BOD Minutes – July 20, 2011


Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA
Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

July 20, 2011

PRESENT:  Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, Wayne Quick, John Lindquist, Annie Lindquist, Ginny Condrey, James Shanks, Ron Gentry, Jerry Pell, Steve Keadle, John Uftring, Heather Powers and, via telephone, Sara Snider.

1.  The NCR BoD’s monthly meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:31 p.m., on Wednesday, July 20, 2011, at Carver’s on Elm Restaurant, 106 West Elm Street, Graham, NC  27253 (Exit 147, I-85/40).

2.  The RE introduced the guests in attendance:  Annie Lindquist and John Uftring.

3.  Motion to approve the Minutes of the NCR’s Board of Directors Meeting of June 15, 2011, as corrected; Passed.


    Treasurer, Steve Keadle, reported that the Region’s Balance Sheet as of June 30, 2011, indicated Net Income of $17,790.00 for the first 6 months of 2011, which as compared to the same 6 months of last year is a 38.5% decline.  The Treasurer presented a written Financial Report, consisting of a Balance Sheet With Previous Year Comparison, along with a Profit and Loss Statement, comparing the budgeted amounts versus the actual amounts spent and the net income realized during the period January thru June, 2011.  Additionally, the Treasurer presented written statements of Profit and Loss By Class, for the period January thru July 9th, 2011, reflecting cash flow from each of the Region’s races and solo events through July 31, 2011.

    Some highlights of the Financial Reports indicate gross revenues thru June of $238,000.00, a decrease from the projected (budget) revenues thru June, 2011.  Despite the decrease in actual gross revenue through June, almost all of the Specialties and Committees have kept their respective actual spendings below their respective budget allowances.  One correction to the Financial Report is that the written Financial Reports inadvertently combined the amounts spent for two budgeted categories into one budgeted category, i.e. the trophy fund, whereas, in reality, both categories are within their respective budgets.  A copy of the above referenced Financial Reports are attached to these Minutes.


1.  NCR/CCR Race Event at CMS.  The BoD was advised that the proposed Supps. were received approximately 2 weekends ago from CCR and were then forwarded to Members of the NCR’s BoD and to Mr. and Mrs. Creighton, for SARRC approval, and to Mr. Ron Gentry, for CCPS approval; upon their approval the Supps. will then be forwarded to the National SCCA office to obtain sanction number(s) for the CMS race event.  The BoD discussed some issues as to moving some barriers to certain areas around the CMS track, for safety purposes.

     The BoD discussed the need for as many as 6 canopies (for the 4 corner stations at CMS and for pit and grid); the BoD discussed our Region supplying at least half of those canopies and also confirming with CCR that they will supply the other half, to assure there are sufficient canopies to provide cover for the corner workers at the four corner stations, and the workers on pit and grid.  It was indicated to the BoD that the NCR owns 2 canopies and that Jerry Pell will loan 2 additional canopies, to fulfill our Region’s obligation towards the canopy requirements for the CMS race event in August.


1.  Entry Fees for Goblin Go.  The BoD discussed the issue of discounts for multiple entries for the Goblins Go race in October, 2011.  Because this event includes four separate races (SARRC, double ECR and CCPS) and because of the multiple combinations of entries which can arise, it makes the calculation of the discounts difficult, with reference to entering that type of information (calculations) into Motorsports Regs., the software being used for registration for this event.  The RE appointed Ginny Condrey and Heather Powers, as a committee of two, to work out the handling of the race entry discount issue, for multiple entries, using their discretion, in coordination with the Motorsports Regs. people, as to handling the calculations of discounts in the registration program, for the Goblins Go event at VIR in October, 2011.

2.  NCR Logo.  The BoD discussed the issue of whether the NCR’s official logo is outdated, in its current form in reflecting the 50 year anniversary dates (1955-2005) for the Region.  The BoD seemed satisfied to keeping portions of the current logo, including the flags and a reference that the NCR has been racing since 1955.  The RE indicated that he will submit a request, via the Region’s website, to all the Region’s membership for their suggestions as to updating, or not, the Region’s logo, and requesting suggested specific design updates, for further consideration by the BoD.

3.  Mid-Year Meeting.  Because of a conflict the RE can not attend the SEDiv. Mid-Year Meeting this coming weekend, and Sara Snider, NCR’s Assistant RE, will represent the Region using the RE’s proxy, which proxy has been approved.  Sara will submit to the SEDiv. our traditional race dates at VIR for the 2012 SEDiv.’s proposed calendar, with the understanding that our Region’s VIR dates will not be confirmed by VIR until the late fall of 2011.

     With reference to the proposed 2012 SEDiv.’s race calendar and the Region’s fall race events at VIR next year, it appears that the 27th and 28th are the dates in October of 2012 for the Goblins Go race event at VIR and that the first weekend in November, 2012, would be the race weekend date for the Region’s 13 hour Charge of the Headlight Brigades race at VIR in 2012.

