West Chapter Report – November 2016

The West Chapter of the North Carolina Region of the Sports Car Club of America held their November monthly meeting on the Evening of November 1, 2016 at Coopers Ale House at 514 S. Swing Road in Greensboro, NC. The meeting was our third one held in the “Jamestown Room”. It is our hope to continue using this facility for as long as we used the room at the former Coopers Ale House. It is important to note that this facility is so well suited to us with a nice restaurant supplying us good food and drink and a room with all of the audio visual equipment that enables us to have much better programs than we were able to have in the previous site.

This month’s meeting was especially enjoyable as we had Tom Long, our local hero race car driver,  who brought us a vast supply of his videos from recent pro races and much very revealing and exciting in-car video made as he practiced and qualified and raced in several different professional race events while we actually looked over his shoulder.

There was plenty of time asking Tom questions about the car and what did all of the switches and lights on the steering wheel do and what kind of things was he being able to change about the car as he took us through some really fast maneuvers. Most likely most of us won’t be able to get much closer to the real speed sensation that we had while riding with Tom. Rather than just waiting till after the meal had been served Tom put some of his videos on the screen for us to watch while we ate and as he had eaten before he arrived he just narrated and answered questions. We had a few more than twenty in attendance and a large percentage of those being drivers within our club racing ranks. The questions from the audience and Tom’s answers to them were a real learning experience for all in attendance. Thank You, Tom Long for your very interesting program.

We also had a very abbreviated business meeting and several announcements were made.

Please try to attend one of our meetings in the very near future if you can find yourself in Greensboro on the first Tuesday of the Month. Dinner starts at 6:30 and the meeting/program will start as close to 7:30 as we can get it.

The meeting adjourned and Tom and the others talked at length before leaving. If you ever have a chance to hear Tom speak, don’t miss it

Buddy Matthews, West Chapter Coordinator


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