BOD Minutes – November 28, 2012
Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA
Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
November 28, 2012
PRESENT: Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, Steve Keadle, Ron Gentry, Jerry Pell, Buddy Matthews, John Lindquist, Anne Lindquist, Ginny Condrey, Clayton Condrey, James Shanks, Natasha Euliss-Uftring, Steve Rose, Heather Powers, Blair Stitt, Mark Senior, Neil Harrison, Jr., Wayne Quick, and, via telephone conference call, Eric Danielson and Sara Snider, and a late arrival, John Uftring.
1. The NCR BoD’s monthly meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:30 p.m., on Wednesday, November 28, 2012, at Carver’s on Elm Restaurant, 106 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253 (Exit 147, I-85/40).
2. The RE introduced guests in attendance: Buddy Matthews, Anne Lindquist, Clayton Condrey, Natasha Euliss-Uftring, Steve Rose, Blair Stitt and Mark Senior.
3. Motion (Quick/Lindquist) to approve the Minutes of the October 17, 2012, NCR BoD Meeting; Passed.
Steve Keadle, Treasurer, presented to the BoD his Financial Report consisting of a Balance Sheet with Previous Year Comparison, an 8-page Profit and Loss with Previous Year Comparison, an 8-page Profit and Loss Budget versus Actual and a 16-page Profit and Loss by Class, each of which written reports were as of October 31, 2012. The Balance Sheet with Previous Year Comparison reflects cash on hand of approximately $157,000, subject to some reduction for outstanding checks. The Treasurer advised that total income is approximately $7,500 less than this time last year but that we had about 110 less race entries in 2012, as compared to 2011. The reported income amounts do not include any income from the autocross group’s 2012 revenues. A copy of the Financial Reports, as referenced above, are attached to these Minutes.
1. Worker’s Credits. John Lindquist advised that he analyzed last year’s Financial Reports and that direct worker costs were in excess of $69,000 for the Region’s five race weekends in 2011. He indicated that his information was that only the Atlanta Region was paying more per day, as a worker credit, than our Region pays. Eric Danielson suggested that our Region should increase the worker credit to $35 per day, from $30. Ron Gentry indicated that he believes the Buccaneer Region pays $50 per day as a worker credit. For the Region’s 13-hour event, the number of corner workers were just sufficient in number to cover the requirements for staffing the corners. The BoD tabled the daily workers credit amount matter until the next BoD meeting.
1. Geoff Koteles Refund. The BoD discussed the issues involving the entry fee charged to and paid by Mr. Koteles and the basis of sending him a refund. Motion (Powers/Harrison) that NCR refund to him the subject $250 entry fee paid by Mr. Koteles; Passed.
2. Tarheel Cup Pro Series. Motion (Gentry/Snider) to drop the Tarheel Cup Pro Series (“TCPS”) in the North Carolina Region in 2013. After the BoD discussed the issues involved in Ron’s motion, the question was called and a requested hand vote was taken and the motion failed by a vote of 9 opposed and one for the motion.
3. Conventions and Training. The BoD discussed who might be attending as representatives of our Region and for which some reimbursement of expenses may be made, the Jekyll Island meeting of the SEDiv., the National SCCA Convention and the steward training program in Greenville, in 2013. Steve Keadle suggested that we follow the procedures used in 2011 with reference to reimbursement of some expenses incurred by BoD members attending the SCCA National Convention, as designated members of the Region’s BoD. The BoD discussed eligibility and levels for such reimbursement of expenses. The BoD decided to table this matter to the next BoD meeting, wherein it will approve those NCR BoD members who are authorized to attend the National SCCA Convention in 2013 and the basis and provisions with reference to reimbursement of some of their expenses. At said BoD meeting, the BoD will also approve the number and identity of the members authorized to attend the SEDiv. meeting and the level of reimbursement of expenses for those authorized to attend on behalf of the Region. The BoD will then also authorize the attendees entitled to receive some reimbursement for attending the required steward training in Greenville in 2013, and the basis for reimbursement.
4. 13-Hour Enduro Event. Ron Gentry suggested the NCR look at coordinating our race classes, used in our 13-Hour race event, with the race classes that are used in the New Jersey Devil in the Dark 12-Hour Endurance race, thus encouraging the creation of a multi-race endurance series, in the 12 to 13-hour range, which uniformity of classes should, or hopefully will, he suggests, increase the number of race entries at each enduro event. The BoD tabled further discussion of any such joint effort, with the New Jersey Racing Board, until the next BoD meeting.
The BoD discussed the Supplemental Regulations for the Region’s 13-Hour Enduro race and the need for same to be revised for 2013 to allow for late entries, at said event, and discussed other potential modifications to said Supplemental Regulations including a potential change to the race format, to include a shorter enduro race within the 13-Hour Enduro race event. The BoD tabled further discussion of these matters until a later NCR BoD meeting.
