, please email Nikki Edwards very soon and let her know why we should give an award to your nominee.
On to the future…2021 is going to be a different year. We know that COVID-19 is going to be with us for a bit longer and we will be planning each event keeping all participants safety in mind, both on track and off.
Instead of our usual March into Spring race at VIR in early March, this year only, SCCA National will be holding a Time Trial there, which will be part of the 2021 Time Trial National Tour. These TT's are a chance for folks to get on track and race against the clock or, if you aren't worried about times, they can be good for shaking down a car to break the winter cobwebs loose. They provide a surprising amount of track time and are available to everyone from Novice to Advanced drivers, and from Street Cars to Track Cars. NCR will be helping and supporting the National Office while they put on this event and we hope to see you out there on March 13 & 14.
Our Road Racing season will start with a joint effort with South Carolina Region at Carolina Motorsports Park in Kershaw, SC on March 27-28. This will be the first SCCA Road Racing event on the newly paved track surface. Next, returning to VIR, we will have our Spring Sprints Hoosier Super Tour on April 9-11; SARRC/MARRS Challenge on May 9-10; and Goblins Go on October 9-10.
NCR Time Trial is planning on 2 dates at NCCAR in the coming year. April 24-25 and October 15-17. In 2020 we had lots of new faces and much fun was had by all. You should try to check out one of these events in 2021.
Autocross also has a full schedule of dates that we will announce once we have the final agreement from the site. Look for updates on this coming soon!
So, the news of the future that you may or may not have heard, is that the Runoffs are coming back to VIR in 2022 and 2023! The dates are September 26 through October 2, 2022 and September 25 through October 1, 2023. We hope that this will bring some extra entries and participants at all our VIR events through the end of 2023! Although the Runoffs event is put on by SCCA National Office, they rely on input and help from the local region leading up to and during the event. This also may afford us some opportunities to support the event in different ways. In 2019 NCR provided shuttle services and materials to put on the event.
I encourage everyone to try something new with NCR in 2021. If you have never worked a road racing event, come out and lend a hand. There are all types of specialties that will need help from flagging to registration and everything in between. If you have never participated in an Autocross or Time Trial, there are both driving and working opportunities here as well. Workers for the TT usually get a few on-track driving sessions as part of their worker perks for the weekend. I look forward to seeing everyone at NCR events throughout 2021 and beyond.
Anna Crissman, NCR Regional Executive