West Chapter Report – November 2011

GREENSBORO, NC – (NCR-SCCA) – Nov 2nd West Chapter Meeting,  19 members attended the meeting. We had a great dinner and lots of racing conversation. The discussion included some broken cars and some wrecked cars, the Gobblins came out and got some cars. 

We discussed that the Region was committed to purchasing good radio equipment for the Workers, keeping
everyone informed around the race track.   
We discussed how to get more racers to attend our club racing series, the thought was we should advertise in other sport car club publications, other than the SCCA Sports Car.  
So we discussed obtaining the email list from these other car clubs BMW, Porsche, VW, Honda, Mazda.  
We may be able to generate some interest in getting these folk to sign up for the up and coming PDX at the March event.  
What do you think?  How do we get so may PDX entries that we have to turn them away? Send me an email.  [email protected]

Watched a few racing videos, THANKS MATTHEW DOUGLAS,   Matt gave a BIG THANK YOU to the wonderful
SCCA WORKERS for all they do, the SCCA racers love knowing that SCCA Workers are in the corners and elsewhere looking after us.

Need everyone to let your Chapter Coordinator know who should be considered for an award for 2011, the Annual
Banquet is coming up,  Jan. 7th, so we need to get this done in the next few weeks.  Again, you can email me your nominations.  Also,  elections are coming up for Region Executive, Secretary, 2 Members-at-Large and the Chapter Coordinator positions. So,  let’s give all this some thought and send in you suggestions, ASAP.

There you have it,  have a great Thanksgiving, send in your award suggestions.
See you at the Dec meeting.
John Lindquist
West Chapter Coordinator


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