5. VIR Contract for 2013. The BoD discussed the proposed VIR contract for 2013 and Mark Senior reviewed certain issues as to the provisions in the proposed 2013 rental agreement, which contract provisions and issues he was authorized to review and discuss with VIR’s track management in an attempt to resolve our Region’s concerns, including the March race dates issue as indicated in the 2013 contract. The BoD authorized Ginny to, nevertheless, now send the required 2013 rental deposit, to VIR, to show our good faith and intent to rent the track, as before, subject to our working out the contract issues, as discussed by Mark Senior and others at this BoD meeting.
6. Liquor License for Banquet. Neil Harrison advised of the costs and requirements in obtaining a liquor license for our Annual Banquet event, to be held in Raleigh in January, 2013; after discussing the various costs involved, the procedures which would need to be followed and the questionable cost benefit of having liquor at the banquet, in addition to beer and wine, which is already available, the BoD, by consensus, agreed that it was not necessary to attempt to obtain a one-time liquor license permit for the 2012 banquet.
7. Waiver as to SARRC event. The BoD discussed a letter received from SCCA regarding a potential waiver, which may be needed, between the NCR and the Atlanta Region regarding each region having back-to-back weekend SARRC races in March, 2013. Because of the potential variance in the March dates that VIR has made, or will make, available to the NCR for its March race event, at VIR, being either the 16th and 17th or the 9th and 10th of March, 2013, the necessity and appropriateness of a response, at this time, seems premature until the actual March NCR VIR date is solidified. The BoD, therefore, tabled further discussion of this issue until the BoD’s next meeting, to determine if further action is necessary.
8. Region’s Radios. An email from David Turner was received and read to the BoD regarding the anticipated costs for updating and repairing the Region’s radio equipment and the related expenses to bring same compliant with frequency requirements for 2013.
9. TCPS Report. Steve Rose, TCPS Administrator, presented the BoD with a written report from the TCPS, of its races held in 2012, including a Financial Report of all receipts and disbursements, and money on hand, held by the Series as of the end of the TCPS scheduled races for 2012. Members of the BoD expressed appreciation for the timely Financial Report from the TCPS and indicated their confidence in this Series, after just one year of TCPS race events at VIR. Steve also advised the BoD of the potential that the Series would expand to another SEDiv. region, which region has expressed an interest in pursuing affiliation with the TCPS and having some TCPS races at their home track, in the future.
10. Pace Car. Natasha Euliss-Uftring has volunteered, subject to the BoD’s consent, and so long as there is no problem with VIR, to solicit some car dealers to provide to the Region the use of a pace car at our VIR race events in 2013, with the understanding that the pace car(s) may well contain signage indicating the dealer sponsor of the NCR-SCCA pace car. Subject to Mark advising that VIR has no issue with this procedure, the BoD authorized Natasha to pursue the possibility of obtaining a donated (use of) pace car(s) for our Region’s race events at VIR in 2013.
1. Chapter:
A. Cape Fear Chapter: No report.
B. Triangle Chapter: James Shanks, Chapter Coordinator, advised that 22 people attended the last Triangle Chapter meeting, wherein their membership discussed daily worker credit compensation amounts. James indicated the consensus of his group was to reimburse approximately ½ of the cost of a local hotel room.
C. West Chapter: John Lindquist, Chapter Coordinator, advised that 15 members attended the last West Chapter meeting, which membership discussed many of the business issues considered at the last NCR-BoD meeting.
2. Committees
A. Awards: James Shanks, Committee Chair, advises that members of his Committee will be meeting at the close of this BoD meeting. James solicited nominations from everyone for the Region’s annual awards, which nomination should be sent to James Shanks prior to December 1, 2012, for further consideration by his Committee.
B. Banquet: Neil Harrison advised that a deposit has been made to reserve the restaurant for the Annual Awards Banquet to be held on January 5, 2013, at Café Luna in Raleigh. Registration for the Banquet will be on the website. The Committee will attempt to designate a hotel for out-of-town attendees, located near the Café Luna restaurant.
C. Competition Board: The BoD was advised that the Competition Board hopes to have a meeting next week.
D. SOLO Committee: No report.
E. PDX/TT: Mark Senior advised that the Tarheel Sports Car Club (TSCC) has reserved their traditional VIR track weekend date in 2013.
F. Membership: James Shanks advised that membership in the Region is now 728, up from last month by about 25 members, but down about 32 members from the same time period in 2011.
G. Publicity: No report.
H. Charities: No report.
The Secretary advised the BoD of all the nominees submitted to him for the upcoming BoD elections. For the two open Members at Large positions, the nominees are Blair Deffenbaugh, Keith Church, Buddy Matthews, Sam Fouse and Ron Gentry. For the position of Treasurer, the one nominated individual is Steve Keadle. For the position of Assistant Regional Executive, those nominated were John Lindquist and Sara Snider.
There being no further business to come before the BoD, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:30 P.M.
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report