West Chapter Report – February 2017

Report for meeting held February 7, 2017 at Cooper’s Ale House at 415 S. Swing Road in Greensboro, N. C.

Hopefully the confusion that kicked this meeting off won’t become the norm and since no one could actually point a finger at where the whole kerfuffle started it might just go on the annals of the West Chapter as a mystery the likes of which have never been seen. At least I can hope we won’t see this problem again at this location which I had come to feel was probably the best thing that had happened to our meetings in a long time. We were for some unexplained reason moved from the “Jamestown Room” to another equally nice meeting room in the Wyndham Hotel. At most of the doors to the complex signs had been posted stating that the” Meeting of Triad Sports Car Club would be in dining Room D”. As you know, that isn’t us anymore. Several of us in the West Chapter are in-fact Charter members of Triad Sports Car Club and hold their Club in high regard but it is not comforting to note that the business that has been hosting your meetings for about 10 years doesn’t know your name.

After a short shuffle to get the signs changed and the speaker for the night moved to our new room we had a really good meeting with an abbreviated business meeting from the Chapter Coordinator and then a nice presentation by the Eastern US marketing manager of Maxima Oil Company. Mr. Gene Jones held a very nice presentation of the complete product line of his products which are all especially produced with the needs of Racers as their primary purpose. Gene gave all in attendance a catalog of the company’s products that cover more uses in racing than the average oil distributor offers. And lots of information about the products went into more detail than we had heard from others and lots of information, we probably learned here first. We have an invitation to seek the advice of Maxima Oil through talking with Gene and he offered to talk with any race engine builders if further information on the use of the proper products was needed. Both from what Gene had to say and some questions from those in attendance the group had a good introduction to the Maxima products. Gene also held a drawing and gave several in attendance a substantial discount opportunity for future purchase of his line. I have been sending an email announcing our program for the meeting to the members of the West Chapter and will add your name to my mailing list if you would like. Just email me your address at [email protected].  Please feel welcome to attend our meeting anytime on the First Tuesday of every month at whatever meeting room we finally end up in. They are all extra nice and you can call us anything if you call us often.

Buddy Matthews
West Chapter Coordinator


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