BoD Minutes – June 2024

June 2024 NCR SCCA Board Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Kit Williams, Anna Crissman, Matt Decker, James Shanks, Lee Hill, Sam Fouse, Megan Tyler, Rob Wilmoth, John Bodnar, Ryan Lohrman, Chris Severt late

Guests: Bruce Dover, Ben Tyler

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm by Anna Crissman, NCR RE.
  2. Motion to approve the minutes from the May meeting (Wilmoth/Decker). Approved.

Financial Report

Treasurer Sam Fouse had sent a financial report to Kit Williams, secretary.

As the details of our finances are confidential, NCR members who wish more information should contact either the Office Manager or any member of the Board of Directors. They are also invited to attend a Chapter Meeting, where such matters are discussed in detail.

Chapter Reports

Chris Severt was unable to join the meeting at the time but he said the Cape Fear Chapter had met with about 10 people, all regulars of the meeting, and they had a nice time mainly discussing the TT and VIR. Lee Hill said the West Chapter met last Tuesday with 9 people at their normal spot. One of the attendees was a new member who was interested in autocross. Lee said they also discussed VIR and the TT. James Shanks said the Triangle Chapter met and had one new member who said he wanted to come volunteer, and then he showed up and volunteered at both TT days that week. The rest of their meeting was fairly standard and James has uploaded a report to the website.

Old Business

  1. October Date at VIR: Anna recapped a meeting a majority of the Board had at NCCAR during the TT. Based on all the evidence presented to us, including the scheduling conflicts and Sam’s financial data, the Board voted not to pursue an October event at VIR this year. When we met with VIR about this, they offered us a date this July, less than a month away. Anna said this was much too short a timeframe for us to have a successful event and we had declined it. VIR said they were interested in helping us find another date next year in the fall, but we will have to see how that goes as they have not yet given us a schedule for 2025. Sam wanted to make it clear that we had multiple issues that forced us to cancel the October event. We are currently in a negative cash flow situation for this year, and we did not have an executable event plan for those three days in October. Anna said she felt it was important that we continue working on an event plan for a similar weekend should the situation arise when we need to put on such an event.
  2. Lucky Dog at Rockingham: Anna pushed this conversation to the end of the meeting due to Ben and Megan Tyler and Al Heatwole currently visiting Rockingham at the time of the meeting. Sam asked how we would be getting our equipment from the speed suite to Rockingham. Sam said he could pick up the equipment and then give it to Al sometime next week. Sam and Anna asked Megan to see if the track has somewhere that we can store our equipment after the Lucky Dog event. Megan later reported that the track will give us a place to store our stuff after the event is over. They were still doing their track visit when the meeting concluded.

New Business

  1. 2025 VIR Calendar: Anna was expecting VIR to send us a tentative schedule for 2025 but they had not done so yet. There was no discussion to have here.
  2. Road Racing Going Forward: Anna said we need to start seriously working on other race tracks that we can race at in the future. Our financial situation at VIR may force us to consider other options for regional racing in the future. She said we are working on strengthening our relationship with Rockingham and a path to certify the track may present itself in the future. She has also been speaking to CCR about both CMP and CMS. Charlotte Motor Speedway may have event dates available in the future as the new Ford Performance School opens and moves from CMS to their new facility. Sam agreed that both CMP and CMS presented good opportunities for us that we should seriously consider. Rob wanted to know how running an event inside another region’s territory worked. Anna said the general agreement is to seek permission from that region before scheduling at a track outside of our region. Anna said the most likely path forward here would be to work with CCR or to at least be on good terms with them regarding any events at CMS or CMP. Sam said we have historically done similar things and joint events in the past and this was a very normal thing. While SCR does not have their own road racing track, we have a very good relationship with them and would love to support them as well if possible. It was noted by everyone that scheduling conflicts are becoming more and more of an issue as different regions and racing bodies compete with each other for the same drivers.

Anna brought up an item not on the agenda about the new proposal for the Runoffs scheduling and classing that was announced by SCCA National office during a web conference last week. The proposals were widespread and would affect Majors, Super Tours, and the Runoffs in terms of what classes are going to be invited to the Runoffs and Majors events, making the Runoffs shorter, and making it harder to get an invitation to the Runoffs as a driver. The general concern was that this will make some of the less subscribed racing classes obsolete at the National level. Lee said a big focus of this announcement was consolidation of classes, which historically has cost regions in terms of registration numbers. Lee also said this seems like it will basically stop the “Regional Majors” event such as the ones that are run at CMP and Roebling Road. Lee said something that could happen with them restricting what classes are invited to Majors races would be not allowing region specific classes to show up to a Majors race. The Divisional path to qualify for the Runoffs has been removed, but the 2 Majors + 2 Regional races path is still viable. There was also a discussion about CRE and how that will evolve going forward.

There was a closed meeting after the public Board meeting.

Motion to adjourn (Tyler/Fouse) at 8:27 pm. Passed.


Please note that all NCR members are welcome to attend NCR Board of Directors meetings.

If any member should have a question about the Region or its activities, please contact the Office Manager or any member of the Board.

Submitted by Secretary Kit Williams



  • All
  • BoD Minutes
  • Cape Fear Chapter Report
  • Triangle Chapter Report
  • West Chapter Report