BOD Minutes – June 19, 2013
Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
June 19, 2013
Present: Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, Buddy Matthews, Sam Fouse, Jerry Pell, Bruce Dover, John Lindquist, Annie Lindquist, James Shanks, Steve Keadle, Wayne Quick, Blair Deffenbaugh, Ginny Condrey, Kevin Condrey and Clayton Condrey.
1. The NCR BoD’s monthly meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:29 PM on Wednesday, June 19, 2013, at Carver’s on Elm Restaurant, 106 West Elm St., Graham, NC 27253 (Exit 147, I-85/40).
2. The RE introduced guests in attendance: Bruce Dover, Annie Lindquist, Kevin Condrey and Clayton Condrey.
3. Motion (Lindquist/B. Deffenbaugh) to approve the minutes of the May 15, 2013, NCR BoD meeting; Passed.
Financial Report:
Steve Keadle, Treasurer, advised the BoD that through May, 2013, the Region’s net income for the first five months is negative. Net revenue from all race events was positive, but after subtracting overhead (membership) costs the Region had a net loss through the first five months. The Treasurer presented written financial reports to the BoD, consisting of a Balance Sheet (1 page), as of May 31, 2013, reflecting approximately $100,000.00 of cash on hand, a Profit And Loss Budget Vs Actual, through May 31st (3 pages) and a Profit And Loss By Class, through May 31st (20 pages). The substantial repairs to the Region’s scales room at VIR have been completed, being within $200.00 of the amount budgeted for said repairs. Buddy Matthews and Dwight Cook, as volunteers, worked many days with the contractor, by doing the painting and other construction work, which reduced the labor cost to the Region, as the contractor did not have to use his staff’s time for their work product. The BoD thanks Buddy and Dwight, and the others who also helped with the repairs, for their time in working on the replacement of the siding, windows and double doors of the scales room at VIR.
Wayne Quick expressed concern that the Region’s cost for food for workers and the socials, at the SARRC/MARRS, March Memories and Double National events this year, considering there are two additional races on our schedule, in the fall, will exceed the total food budget for the year by a significant amount. The RE suggested that this food budget concern be passed on to the Race Chair, so that the year’s food costs can be closely monitored, and stay within the budget for said item.
Old Business:
1. VIR Letter. The BoD discussed the letter received, dated May 22, 2013, from VIR. In that regard, various BoD members expressed ideas on how best to cooperate with VIR regarding our common concerns and that an incident report prepared by VIR’s staff be reviewed and that additional needed information be obtained, so that the BoD may discuss the subject matter.
2. John Lindquist advised the BoD that at the last Comp. Board meeting, the Comp. Board dealt with the issue of adjusting future Supplemental Regulations for our races to deal with potential unused track time, as further detailed in his Comp. Board report, herein below set out.
New Business:
Community College Sponsorship. Steve Keadle suggested to the BoD that Wake County Community College has a “Wake Tech” auto repair program, whose students are typically auto enthusiasts, taking classes in automobile repair. Steve noted that a modest sponsorship, by the Region, of the Wake Tech auto program, or similar programs in other community colleges in the state, might be a good way to introduce potential new members, who are car enthusiasts, to SCCA and specifically the North Carolina Region and its road race events at VIR. Steve suggested some modest financial sponsorship of their “auto tech” program, through devoting a portion of our advertising budget to underwrite such sponsorship. It was suggested that the Region might buy an ad in the Community College tech news letter or campus newspaper and offer free entry passes to our VIR races, to the students in the auto tech programs. This type of a sponsorship program might be made available to not only Wake County Community College, but Guilford Tech Community College, Alamance County Community College, and similar institutions in the central part of our state, within reasonable proximity to VIR. A suggestion was made that the Region consider using some part of its 2013 advertising budget to underwrite a modest sponsorship (advertising in the publications) at some of the community college, directing said advertisement particularly to the auto tech students. It was also suggested that a potential auto cross site be located in the Raleigh-Durham (Triangle) area and that our Region consider holding an auto cross event in this part of the state, particularly directed to the community college auto tech students, and other car enthusiasts at the community college(s), as part of our Region’s efforts to grow SCCA membership.
1. Chapters.
A. Cape Fear Chapter: No Report.
B. Triangle Chapter: James Shanks, Chapter Coordinator, advises that 18 people attended the last Triangle Chapter meeting. Their regular meeting location has recently completed a makeover of the bar area, which the membership found appealing. Justin Deffenbaugh brought to the meeting and showed videos of their Pulsar racecar racing at VIR. The chapter membership also discussed some past business affairs of the Region.
C. West Chapter: Buddy Matthews, Chapter Coordinator, advises 14 people attended the last West Chapter meeting, wherein the business from the prior NCR BoD meeting was reviewed with the membership. Buddy advises that the chapter’s membership discussed the possibility of having an off-season picnic for the NCR, this summer. This suggestion was discussed by the BoD and the BoD indicated a strong interest in having such an event. Wayne Quick offered to use his mobile BBQ cooker and Buddy will check on potential locations.
2. Committees.
A. Awards: No report.
B. Banquet: The Banquet Chairperson for the last two years, and her husband (Neil Harrison), have recently moved from the Raleigh-Durham area to the Triad area and at the present time the BoD is unaware of whether the past Banquet Chairperson will serve as the Chairperson for the Banquet to be held in January, 2014.
C. Competition Board: John Lindquist, Comp. Board Chairman, further discussed the proposed Supplemental Regulations for the Goblins Go and the 13 Hour races, in the fall of 2013, which Supps. were approved at the last Comp. Board meeting and will be submitted to the NCR BoD in the near future. This fall’s Goblins Go race schedule was modified to change the time of the running of the Tar Heel Cup Pro Series race, to an earlier time. John advises that to deal with potential unused track time in future races, per the Supplemental Regulations, the schedule will, potentially, allow for an open wheel and closed wheel (time permitting) additional session on Saturday. With reference to the 13 Hour race, the proposed Supplemental Regulations specify that a stripe will be put behind the pit wall to limit the area in which the race teams may not intrude into the access path behind the pit wall, so as not to block EV access and so as to give the Stewards a definitive marked area which the race teams must observe, with reference to storing of their equipment behind the pit wall, within their limited pit area.
With further reference to our 2013, 13 Hour Enduro race, its Supplemental Regulations will be submitted to the Region’s BoD in the near term. The Comp. Board Chairman also advised the BoD that the last Comp. Board meeting was a good meeting. The suggestion, however, that a shorter enduro race event be included within the 13 Hour race event, in 2013, was not endorsed by the Comp. Board. Members of the Region’s BoD discussed the potential of having to, nevertheless, include in the future such a shorter enduro race within our 13 Hour race, in view of the ongoing negative financial results, from insufficient entries, to cover the direct costs, not to mention the indirect costs, of hosting our 13 Hour Enduro race event. The BoD, however, believes that such a decision will first be made with reference to a 2014 13 Hour Enduro race event, as the current scheduled 13 Hour Enduro event in 2013 does not now have a shorter enduro race included within the 13 Hour Enduro race.
D. SOLO: No report.
E. PDX/TT: No report.
F. Membership: James Shanks advises that the NCR’s membership is now at 732, down from 750 from last month.
G. Publicity: The individual preparing the artwork for the Region’s advertising for use in our fall ads in Grassroots Motorsports and Sports Car is still working on the art copy.
H. Charities: No report.
Motion to adjourn (Quick / Keadle) 8:57 PM; Passed.
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report