Triangle Chapter Report – September 2012
Raleigh, NC – (NCRSCCA) – The Triangle Chapter met for September in our usual spot, the El Rodeo restaurant in Raleigh on Pleasant Valley where it crosses Glenwood Avenue. We had no in-car video this month, but judging from the animated conversation, those members in attendance had plenty to talk about.
One topic that stood out was the recent Double Rational/Double SARRC / ProIT event at Barber Motorsports Park. Steve Keadle, our Treasurer, was Chief Steward. He said it was a successful event, if very light on corner workers. Steve said he dragooned, shanghaied, and corralled every spare body he could find and sent them to the Flag Chief for assignment. There were Stewards, Tech guys, Grid guys, Starters and Registrars on the corners last weekend in Alabama! It must have worked, ‘cause Steve said he only got yelled at once the whole weekend. He said he endured the opprobrium of a competitor’s crew for having made him start at the back of the pack because he was late to the grid. The guy still finished where he started, second place, but he had to work for it. Hey Steve! All’s well that ends well!
And speaking of ending well, Chuck Hines reported that he finished 1st on Saturday in ITS and 3rd overall. His Sunday wasn’t as good – he took 3rd in class after being involved in a racing incident with a driver in ITR. But third is better than a DNF! Way to go, Chuck!
Other races were also discussed, particularly the recent double in Charlotte. There was a lot of detail that I missed, so those interested will have to look up the results. But I heard Pepe (Blair Stitt) say that his IT7-R ran well and that he discussed construction of other cars with a couple of folks so that he’ll have someone to race with next season. And Doug Piner took a track record in his new D Sports Racer on Saturday. Yay Doug! But then he broke on Sunday so he has some more work to do before his next outing.
The business meeting was quite short. Basically we are doing well financially this season, though our permanent membership numbers continue to decline. As of this meeting, our membership stands at 709, which is its lowest level since 2001. We talked at length about how the National Office takes an interest in every member with a complaint these days, but that there are some folks who just cannot be pleased. Since our events are doing well we resolved to just carry on as we have been and provide the best events we know how, confident that our membership will increase when the economy picks up. And speaking of events, we discussed how we had made room in the upcoming Goblins’ Go schedule for the SCCA Pro Formula 1000 guys. If they can field 15 cars, then they’ll get a separate run group and a standing start, which is their norm. If they cannot fill that field, then they’ll have to run with the “Wings and Things” group and do a rolling start like everyone else.
In closing, we talked about the recent visit that Pepe and I made to the Wake County Assisted Living Facility to see our old buddy Phil Hennrich. Phil’s battling dementia and is basically a shut-in as a result. But he remembers the good ol’ days at VIR and Rockingham very well and we had a good time reminiscing with him. He wishes all his old friends well. If you get a chance, drop by and see him, or give him a call at 919-212-0038.
And if you get another chance, why not make plans to come to the next Triangle Chapter meeting on October 3rd? It should be well-attended since we have back-to-back race weekends before the month is out. And don’t forget the North Carolina Autocross Championship at Cherry Point October 6th and 7th. I’ll see you there . . . or at the races.
James Shanks
Triangle Chapter Coordinator
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