Cape Fear Chapter Report – February 2012
WILMINGTON, NC – (NCRSCCA) – The Cape Fear Chapter converged on a new meeting spot, Elizabeth’s Pizza, on February 7th to enjoy great drinks, Italian cuisine, and camaraderie. Twenty enthusiastic members were in attendance, anxious to catch up on the off-season’s news and get started on 2012. The elephant in the room was the missing NCR Solo Schedule so we jumped right into that discussion. The skinny of it is the BlackWater solo pad, the site we visited six times last year, is unavailable for public rental this year. We were planning to broaden our horizons to new sites for 2012, but the BlackWater news sped up the process. Five potential new sites were already on the table before the meeting. Thanks to some member input that list quickly grew to nine. A few of those look to be likely hosts to a 2012 Solo event. Despite the slow start it’s shaping up to be an exciting season of NCR Autocross.
Once the schedule topic had been covered, discussion moved to upcoming events. We will be hosting an autocross test day on February 26th at CFCC’s downtown Wilmington campus. There are also autocrosses with our neighboring regions that many of our members are planning to attend. The Crash & Burn school was given a plug as well as the March Memories club race. The new Tar Heel Cup Pro Series and the joint Tar Heel Sports Car Club PDX were both explained to the crowd. Reception for both was positive. The prospect of co-hosting Solo events with neighboring clubs and regions was also discussed. A few more business items, such as utilizing Solo Event flyers and ways to cut costs, were debated before closing the meeting. To round out February’s business we unanimously voted to meet at Elizabeth’s Pizza for the remainder of the season. Many members adjourned to the parking lot to inspect the Timing & Scoring trailer’s new tow vehicle: the Severt’s new Ford Lightning. They all approved and look forward to seeing how quickly the equipment can get to this year’s events!
Chris Severt, Cape Fear Chapter Coordinator
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