BoD Minutes – November 2024
NCR SCCA Board Meeting
November 20, 2024
Attendees: Anna Crissman, Megan Tyler, James Shanks, Kit Williams, Lee Hill, John Bodnar, Sam Fouse, Matt Decker, Ryan Lohrman, Rob Wilmoth
Guests: Bruce Dover, Stephen Miller, Mark Senior, Al Heatwole
- The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm by Anna Crissman, NCR RE.
- Motion to approve the minutes from the October meeting (Decker/Bodnar). Approved.
Financial Report
Sam Fouse sent a brief report to Kit Williams before the meeting.
As the details of our finances are confidential, NCR members who wish more information should contact either the Office Manager or any member of the Board of Directors. They are also invited to attend a Chapter Meeting, where such matters are discussed in detail.
Sam Fouse wanted to discuss the CMP event from September. He said financially the road racing portion of the event brought in about 77% of the income, and we just barely had a positive event. He said he felt that given the situation we were in and with this being a last minute event, this was a positive thing. We had discussed finding a way to send some profits, if any, to SCR if the event was successful. Motion to send $1000 to SCR as a result of the profit from the CMP event in September (Crissman/Decker). Motion passed. Sam also mentioned that he has several checks to hand out this weekend, including several VIP checks and a check for Sam True at NCCAR for an autocross weekend that had not been paid yet.
Chapter Reports
Lee Hill said the West Chapter met with 16 people at their normal time and place. He said having this many people actually made the space a little difficult, but they managed. He said they had a few new people attend who were interested in autocross and Track Night. James Shanks said the Triangle Chapter met with 20 people, which is nearly a record for their meetings since James took over as chapter coordinator. James had taken many pictures and uploaded a detailed chapter report, which will be posted to the region website. He said they had a memorial for Jean Quick, who has recently passed, and they also discussed year end awards and the upcoming election. Chris Severt was not in attendance, but Kit Williams said the Cape Fear Chapter met with 5 people, all regulars, who just hung out and had a nice time.
Old Business
- Awards Update: Anna asked for an update from the awards committee. Rob Wilmoth, who was leading the committee, said they have started the process and will have a large Zoom meeting in December, but have no other update.
- Banquet Update: Elizabeth Severt and Blair Deen have secured the same location we used last year, Tobacco Road Sports Bar, for our annual banquet. The date will be Saturday, February 8th. Anna said the plan is to do a similar menu, and to try and keep the costs very similar to last year. The change was made to have the banquet on Saturday as a brunch to allow everyone to hang out together after the banquet is over. There should not be a need to have a Board meeting at the banquet like we did last year.
New Business
- SEDiv Convention: Anna said registration for the SEDiv convention is open, and she wanted to discuss how we should budget for this event and who is interested in attending. We have always supported Board members and other region members who are a part of the convention with the costs of attending. Anna, Stephen Miller, and Lee Hill all have their attendance and fees covered and do not need assistance from the region. Anna asked for anyone who is interested in attending to let her know through email so they can start planning for this. There are many people attending and carpooling and room sharing are available.
- Election Report: Kit Williams said he had received a nomination for at least one person for each position up for election. Sam Fouse has been nominated for Treasurer, Rob Wilmoth and Matt Decker have received their nominations for Member at Large, and Lee Hill has received two of the three needed nominations for the ARE position. Lee said he would step down as West Chapter coordinator to take over the ARE role, but he did need one more person to officially nominate him. John Bodnar officially nominated Lee Hill for ARE, satisfying the requirements of the bylaws for the election process. Sam and several others stressed that we should find a West Chapter coordinator as soon as we can, and all agreed that this was important to do. Lee said he had mentioned this at the last Chapter meeting, and he is hoping for someone who regularly attends their meetings to step up into the role and get more involved with the region. Lee emphasized that he is taking this role to help the region and fill this important decision, but he is hoping for someone else from the younger generation to take over this role and work towards becoming the RE in the future. Sam said we need to also look into the future of other region leaders, particularly race chairs. Anna agreed that we do need to prioritize ways to ensure we have a consistent supply of trained people in every specialty, as the people who currently chief or operate those specialties will not always be the only people doing those jobs and filling those roles. Ryan brought up an idea to find a way to have the Members at Large become more involved with the passing on of knowledge to ensure that there is a consistent line of succession for any and all specialties that we have. Everyone agreed that making plans to ensure we can keep doing what we do long into the future is a very high priority. The end of the November meeting is the end of the nominations for the election, and no other nominations were made. Each of the nominees, Sam Fouse, Rob Wilmoth, Matt Decker, and Lee Hill, will be running unopposed, but an election will still take place as is required by the bylaws.
Anna said Rob had donated a door prize to Blue Ridge Region last year for their banquet, as they send us many TT entries throughout the year. Ryan Lohrman said he would like to do something similar this year.
Al Heatwole reminded everyone that he would not be able to attend the TT this weekend, and that Sam would be taking over his duties with Tech for the event. Anna said we have everything covered and will be in good shape.
Motion to adjourn (Wilmoth/Lohrman) at 7:49pm. Motion passed.
Please note that all NCR members are welcome to attend NCR Board of Directors meetings.
If any member should have a question about the Region or its activities, please contact the Office Manager or any member of the Board.
Submitted by Secretary Kit Williams
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report