BoD Minutes – September 16, 2015
Summary of Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Minutes
September 16, 2015
Present: Blair Stitt, Mark Senior, Buddy Matthews, Rex Deffenbaugh, Sam Fouse, Mike Spencer, James Shanks, Steve Keadle, Steve Rose, Bruce Dover
1. The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:30 pm, on Wednesday, September 16th 2015, at Pipers Deli, 3219 Old Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC, 27707.
2. The RE introduced guests in attendance: Mark Senior
3. Motion (Shanks/Stitt) to approve the minutes of August 2015. Passed
Financial Report: Treasurer Steve Keadle presented a Balance Sheet with previous year comparison to the BoD. The comparison showed an increase from last year. Net income thru August is $26,775.86 vs. $21,113.45 last year.
1. Chapters
a. Cape Fear: No report.
b. Triangle: James Shanks reported that 16 members attended the last chapter meeting. As there wasn’t a lot of business to discuss, the meeting was focused on what members have been up to along with the history project that James has been working on. James has come across several old region documents including an official entry form from the 1969 hill climb at Chimney Rock and a document advertising a 1969 pre goblins-go event hosted at a go-cart track.
c. West: Buddy Matthews reported that 13 members attended the last chapter meeting as well as 2 guests. Discussed at the meeting was the upcoming National Runoffs. There was also some in car video shown.
2. Committees
a. Membership: James Shanks reported that we currently have 753 members in the NCR. James also mentioned that our own Glen Long was recently in an article in Sports Car Magazine discussing the new MX-5 cup car that Long Road Racing is building. James also gave a brief update on the Tudor event at VIR in which the region had a tent displaying a couple of our member’s race cars. The cars on display were Jerry Pell’s ITA Miata and Bob Salmon’s Sports Racer. The purpose of the tent and cars was to promote NCR-SCCA. Last, James reported that region member Steven Shepherd who raced with us years ago, has been gracious in retaining older region documents for James to sort through for his history project.
b. Competition Board: No report
c. Solo: Mark Senior reported on a recent event at Cherry Point. Mark stated that there were many people signed up as well as 20 novices. Mark said it was a great two day event.
d. PDX/TT: Mark Senior reported that the NCR recently helped with a THSCC event at VIR. The region provided several instructors for the HPDE event which hosted around 200 people.
e. Publicity: Bruce Dover reported that an e-mail had been sent out on the 13/8 hour event.
f. Charities: No report.
g. Banquet: No report
h. Awards: No report
Old Business:
1. Office Computer: Bruce Dover reported that he obtained the regions new office computer for $547.47. This was slightly over budget; however, the BoD had no issue with this.
2. Enduro Trophies: Sam Fouse presented a report based on entries and trophy expenses. There will most likely be an increase this year by adding the 8 hour portion to the 13 hour event. What has been decided is that there will be a photo trophy for the teams and medallions for all drivers on the team.
New Business:
1. Tudor event: Sam Fouse reported that the region had a 10’x20’ tent set up at the recent Tudor event hosted at VIR. It was noted that there was a fantastic response to potential new members who had no idea they could be involved in racing. Sam mentioned that because of this event, we have 53 new contacts. Sam pointed out that the region had tremendous help from both Jerry Pell and John Lindquist. As a result, there was a motion (Fouse/Spencer) to grant 1 free entry to both John and Jerry for helping the region at the Tudor event. Passed
2. Almost free entry for Goblins-Go: Buddy Matthews pointed out that there are several region members who will be competing in the upcoming National Runoffs as well as the SIC. Buddy thinks it would be a good gesture to let region members who compete in these events, to be given a nearly free entry at our Goblins-Go event less insurance charges. After discussion by the BoD, and noting that the insurance was a nominal charge, there was a Motion (Spencer/Rose) to give any NCR region member who competes in the National Runoffs or the SIC a totally free entry to the Goblin’s-Go event. Passed
3. Office Copier: Bruce Dover brought to the BoD attention that the office copier will be in need of replacement. Bruce is going to check on available options. This item was tabled until the next meeting.
4. Distribution of NCR minutes: The BoD decided that as soon as minutes are available, that they may be distributed to any necessary parties such as race chair.
Motion to adjourn at 9:00 pm (Fouse/Stitt) Passed
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report