BOD Minutes – October 19, 2011
Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA
Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
October 19, 2011
PRESENT: Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, Steve Keadle, Ron Gentry, James Shanks, Blair Stitt, Heather Powers, Vern Harrison, John Lindquist, Wayne Quick, Jerry Pell and John Uftring.
1. The NCR BoD’s monthly meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:36 p.m., on Wednesday, October 19, 2011, at Carver’s on Elm restaurant, 106 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253 (Exit 145, I-85/40).
2. The RE introduced the guests in attendance: John Uftring and Blair Stitt.
3. Motion (Shanks/Gentry) to approve the Minutes of the NCR’s Board of Directors Meeting of September 21, 2011; Passed.
The Treasurer, Steve Keadle, presented a written Financial Report to the BoD consisting of a Balance Sheet with Previous Year Comparison and a Profit and Loss Budget versus Actual, for the period January 1 thru September 30, 2011. Net Income through September is approximately 5% less than the Net Income for the same 9 months in 2010. The Balance Sheet reflects Cash on Hand, as of the end of September, of approximately $135,000.00. With reference to the Profit and Loss Budget versus Actual report, thru September Total Income is approximately 27% less than projected by the budget. In the supplies category the report reflects expenditures of less than the budgeted amount. Net Ordinary Income thru September, which reflects, essentially, the results of the Region’s racing program, is less than the projected (“budgeted”) amount for Net Ordinary Income. Net Income, which is reflective of all income and all expenses, thru September, is approximately 51% less than the Net Income as projected in the budget. The SOLO program is operating slightly above the break even mark, and is now showing Net Income of approximately $330.00, thru September, 2011. The Treasurer also advised the BoD that the AutoCross Audit Report has been received by Ginny.
1. Phil Hennrich’s Trailer: The RE recommended to the BoD that the Region purchase Phil’s single axle Jar Tran enclosed trailer for $1,000.00, subject to the seller providing a valid NCDMV title to same. The Region’s use of the trailer will continue to be for storage and short haul delivery of the Region’s Race/SOLO support items, stored therein. Motion (Quick/Shanks) that the NCR purchase the Hennrich trailer for $1,000.00; Passed.
1. Radio Headsets: The RE advised the BoD that he has ordered, for the Region, 6 new David Clarke radio headsets, with connecting cords, which headsets are needed by the Region to adequately handle race communications during the last two NCR race events, in October, at VIR. The RE advises that the cost of the 6 headsets is $1,882.00, and he is requesting reimbursement of said amount. Motion (Keadle/Pell), that the Region reimburse the RE the amount of $1,882.00, being the cost of the 6 David Clarke headsets, which the RE has purchased for the Region; Passed.
2. Race Chair: The RE advises that Sara Snider will serve as the Race Chair for the NCR’s 13 Hour Charge of Headlight Brigade Enduro race event at VIR, in October, 2011, in replacement of Julie Snow, whose schedule would not accommodate this race assignment.
3. Waving Yellow Flag Interpretation: The BoD reviewed a draft of a letter from Eric Danielson to be sent from him, to the SCCA CRB as to a waving yellow flag interpretation he requests, which letter the BoD previously authorized Mr. Danielson to prepare, for the BoD’s review and approval, before its submission. Motion (Pell/Quick) that the BoD of NCR does hereby authorized Eric Danielson to now submit his waiving yellow flag interpretation letter to the SCCA-CRB; Passed.
4. Pig Picking Costs: The BoD discussed its desire that Wayne Quick again provide a pig picking during the 13 Hour Enduro race event at VIR in October, 2011. Motion (Lindquist/Keadle) that the NCR reimburse Wayne Quick for his out of pocket costs; Passed.
5. SEDiv. and SCCA National Convention Attendees: The BoD discussed the issue of who should attend the SEDiv. Annual Meeting, in Jeckle Island, and the SCCA National Convention on behalf of the NCR, as its designated representatives, and the issue of the reimbursement of said attendees travel and other costs applicable to each event. The BoD discussed, to a limited extent, the fact that prior BoD resolutions have dealt with who should attend, on behalf of the NCR, and what amount of reimbursement was appropriate. The BoD agreed to table this matter until the next monthly BoD meeting, so to allow time for the reimbursement procedures and attendees selection process to be reviewed, based upon prior selection procedures and the reimbursement budgets previously adopted, by resolution, by the BoD, for these two annual events.
1. Chapters
A. Cape Fear Chapter. No Report
B. Triangle Chapter. James Shanks, Triangle Chapter Coordinator, advises that 15 members attended their last Chapter meeting, wherein the membership discussed the VIR waving yellow flag procedure appearing in the NCR Supps., and its interpretation, as drafted by the Comp. Board; the membership also discussed the Region’s SOLO program’s substantial success, in terms of the numbers of entries and the number of SOLO events.
C. West Chapter. John Lindquist, West Chapter Coordinator, advises that 12 people attended their last Chapter meeting, wherein the membership reviewed some in-car race videos from the CMS race, held in August, 2011.
2. Committees:
A. Awards Committee. James Shanks, Chairman, gave a status report.
B. Banquet Committee. Vern Harrison advises that the banquet Chair person is considering Café Luna as the possible company to cater the Region’s annual banquet and he advised of 3 possible hotels in Raleigh where the attendees at the Awards Banquet may stay.
C. Competition Board. No Report.
D. Solo. No Report.
E. PDX/TT. No Formal Report, but James Shanks suggests that the Region needs to include more PDX events in our Region’s race program.
F. Membership. James Shanks reports that NCR membership is about the same as the preceding month.
G. Publicity. John Uftring, Chairman, advises that our Region’s advertising for 2011 has been completed and that he has some funds left in his budget to cover the costs of brochures for car shows which the Region will participate in. John also suggested that we employ Jeff Eng to design new advertising content/copy for the Region’s 2012 Double National race in April, 2012. The BoD will further consider this matter at its November BoD meeting, based upon additional information, to be obtained, as to the projected costs of his design services.
H. Charities. No Report. The BoD was advised that there is not a designated charity for the 13 Hour Enduro race event at VIR, to run in late October, 2011.
IT7R Class: Blair Stitt advises that after he registered, as an entrant, his IT7R car in the CCPS race, to be held as part of the Goblins Go event, that the CCPS Administrator(s) advised Blair that the CCPS had adopted, after he registered, new IT7R rules, that were different than the NCR’s IT7R Rules, for this class, which NCR IT7R Rules were previously posted on the NCR website, as required, and are applicable to SARRC and regional races in the NCR. Blair Stitt advises he was told he could not “enter” his IT7R car in the CCPS race, being a part of the Goblins Go event, because his IT7R race car did not now conform to the new CCPS IT7R rules, and that he would be disqualified if he ran his IT7R car in the CCPS race at the Goblins Go event, even if it was in full compliance with the NCR’s IT7R’s Rules, now in effect. After a substantial discussion of the issues, concerns, objections and burdens created by this CCPS rules process, as recently adopted by CCPS, which new CCPS’s IT7R rules exclude IT7R cars developed under the NCR’s IT7R rules, for this class, and which NCR IT7R rules are applicable to SARRC races and NCR regional races, the BoD discussed its options to deal with the CCPS IT7R rules matter. Motion (Pell/Shanks) to exclude all CCPS races from all of the NCR’s future (beginning in 2012) race programs at VIR. After further discussion, and with the consent of the Movants, it was agreed by the BoD to delay consideration of this Motion until the next NCR BoD meeting, in November, 2011.
Motion (Harrison/Quick) to adjourn at 9:10 p.m.; Passed.
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report