RE Report – June 2016

July 5, 2016

We have had a very successful first half to our 2016 schedule and we are now in the seemingly ‘quiet’ period for NC Region racing activities, or so it would seem. That’s not exactly true however, so here’s a rundown of what’s happening.

The New Old Bulletin is coming out today via e-mail. It will be a ‘pointer’ to news and views on our website and should be a fresh way to easily get to new content on our Region site and social media as it comes out. If you’re reading this, you likely got here via The Bulletin. It will continue to be automatically sent to all NC Region members and to any non-members who express an interest in receiving it by allowing us to add their e-mail address to our database.

We are still considering a Region picnic and have the option of doing so at VIR under the big shelter next to the skidpad. Please express your interest at your Chapter meetings this week so we know whether to proceed or not. We have the option of doing this while VIR is shut down for paving during July. Although the track itself will be shut down, other activities are available (hint- go kart racing).

The mid-year meetings occur in Atlanta on July 16. Rex Deffenbaugh and myself will be officially representing the Region. We are expected to give SEDIV our 2017 schedule, realizing that it is tentative and subject to negotiations with VIR. There are some changes in the works being contemplated, but nothing concrete to report just yet. Please – if you have any ideas for new creative events or changes to existing events, please forward them to me directly, preferably before July 15th or at least before our next Board meeting on July 20th. Send them to: [email protected]. Please, no whiners. If you don’t like something, offer a positive alternative.

We are also conducting our second annual SCCA Welcome Tent at VIR during the three-day IMSA weekend in late August. We will have race cars on display along with volunteers representing all aspects of our Region and SCCA. We were reasonably successful last year, even though we went in blind not knowing what to expect. We have learned from that experience, and John Lindquist has put together a substantial program for this year with a display twice as large. We will also unveil the new NC Region Hospitality Tent during the event. If you would like to volunteer, please contact John Lindquist.

And lastly, the Comp Board will be working on the details of our fall events, Goblins Go, and our Enduro. While the Goblin’s Go event is pretty much sorted out, there are some details still in the works for the enduro and you’ll hear more on that soon.

So enjoy the summer and let’s stay in touch. Small steps, always forward.

Sam Fouse, RE