BoD Minutes – February 2024

NCR SCCA Board Meeting

February 18, 2024

Attendees: Anna Crissman, Sam Fouse, Al Heatwole, Lee Hill, John Bodnar, Chris Severt, Kit Williams, Megan Tyler, James Shanks, Rob Wilmoth

Guests: The meeting occurred just before the NCR Annual Banquet and there were many guests in and around the meeting

  1. The meeting was called to order by Anna Crissman at 10:01 am at Tobacco Road Sports Bar before the NCR Annual Banquet.
  2. There was a private discussion before the meeting opened to guests about a personnel issue. No decisions were made during this meeting.
  3. Motion to approve the minutes from the January Board meeting (Wilmoth/Fouse). Approved.

Chapter Reports were not discussed at this meeting due to the time and location of the meeting before the annual banquet.

There was no official financial report during the meeting, but Sam Fouse said he expected our total finances to be very slightly up over the course of last year. He will have a final annual report in the near future.

Old Business

  1. Super Tour at VIR: Anna said we have been offered the test day on the Thursday before our Super Tour in April by VIR. Sam said he had been approached by VIR who showed him their financials from last years test day and he had reached out to Anna to recommend that we take the test day. There was some confusion here as Anna said that we had taken the test day, but then later in the meeting Sam said we had not officially accepted the day yet. Al Heatwole and several others were not happy that Sam and Anna had supposedly agreed to run the test day and spend the region’s money without the approval of the Board, but Sam said they had not officially said yes to VIR yet. Anna said we will need more assistance in several areas to run the test day, including load in, registration, and tech. The Supps and schedule for the test day are being worked on and should be very easy to do. Sam said in regards to the Super Tour, attendance was down last year and he expects it to fall again this year as the Runoffs are not at VIR. Despite the low attendance, the Super Tour still pays for the rest of our events every year, and he expects that adding the test day will result in us bringing in even more money. It was pointed out that there is a Majors race at Summit Point the weekend before ours, and there is a NASCAR race in Martinsville the same weekend as the Super Tour, both of which will likely affect our event. Our event Supps are being reviewed by the stewards and should be approved soon. Al requested we have different stickers in tech for the test day as the groupings will be different from the test day to the Super Tour. Everyone agreed this was a good idea. Ben Tyler asked if SM and SMX were grouped together for the Super Tour, and Anna said they are not. Stephen Miller pointed out that VIR is not likely to make decisions that would lose them money, and he questioned why they are giving away the test day if it is going to be profitable. Sam and Anna both insisted that the test day will be profitable and we should take it. Motion to accept the offer to run the test day before the Super Tour (Shanks/Hill). Motion passed unanimously.

New Business

  1. Charity Selection for 2024: For many years, NCR SCCA has fundraised for various charities during our road racing events. This fundraising comes in the form of a donation option for drivers and volunteers during registration, and through lunchtime drive arounds which require a donation to participate. Sam Fouse said while in years past we have chosen different charities for these fundraising efforts, he feels that we should now focus all of our fundraising efforts to benefit the NCR Scholarship Program. Sam pointed out that fundraising and donating are different things and he does not want us to stop supporting other charities, but he does feel that when we are fundraising, we should use our own charity and the beneficiary of those efforts. John Lindquist said we put in a lot of effort to set up and run our own charity and we should not fundraise for any other charity. Several Board members suggested we should use our other programs to fundraise for other charities, specifically for Racing for ALS. Motion to make the official charity at all road racing events the NCR Scholarship Fund (Heatwole/Hill). Motion passed.


  1. iPad for Bruce Dover: Anna said that Bruce Dover has requested a new iPad to use during registration. He currently has an iPad but it is getting old. It was pointed out that he was using his current iPad while we were having this discussion to check in people for the annual banquet. As the banquet was about to begin, the Board decided to table this discussion until the next meeting.

There was a request for ideas for worker gifts for the Spring Sprints. We will also need to begin planning for our three day event at VIR in October.

Motion to adjourn the meeting (Tyler/Severt). Approved at 10:58am.


Please note that all NCR members are welcome to attend NCR Board of Directors meetings.

If any member should have a question about the Region or its activities, please contact the Office Manager or any member of the Board.


Submitted by Secretary Kit Williams


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