BOD Minutes – September 21, 2011
Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
September 21, 2011
PRESENT: Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, James Shanks, Ron Gentry, Ginny Condrey, Clayton Condrey, Steve Keadle, Heather Powers, Wayne Quick, John Lindquist, Jerry Pell, Buddy Matthews, John Uftring and Hayden Beatty and, via telephone, Chris Severt and Eric Danielson.
1. The NCR BoD’s monthly meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:32 p.m., on Wednesday, September 21, 2011, at Carver’s on Elm restaurant, 106 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253 (Exit 147, I-85/40).
2. The RE introduced the guests in attendance: John Uftring, Clayton Condrey, Buddy Matthew and Hayden Beatty.
3. Motion (Shanks/Gentry) to approve the Minutes of the NCR’s Board of Directors Meeting of August 17, 2011; Passed.
The Treasurer, Steve Keadle, reported that the Region had cash on hand as of the end of August, 2011, of approximately $131,400.00, as is reflected on page 1 of his written Financial Report. Pages 2 thru 5 of said document is a Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison report, comparing income and expenses through August 31, 2011, to income and expenses through August 31, 2010. Total Income in 2011 is up approximately 4.2% over the same period in 2010. Expenses are up approximately 3.4% from 2010 and Net Ordinary Income is up approximately 7.7%, as compared to the same 8 months in 2010. Net Income through August 31, 2011 is up 23.6% over the same 8 month period in 2010. The Treasurer advises, however, that the revenue figures in the report reflect some early registration fees received, for the VIR race events to be held in October, which fees inflate the Net Income, and because most of the related Expenses for said October race events are not yet incurred, this factor also increases Net Profits. The Treasurer further reported as to the accounting process used regarding the Region’s debit card(s), issued to a Race Chair for purchasing supplies for the NCR, for her assigned race event. The Board also discussed the status of the 2011 food service budget. It appears that for 2011 there are some unspent funds in the 2011 budget for race event food services, which funds are available to cover the costs of food for the workers, and for the workers’ party(s), for the last two race events in October at VIR.
1. CMS Event: The BoD was advised that no financial report has yet been received from CCR regarding the outcome, financially, of our co-sponsored race event, held at CMS in August, 2011. Based upon the size of the CMS race entries, the BoD was advised that the financial results of this event should be positive. The BoD received a report regarding a critique of the CMS race event which event, naturally, had some problems, as this was the first night race event at CMS for the SCCA. There was a problem of insufficient lighting of the infield CMS track portion (especially the infield corners), which may be alleviated, in the future, by portable lighting units being placed at the corners of the infield portion of the track. The BoD discussed the issue of some problems with Timing and Scoring at the CMS event, and an inquiry as to same seems to confirm that the cause was mainly that Timing and Scoring received corrupted setup files from Registration, which, therefore, caused some delays in publishing complete and timely qualifying and race results, and also caused the failure of having the correct identification of some drivers, some pole positions and some car numbers being reflected in the T & S system printouts during the CMS event.
Ron Gentry advises that he also understood that part of the T & S problem was that the entry list that was downloaded from Registration to Timing and Scoring was, inadvertently, the Memorial Day entry list(s) from CCR’s last race event at CMP at Kersaw.
As to the alleged failure of the NCR to provide the agreed number of pop-up canopies for the CMS event, the NCR had committed to provide 4 pop up units, and it was confirmed that it did do so and that 2 of said 4 canopies, from the NCR, lent by Jerry Pell, were delivered by Bill Foster to CMS on Friday, and that the other 2 canopies, from the NCR, which are owned by the NCR, were delivered by Hayden Beatty to CMS on Friday. Steve Keadle advises that he, personally, confirmed the delivery of all 4 promised NCR pop ups to the CCR’s race chairs, delivered outside of the race event registration building at CMS.
There was also a discussion of the efforts made by NCR corner workers in moving some barriers to certain needed track locations, where the track had agreed to put them, but which barriers had not been moved to their required location, by the beginning of the CMS race event, specifically, barriers for turns 3a and 3b were not in position, prior to the event, as previously agreed by CMS.
2. Sanctioning Approval Process: The BoD discussed the difficult process (delay) and the unnecessary problems being caused to the Region, related to obtaining approval of the NCR’s Supps. for the Goblins Go Race event, to be held at VIR in October. The BoD was advised of the unnecessary problems being caused to NCR’s Registrar by the failure of the Supps. to receive from some of the SEDiv. authorities their appropriate approval, on a timely basis; the problem being an improper objection to a portion of the Supps. with reference to the pit road safety requirement of closed toed shoes (not sandals or flip flops) and sleeved shirts, which are required in the “hot” areas, as were properly set out in the proposed Supps.
