BoD Minutes – November 18, 2015
Summary of Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Minutes
November 18, 2015
Present: Rex Deffenbaugh, Mark Senior, Ericka Spencer, Buddy Matthews, Phyllis Matthews, Steve Rose, Blair Stitt, James Shanks, Mike Spencer, Sam Fouse, Bruce Dover, Steve Keadle, Heather Powers and via conference call, Eric Danielson
- The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:30 pm, on Wednesday, November 18th 2015, at Pipers Deli, 3219 Old Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC, 27707.
- The RE introduced guests in attendance: Ericka Spencer, Phyllis Matthews
- Motion (Shanks/Spencer) to approve the minutes of October 2015. Passed
Financial Report: Treasurer Steve Keadle reported that the region currently has approximately $104,000.00 cash in the bank.
- Cape Fear: No report
- Triangle: James Shanks reported that 19 members attended the last chapter meeting. Members enjoyed an in car video of Steve Rose competing at the National Runoffs and as always, the good old bench racing was in full force.
- West: Buddy Matthews reported that 18 members attended the last chapter meeting. Discussed at the meeting was the last board meeting as well as varying opinions on if the region needs a member directory in print.
- Membership: James Shanks reported that we currently have 748 in the NCR as of 11/18/2015. This is normal for this time of year.
- Competition Board: Mike Spencer reported that there has been no recent Competition Board meeting and there will be a need for a new venue.
- Solo: James Shanks reported on the NCR National Champions in solo. NCR congratulates Christina Peterson, champion in E Street Ladies, and Brittany “Nikki” Edwards, champion in F Street Prepared Ladies
- PDX/TT: No report
- Publicity: James Shanks reported that we have received an offer from Grassroots motor sports magazine for a full page ad for $1640 to advertise the NCR schedule. The BoD decided to not do anything at this time.
- Charities: No report.
- Banquet: No report, but mention that the banquet will be in Wilmington on January 9th 2016.
- Awards: James Shanks reported that the awards committee will meet after this BoD meeting to discuss upcoming awards to be given at the annual awards banquet.
Old Business:
- Region Copier: Bruce Dover reported that he has received the region’s new office copier and it is working great. He mentioned the various capabilities this machine has that the old machine did not. He is very pleased with it’s performance.
- Refund: Motion (Stitt/Rose) to refund Jeff Giordano a partial refund of $120 for a race he was unable to compete in at the Goblins-Go event. Passed
- Directory: Buddy Matthews has received varying opinions on whether the region should publish a paper member directory. Some of the membership would rather not have their personal information distributed in this manner. Buddy made note that he has checked our by-laws which state that the region has to have a list of all its members, but it does not have to be published. Buddy has written the National office to see if we have to do this at all. Item tabled
- 2016 schedule: It was noted that the scheduling conflicts we have been notified about, may not be conflicts at all from anything actually changing on the schedule. There appears to be a difference because in 2015, there were 5 weekends in October rather than 4. The same will be true in 2016. Nothing will change at this time and the comp board will look into it.
- Complaint letter to VIR: Eric Danielson reported that he had received a response to the complaint letter sent to VIR per BoD approval last month. Eric received a positive response from Kerrigan Smith indicating that action has been taken on behalf of VIR to correct the situation.
New Business:
- Enduro Options: Sam Fouse reported that he is looking into two other options that might be able to run with our existing 13/8 hour event. These options are other series which run different classing structure. More research will be done as this is a race no one wants to see go away.
- 13 hour signal lights: Rex Deffenbaugh reported that he needs to communicate with the comp board as to the minimum number of signal lights needed to accommodate our night portion of the 13 hour race. Some of our equipment is no longer working and repair is not a viable option. It was mentioned as to what color and how many lights would actually need to be used to communicate track condition to drivers. It is noted that this will be a topic for the next comp board meeting.
- NCR volunteer incentive program: There was discussion amongst the BoD about the current punch card system being used to keep track of how many days volunteers have worked in order to be compensated for time worked. Options will be looked into.
- Nominations for BoD positions: Nominations for the 2016 open BoD positions are as follows. Sam Fouse (RE), James Shanks (Secretary), Heather Clark (member at large), Morgan Mehler (member at large). This year we have exactly one nomination for each open BoD position. Steve Rose mentioned that the region could save a lot of postage, not to mention save a lot of hassle by not sending out ballots this year as there is no one to actually vote for other than the people running for the positions which are open. There is no competition. Motion (Rose/Stitt) to not send out ballots for the 2016 elections as this is a vote by acclimation. Passed. Nominees have officially won the BoD positions and will go into office as of January 2016.
Motion to adjourn at 8:54 pm (Keadle/Stitt) Passed
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report