BOD Minutes – January 15, 2014

Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

January 15, 2014

PRESENT: Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, Buddy Matthews, Heather Powers, Sam Fouse, James Shanks, John Lindquist, Steve Keadle, Steve Rose, Ginny Condrey, Mark Senior, Blair Stitt, and arriving later, Bruce Dover. Via telephone, Eric Danielson, and Blair Deffenbaugh.

  1. The NCR BoD Meeting for January was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:11 PM on Wednesday, January 15th, 2014 at The Cutting Board, 2699 Ramada Rd, Burlington, NC 27215 (exit 143, I40/85). This new venue was needed at the last minute, as our regular meeting place of “Carver’s on Elm” had a fire that morning. A new meeting place will be established by the next BoD meeting.
  2. The RE introduced guests in attendance: Mark Senior, and joining us later, Bruce Dover
  3. Motion (Lindquist/Stitt) to approve the minutes of the NCR BoD meeting of December 18, 2013; Passed

Financial Report: Treasurer, Steve Keadle, presented to the Board, a written end of year statement, including a previous year comparison, and Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual from January 2013 thru December 2013. It is noted in the report that our total income for the year was $339,286.62. It was reported, that VIR has received a check to retain our rental dates for 2014. It was reported that our revenue was greater than we had budgeted for, but several of our specialties were over budget. Another item that was over budget was the expense to the tech shed, which is not expected again in the near future. It was reported that a large expense for the Region was merchant fees. Credit cards are a portion of that fee as well. The question was raised as to why these fees are so high when compared to other years. It was stated that many more drivers are using credit cards when paying entry fees to our events. It was discussed that we will have to cut back on certain things we have control over such as hospitality, primarily food service at VIR. Heather Powers mentioned that we may want to also audit what the track bills the Region for, such as guard rails, tire bundles etc. It was also discussed that many of the expenses that put the Region in the red in 2013 were one time expenses that the Region will not see again in 2014. One last bit of financial information discussed was the F&C School that the Region puts on every other year. Via telephone call, Flag Chief Eric Danielson reported that using the cart track was a valuable experience. It was reported that the budget for the Crash and Burn School would be short.  Motion (Keadle/Lindquist) to authorize the F&C budget be raised to have sufficient funds to hold the F&C School. Passed

Old Business:

  1. Worker Lunches: John Lindquist discussed the lunch ticket idea again as a way to cap expenses on what the Region spends on worker lunches. It was stated that there is confidence in our Race Chair Committee, composed of: Mark Senior, Justin Deffenbaugh, Eric Danielson, and Sara Snider, to control what the Region spends on both the socials and lunches at our events. It was noted that the Region will keep beer and wine at the social, but will limit food to “snack type”.
  2. Pace Car: John Lindquist reported to the BoD, that privately owned pace cars, or borrowed pace cars from dealerships, are covered by insurance from SCCA. An E-mail stating this from National was retained by the Secretary.
  3. Majors Fees: Sam Fouse suggested a fee for our Majors race at VIR in April of $595. This is a $45 increase over what we charged last year for a double. This year’s event is a weekend price for two races under one sanction number. It was reported that we will need this increase to help absorb the increased fees we have to pay to National. It was stated that we need 250 cars attend the event in order for us to be in good financial shape for the event. It was noted that last year we had 275 cars. Motion (Fouse/Keadle) to raise the weekend entry fee for the major’s race at VIR in April to $595. Passed
  4. VIR Contract: Ginny Condrey. This item was tabled until the next BoD meeting so the contract may be further evaluated.

New Business:

  1. NCR Logo: Bruce Dover brought to the attention of the BoD that there are several versions of the NCR logo being used on several publications. Bruce showed the Board two new concept versions of the logo. It is a revamped version of our official logo. It was asked of the BoD to give the Publicity Committee the latitude to use different logos, as they see fit. The BoD agreed to let the committee use different logos as they see fit.
  2. Late Worker Credits: Ginny Condrey brought to the BoD attention that three workers had forgotten to turn in their receipts and punch cards by the Nov 30th 2013 deadline. Buddy Matthews also added Rusty Matthews who worked in Tech as another member who had not turned in anything for credit. The four members were Diana Robinson, Blair Stitt, Jason Scales, and Rusty Matthews. Motion (Stitt/Rose) to pay workers for late submission of worker credits pending receiving receipts and paperwork. Passed
  3. Toll Free Phone: Ginny Condrey reported that the Region’s toll free phone is an annual expense to the Region. Ginny noted that much of the time she is not home, and the calls go to voice mail. This item was tabled until the next BoD meeting.
  4. Refund Policy: Ginny Condrey discussed with the BoD the possibility of giving drivers a full credit voucher on a future race rather than giving them a partial or full refund. It was discussed as to if it would be possible to give the drivers a choice in either a full race credit, or a partial refund. Ginny stated that it would need to be either one or the other as doing both would be very difficult to keep up with. There was discussion amongst the BoD members as to why we would want to give only credit and why we would want to hold on to the driver’s money. It was decided by the BoD that we would keep the refund policy in place.


  1. Chapters – (Chapters did not meet in January)

a.  Cape Fear   No report

b.  Triangle   No report

c.  West   No report

  1. Committees

a.  Membership: James Shanks reported that as of January 2014 the NC Region has 746 members. This is up 25 members from last year.

b.  Competition Board: No Report

c.  Solo: No Report

d.  PDX/Time Trials: No Report

e.  Publicity: James Shanks showed the BoD the ad which will be in Grassroots Motorsports Magazine April Issue. The ad depicts all NCR road racing events for the year to be held at VIR. James reported that the issue containing our ad (April) will be available at news stands in February.

John Lindquist also discussed with the BoD the annual Shriners car show coming up at the Greensboro Coliseum. It was agreed by the BoD that four cars will be shown at the car show at a cost of $60 per car and that there would be a cost of $20 per person. Total cost would be $400 for the car show to expose NCR-SCCA to potential new members. It was discussed that there would be passes to enter one of our races given out at the car show.

f.  Charities: Ginny Condrey reported that we would be moving our Diabetes charity to the Goblins Go event since there is no March race this year. Ronald McDonald would be our charity for the Majors event in April, and Angels Among us would be the charity for the May event (SARRC/MARRS).

g.  Banquet: RE Rex Deffenbaugh spoke to our Cape Fear chapter about the possibility of doing next year’s banquet in Wilmington. It was reported that 94 people attended this year’s banquet in Raleigh.

h.  Awards: James Shanks reported that we spent $1300 on year end awards this year, keeping under our $1500 budget.

Additional New Business:

1.  Via telephone, Eric Danielson mentioned to the BoD about doing drivers photos, along with car photos incorporated with awards. There was discussion as to how pro teams work and how this sort of thing is done. Tabled

2.  RE Rex Deffenbaugh brought to the BoD attention that a member donated money to the Region to fund the continuation of the Region giving out Driver of the Year awards. James Shanks reported that the acrylic trophies cost the Region around $140. James presented a thank-you letter to send the donor signed by Steve Rose, Rex Deffenbaugh, and James Shanks.

3.  Location: (RE) Rex Deffenbaugh brought to the BoD’s attention that we will need to find a new location for the next BoD meeting. A show of hands was taken to get an idea of how many BoD members are from the Greensboro area, and how many are from the Raleigh area. It was discussed briefly that perhaps we could find a location a little closer to Raleigh as the majority of members are from that area.

Motion to adjourn at 8:51 pm (Lindquist/Fouse) Passed


  • All
  • BoD Minutes
  • Cape Fear Chapter Report
  • Triangle Chapter Report
  • West Chapter Report