Triangle Chapter Report – August 2020
On Wednesday August 5th, eight NCR members joined a Zoom meeting at approximately 7:30. We began by reviewing the BOD minutes from July and continued into our events. We discussed the raffle of John’s Camel GT tin sign for the Scholarship Fund, as not all were aware of it. For Goblins, we let everyone know that it will include a SARRC – MARRS of some type as well as Prod Fest and V8RRS like we usually do. There was discussion regarding Covid concerns in Tech as well as the need for all workers, especially F & C. Concerning the upcoming TT, we learned that as of the date of the meeting we should be very close to breaking even. As usual all were looking forward to another fun event and Stephen’s delicious BBQ. The Triangle Chapter has also been discussing the possibility of meeting somewhere outside for a picnic. A number of options were discussed, and hopefully we can come up with a location for a September meeting. Finally, I requested that the members start thinking about a replacement for me at the end of this term. This is my second year and I would like to have someone else have the opportunity if they would like.
Upcoming Events:
Goblins Go at VIR October 10 – 11
Solo @ Cherry Point October 17 – 18
TT @ NCCAR October 31 – November 1
Submitted by Al Heatwole
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