Triangle Chapter Report – November 2016
The Triangle Chapter of the NC Region SCCA met on Wednesday November 2nd at El Rodeo in Raleigh. 16 members attended with no guests. Even though we were promised the upstairs meeting room earlier in the week, we were told they were short staffed and did not have the resources to open the upstairs room so we settled for the downstairs meeting area once again. I’m convinced the restaurant is unable or unwilling to reopen the upstairs room so we are definitely seeking a new venue for our monthly meetings. If anyone has any suggestions for a place with a meeting room in the north or west Raleigh area, preferably with a TV, food, and adult beverages, please let me know so I can contact them.
The formal portion of the meeting started a little past 7:30. The following topics were discussed:
- Continued discussions of possible modifications to the Region’s policies for reimbursing officers for attending official meetings such as the SEDiv Mid-year and annual meetings and the National convention.
- We covered additional information from Buddy Matthews on the annual awards banquet to be hosted in Graham NC by the West Chapter on January 14th of 2017. Social starting around 5pm with the business meeting at 6:30 and dinner and awards around 7pm. Bill King, author of 2 books on the history of VIR will be the guest speaker and will be available to sign copies of his latest book. Cost should be around $30 per person or $50 per couple with kids free. Additional details should be forthcoming in email blasts.
- We discussed the very long race days we had for the Goblins Go weekend and possible ways to save some time. Replacing Sunday qualifying with the results from the previous days qualifying and race lap times was discussed and the issue was referred to the Comp Board for further consideration
- We noted that Walt Michael, who has filled in for Ginny Condrey at several events this year, would not be available for next year and that Bruce Dover has stepped up to take over that role with the Region providing some funding for additional training at the ARRC race at Road Atlanta.
- It was reported that the Region made money on the Goblins Go event and lost money on the Halloween Enduro races. Overall the loss on the enduro race was much less than last year but combining the revenue and losses from the two events still resulted in a small net loss.
- We noted that our Majors race for 2017 would follow the same 3 day format as in the past since that format has been very well received.
- Notice was provided that it was time for election of Region officers and that those interested needed to provide written notice along with the signatures of 3 members by the end of the November 16 Board meeting. Positions available include: Assistant RE, Treasurer and 2 members at large. I think Chapter coordinator positions are also elected each year
- Along with elections, it was noted it’s time for end of year award selections. The Awards Committee will be hard at work and will likely be soliciting nominations for the various Region end of year awards.
- The board also approved funding for graphics for the Region’s hospitality tent trailer as well as a new printer to speed availability of race results.
We then discussed all the upcoming events and opened the floor for Swap and Sell announcements.
A motion was made to adjourn and folks returned to socializing prior to heading home for the evening. Keep your eyes open for an announcement on the next Chapter meeting as it will likely be at a new location.
Mark Senior, Triangle Chapter Coordinator
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report