4.  Steve Keadle brought up the email sent to the BoD by Bruce Dover regarding his solicitation to the BoD to send to him the Chapter Reports, Summary of BoD Minutes and other important information for inclusion in the Region’s website.  Bruce is acting as the website “Editor” for the Region, and is requesting to receive and then post to the Region’s website all such articles, minutes and other information deemed appropriate for posting on the Region’s website.

5.  Website Advertising.  Sara Snider advises of an email from a company known as Performance Systems Direct (PSD), which is soliciting the Region for a discounted advertising rate for advertising on the Region’s website in exchange for giving all NCR Region members a discount on its merchandise, along with PSD adding the Region’s website as a link on PSD’s own website.  The consensus of the BoD is that this arrangement appears advantageous to all concerned.  Steve Keadle will talk to Jeff Eng about advertising fees, for the Region’s website, and an appropriate discount to be offered for non-monetary considerations, such as those offered by PSD.

6.  Solo Van.  The BoD discussed prior emails regarding the Solo Committee’s suggestion that it was considering the purchase of a van to tow the Solo Committee’s storage trailer.  The BoD discussed some of the liability issues and other costs related to the Region owning and operating motor vehicles and discussed some, disputed, history about vehicle(s) which the Region owned at a prior point in time.  As no formal proposal has been sent to the BoD, from the Solo Committee, no action was taken, at this time, on said suggestion.


1.  Chapters

     A.  Cape Fear Chapter.  No Report.

     B.  Triangle Chapter.  James Shanks, Triangle Chapter Coordinator, advises that 14 people attended their last Triangle Chapter meeting, which was held during the week of July 4th.  Its membership discussed some of the business matters considered at the previous BoD’s meeting and looked at pictures of Mark Senior’s “ugly” Chump car.

     C.  West Chapter.  John Lindquist, West Chapter Coordinator, advises that 15 people attended the last West Chapter meeting, wherein the membership viewed a recent SCCA Club race video from VIR, and it also discussed some of the agenda items from the previous NCR’s BoD meeting.

2.  Committees:

     A.  Awards Committee.  No Report

     B.  Banquet Committee.  The Banquet Committee has been provided with a budget number, as previously request, by the Treasurer.

     C.  Competition Board.  Sara Snider advises that the next Comp. Board meeting will be either in the last part of November (after Thanksgiving) or the second weekend in December, 2011; she will advise when a date is determined.

     D.  Solo.  No Report

     E.  PDX/TT.  No Report.

     F.  Membership.  No Report

     G.  Publicity.  John Utfring, Chairman, advises that he has obtained a reduced rate from SportsCar for two full page advertisements, one page, in September’s and one page October’s edition of SportsCar, for advertising the Region’s two remaining races at VIR this fall.  Additionally, he has arranged for the same advertising content to be in Grassroots Motorsports, in one of its monthly editions, to be published prior to the Region’s two fall VIR races. Because of some savings from the reduced rates being charged by SportsCar, John advises that there will be some funds left in his budget and available for printing of NCR-SCCA hand outs and brochures, for use by the Region at future car show events, and the like, being attended by the NCR.

     H.  Charities.  No charity has been designated for the 2011 Goblins Go event; the RE asked Ginny to send the BoD an email of a potential charity to be designated for the Goblins Go event, with some particulars as to the charities participation at the race event.

     I.  RE Report.  The RE reported to the BoD regarding various matters which he has been working on since the last BoD meeting.  He advises that there is now a link to the SEDiv.’s website on the NCR’s website.  He advises that Steve Rose has agreed to work with the Garmon family with reference to the memorial race named in honor of Mr. Robert B. Garmon, and that he will advise Steve Rose to coordinate the family’s wishes with Sara Snider, as the race Chair for the Robert B. Garmon Memorial race event.  Rex further advises that Mark Senior is talking with the VIR track officials about putting some advertisement on the Pace Car that will be provided by the Region, in lieu of the Pace Car which the track is no longer providing.  The RE also discussed the issue of posting the Region’s By-Laws and its Operations Manual on the Region’s website.  Ginny pointed out that the “Revised” Operations Manual has not yet been adopted by the BoD, but that upon it being adopted it should be posted, along with the By-Laws.  The Region’s By-Laws will, however, now be posted on the website, irrespective of the timing of the posting of the Operations Manual on the Region’s website.


     Ginny advises that upon checking her records she finds that the above referenced Financial Report error combined $6,780.00 of tow fund expense and $2,260.00 of national trophy fund expense into one category (national trophy).  In comparing the amounts actually spent to date in these two accounts to their respective budgeted amounts, both are now below budget.

Motion (Quick/Keadle) to adjourn at 9:05 p.m.; Passed.


  • All
  • BoD Minutes
  • Cape Fear Chapter Report
  • Triangle Chapter Report
  • West Chapter Report