West Chapter Report – September 2016
West Chapter Report for meeting held at Porterhouse Bar and Grill 4608 West Market St. Greensboro, North Carolina on 9-7-2016.
For the first time of our being at this meeting place, we finally are getting to use the meeting room that we had at least halfway been expecting to have for the August 2016 meeting. As there had in fact been another group in the meeting room. The meeting we attempted to hold in the large back dining room that I was assured would be vacant on a Tuesday evening was a poor meeting because the room was not empty but was rather noisy, and the patio was out because of the weather. Another attempt at booking the meeting room seemed to be the answer even though I had to move the meeting to the first WEDNESDAY. Why should I have ever thought that anything would be worked out by that move?
Seems we do have members who can’t meet with us on Wednesday as their church has been having prayer meeting on Wednesday for a couple a hundred years or so. Although that didn’t take but one of our regulars, as the meeting went on, it seemed only right that I make an adjustment to our meeting schedule at least one more time. I really could blame the butt-headed waiter who seemed really pissed to have to be our server on this night. Rather than credit the move to the waiter who I knew I didn’t intend to put up with again and just say that the Lord was using it as a way to let me know not to mess with his folks on his days.
The meeting was about as good as it could be with only 8 people in attendance and that is counting the new guy, Joe Lyons who came to us by way of the Booth that the Region had set up at VIR on the IMSA race weekend. He lives in Randleman and seemed to fall right in with our group. I am sure he will be with us at future activities as long as we keep him feeling involved. He is anxious to get busy with us in putting on our program.
As usual, the minutes of the past BOD meeting were discussed and our group of contrary old men didn’t seem to give a hoot to most of the discussion of the Track Night in America idea. The opinion was that VIR would have a problem attracting many participants, as it is rather remote and by the time people arrived they would have to leave without getting much activity. We are waiting to hear more as the idea in the minutes was only just an idea with very little fact to back up the idea.
I took the opportunity to give a few details about the plans that we are working on for the 2017 Awards Banquet. It will be held in Graham, NC at a really nice venue named the VAILTREE EVENT CENTER. We have a speaker from the west coast coming, will have a book signing as a part of the program and will have a good number of EXOTIC automobiles with us in the dining room. Be sure to bring your camera as you will be able to take some close up shots. Arrangements have been made with the closest motel to the party, with rooms for $68.00. Call the Days Inn at Exit 150 off I40 at 336-578-2666 and reserve your room for Saturday night Jan 14. We plan on sending everyone an information packet about other things that will be planned for the party. Let me correct one small error in some previous information released previously about this party site. Early information called this exit to be for highway 150. It is EXIT 150 to Jimmy Kerr Road. Alamance Technical College is also on this exit and only a few feet away. There will be a map showing where to exit I40 from both directions and where to turn on Bakatsias Lane where the Event center is located. This map will be mailed to you with the other papers.
Buddy Matthews – West Chapter Coordinator
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