Triangle Chapter Report – May 2014
Despite it being just three days before the SARRC/MARRS event, the Triangle Chapter meeting on May 7th went surprisingly well, though lightly attended. James Echells brought in-car video of his EP Miata down in Savannah at the Jim Stark Memorial Double. This was our first Prod car video in a long time, and it was much appreciated by us all, but especially by our new member Allan Delisle. Allan is a not a new member to the SCCA by any means. He’s a racer with a career that goes back about 30 years. But he’s a Washington DC Region member who recently relocated to Cary from Maryland. He was very interested to see James’ in-car since he’s never raced at Roebling Road. Glad we could help broaden your horizons, Al. And welcome aboard!
And thanks to James Echells for his video. He took a fourth and a fifth in class at Roebling. Way to go, James! Thanks for sharing!
With fewer than a dozen attendees, the first order of business was to take a vote to move any future meetings which might fall on the Wednesday of the week before a race weekend. The result was unanimous. In the future we’ll meet the second Wednesday of the month rather than the first, should our regularly scheduled meeting be that close to one of our races. Now it’ll be up to the Chapter Coordinator to remember to take that into consideration when announcing the schedule, just like he has to do already with Independence Day and Cinco de Mayo. I promise to try, guys, I really do.
There wasn’t much business to discuss. The Board is still waiting for the dust to settle from the Majors race, which we know was quite a success, save for us running out of food (but not beer!) at the Saturday-night social. But it will be about a month before the accounting is done and we know what the profit and loss looks like. Those assembled did give a round of applause to Member-at-Large Sam Fouse for the really great souvenir coffee mugs he designed and procured for all those who attended. He even personally tracked down every registered driver who did not get a mug at Registration and hand-delivered one to them in the paddock. Thanks, Sam!
In other news, Pete Romanowski of the West Chapter has agreed to chair the September picnic, and the 2014 awards dinner will be held in Wilmington on Saturday, January 10, 2015. I was told that Elizabeth Severt is heading up the banquet committee for that. Thank you both! And speaking of Wilmington, the next Board of Director’s meeting will be held there for the first time, at Elizabeth’s Pizza (no relation to Ms. Severt, I’m told) on Wednesday, May 21st. Car pool arrangements are being made, so those wishing a ride can contact me and I’ll see what we can do. It should be an adventure!
And speaking of adventures, there are bound to be more than a few this weekend at the Double SAARC/Double MARRS race at VIR. Why not make plans to hear all about it at the next Triangle Chapter meeting, Wednesday, June 4th? I’ll see you there…or at the races!
James Shanks
Triangle Chapter Coordinator
[email protected]
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