3. The BoD received a report from Eric Danielson as to a yellow flag procedure change he recommends. Essentially, at VIR, for safety reasons, the Comp. Board has generated a rule, that will be in the Supps., which provides for a waiving yellow flag at the location on the track where there is an ongoing incident and wherein there are EV workers working in close proximity to the track surface, at the incident. Mr. Danielson reports that the proposed procedure, to be included in the Supps., is within the parameters of the GCR Rule as to use of the yellow flag, as there is nothing, he advises, within the GCR which prohibits a waiving yellow flag at the location were EV workers are working near the side of the track, assisting a disable race car(s). Further, VIR has expressed a desire for this waiving yellow flag procedure to be used at VIR to protect its EV workers, when working near the side of the track at a racing incident. Eric concluded his report by asking the BoD’s approval for him to formally ask the SCCA CRB to acknowledge that the GCR does not prohibit the use of this waiving yellow flag procedure to protect EV workers at the location of an incident, wherein the workers are near the track surface, as opposed to when workers, and/or a disabled car, are on the track, which on track situation the GCR mandates the use a waiving yellow flag. Motion (Keadle/Gentry) that Eric prepare the proposed question he wishes to submit to the CRB, and send the proposed question to the NCR BoD for its approval, prior to presenting the written question (issue) to the CRB; Passed.
1. Phil Hennrich: The RE advised of Phil Hennrich’s current medical situation and of the kind assistance Rex received from Phil’s mother, in transferring the Region’s radios and related equipment from Phil’s home, to the Region. The RE advises that he took delivery of the NCR’s radios and related equipment at Phil’s home and, subsequently, transferred the possession thereof to the NCR Chiefs of F&C. The BoD, by consensus, authorized the RE to negotiate with Phil’s family to purchase Phil’s small enclosed trailer, which Phil has lent to the Region for years, which trailer is located at VIR, wherein the NCR stores some of its support equipment. The BoD expresses its appreciation to Phil and his family for their efforts in collecting and staging the Region’s radio and related equipment, so that the Region was able to recover said equipment on a timely basis, being prior to the upcoming two race events at VIR.
2. The BoD approved the participation of the NCR as an exhibitor at the Carolina Collector Auto Fest Car Show, to be held at the Fairgrounds in Raleigh.
1. Chapters
A. Cape Fear Chapter. Chris Severt, Cape Fear Chapter Coordinator, advises that 15 members attended their last Chapter meeting, held the first Tuesday in September, wherein the Chapter discussed the SCCA SOLO Nationals, which has just been concluded, and further discussed the North Carolina AutoCross Championship fundraising efforts, now in process.
B. Triangle Chapter. James Shanks, Triangle Chapter Coordinator, advises that 15 members attended their last Chapter meeting, wherein Wayne Quick substituted for James Shanks and chaired the meeting.
C. West Chapter. John Lindquist, West Chapter Coordinator, advises that 19 people attended their last Chapter meeting, held on the first Tuesday in September. The Chapter viewed videos from the recent CMS race, including some footage of the night race at CMS, which showed the problems encountered by the drivers, at night, in the infield section, particularly at the corners of the infield section. Two of the West Chapter’s members, who also are regular employed corner workers for VIR, advised that VIR is actively now pursuing the installation of FIA type curbing, in replacement of the rumble strips, now installed at certain portions (corners) of the track at VIR.
2. Committees:
A. Awards Committee. James Shanks, Chairman, requests the name of the North Carolina Region member who recently won a National SCCA SOLO Championship, in his class, as a potential nominee for an annual NCR award.
B. Banquet Committee. No Report
C. Competition Board. The Comp. Board will meet in November, 2011, to prepare the Supps. for the NCR’s VIR races to be held in early 2012.
D. Solo. Chris Severt reports that 59 drivers are signed up for the next NCR SOLO event. There have been no SOLO events held by his Chapter since the last BoD meeting in August.
E. PDX/TT. No Report
F. Membership. James Shanks reports that NCR membership is steady at 744 members.
G. Publicity. John Uftring advises that the current issue of SportsCar has a full page ad, from the NCR, promoting the Region’s two races in October, 2011, at VIR. John advises that he would like to get the dates for the 2012 NCR races at VIR as soon as possible. The BoD discussed said request, but until VIR gives the NCR its firm race dates for 2012, via a contract or a commitment letter, our Regions’ preliminary race dates in 2012, at VIR, should not be publicized for fear of causing confusion if the Region does not receive its requested race dates, from VIR, for 2012.
H. Charities. No Report
Motion (Pell/Lindquist) to adjourn at 9:22 p.m.; Passed.
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report