BOD Minutes – December 19, 2012
Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
December 19, 2012
PRESENT: Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, Ron Gentry, Sara Snider, Wayne Quick, Jean Quick, Buddy Matthews, John Lindquist, Annie Lindquist, Steve Keadle, Jerry Pell, Neil Harrison, Heather Powers, James Shanks, Ginny Condrey, Clayton Condrey, John Uftring, and, via telephone conference call, Chris Severt, Mark Senior and Eric Danielson.
1. The NCR BoD’s monthly meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:31 p.m., on Wednesday, December 19, 2012, at Carver’s on Elm Restaurant, 106 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253 (Exit 147, I-85/40).
2. The RE introduced guests in attendance: Jean Quick, Buddy Matthews, Annie Lindquist, Clayton Condrey and John Uftring.
3. Motion (Lindquist/Snider) to approve the Minutes, as corrected, of the November 28, 2012, NCR BoD Meeting; Passed.
Steve Keadle, Treasurer, advised the BoD that the Region’s cash in bank position is now $121,500.
1. Worker’s Credits. The BoD decided to continue the discussion of this matter until the next BoD meeting.
2. Conventions. James Shanks, Triangle Chapter Coordinator, advised the BoD that at his last Chapter meeting its members discussed the Tarheel Cup Pro Series’ (“TCPS”) Financial Report presented by the Series Administrator to the NCR BoD, at its November 28, 2012 meeting, and that at said BoD meeting the BoD discussed Ron Gentry’s failed motion to cancel the TCPS in 2013. The BoD then proceeded to inquire as to who intended to attend the SCCA National Convention in 2013 and the following BoD members indicated their intent to attend the SCCA National Convention: Chris Severt, Ron Gentry, Rex Deffenbaugh, Sara Snider, John Lindquist and Jerry Pell.
The BoD then discussed the criteria for reimbursement of certain expenses incurred in attending said Convention by BoD members as designated by the BoD. Motion (Pell/Quick) to allocate $6,000.00 towards the expenses of the NCR’s authorized attendees to the 2013 National SCCA Convention, with said amount being first applied to the expenses of the RE and Assistant RE incurred in attending the Convention, covering their airfare, hotel room, convention registration fee, airport to hotel round-trip transportation costs and airport parking fee expense; with the balance of the allocated funds ($6,000.00) then remaining to the be divided equally among only the then currently serving and attending BoD members, in partial reimbursement of their expenses, of the same type, but only up to the amount of their actual incurred designated expenses. The Motion Passed with seven in favor and four opposed.
SEDiv Convention/Jekyll Island Meeting. The BoD authorized the reimbursement of SEDiv. Convention expenses, consisting of the convention and banquet registration fees, one-half of a hotel room, gasoline expenses, and in the case of four attendees from the NCR sharing a rental car, the cost of same. Ten NCR members indicated an intent to attend the SEDiv. Convention at Jekyll Island in 2013, but two of the members indicated that they only wished to receive fuel expense reimbursement.
3. Atlanta Region SARRC. The RE advises that the Atlanta Region has withdrawn its request for a SARRC waiver in 2013, from the NCR.
4. SCCA Majors Event at VIR. The RE advised of the receipt of a proposed “Letter of Agreement”, from Butch Kummer of National SCCA, regarding the NCR’s Majors event at VIR in 2013, being held in conjunction with our Double National at VIR in April, 2013. The proposed Letter of Agreement from National SCCA requests an additional $50 per car fee, to be paid to SCCA, for all entries at the “Majors” event at VIR. The BoD discussed some resistance to said $50 fee now being voiced by some other regions also hosting Majors events at their respective venues in 2013, regarding this additional substantial cost factor. The RE will follow up with reference to this issue and the proposed Letter of Agreement, and the matter will be further discussed at a subsequent BoD meeting.
5. VIR Registration Location. Rex Deffenbaugh and Ginny Condrey recently traveled to VIR to look at other potential registration facilities which the NCR was advised may be available for registration. After some difficulty in obtaining access to some of the potential facilities, that VIR had indicated to us as potential race registration facilities, Rex and Ginny looked at four possible facilities at VIR for our race registration facility. The problems, limitations and negative factors of the “trailer” unit make it not workable for registering our SCCA race events. The Senergy building has a “store-front” area on one end of the building, with room in the back for people in line waiting to register. The other half of that building is occupied by Sasco, but the Sasco facility, at present, in their part of the building, is not as suitable for registration as the Senergy facility. The other two buildings considered are just open buildings with only bathrooms and no other facilities. The BoD was advised that Danny Marshall, an SCCA member, is the owner of the Senergy facility. The BoD discussed making a request that the Senergy facility be made available for SCCA registration and that Mark Senior should handle such a request to VIR. Motion (Pell/Keadle) to authorize Mark Senior to now formally request of VIR that it make the Senergy facility available to the NCR for registration purposes for our SCCA race events in 2013 at VIR; Passed.
1. Schedule for 2013 NCR Events. The BoD discussed what races should be included in our March, May and October VIR race events. No formal action was taken by the BoD to specify exactly what race series would be included in each of the March, May and October NCR-SCCA races at VIR in 2013.
2. Old VIR Food Invoice. Ginny advised the BoD of the recent receipt, from VIR, of an old invoice, from October, 2011, for an alleged balance due for food service provided at our October Goblin’s Go event in 2011. The BoD indicated its reluctance to honor any invoice received more than 90 days after the conclusion of an event. The invoice in question was received more than a year after the conclusion of our event, which invoice seemed to be for an amount allegedly unpaid from that event. The Region’s records indicate that it paid all invoices received for that event in 2011. The BoD indicated its objection to paying said old invoice which was received more than a year after the conclusion of the event, at which the charge (invoice) was allegedly incurred.
3. Races for 2013. The content (series to be included in) of the NCR race events for our 2013 races at VIR was further discussed. Though no formal action was taken, the BoD discussed including a shorter endurance race within the 13-Hour Endurance race, in October, 2013, to try to increase registration for that event, giving priority to 13-Hour race entries. The pros and cons of running a shorter enduro race within the 13-Hour Enduro were discussed, including using the South paddock for pitting the cars racing in the shorter endurance race included in the 13-Hour Enduro event.
4. Adjustment of Dates for BoD Meetings in 2013. James Shanks suggested that because the normal BoD meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month and the scheduled race dates in April and October, 2013, are within the same week, and the problems this causes, that the BoD should consider adjusting the dates for the BoD meetings in 2013 in April and October. By Motion Passed, the BoD directed that the April 2013 BoD meeting be moved to April 10, 2013, and that the October 2013 BoD meeting be moved to October 9, 2013, each being one week earlier than the normal scheduled meeting dates.
1. Chapter:
A. Cape Fear Chapter: Chris Severt, Chapter Coordinator, advised that 14 people attended their last Cape Fear Chapter meeting, wherein their members discussed the minimum number of SOLO entries that a SOLO competitor must enter in the year to qualify for the Annual SOLO Championship Award for a SOLO Class.
B. Triangle Chapter: James Shanks, Chapter Coordinator, advised that 19 members attended the last Triangle Chapter meeting, which membership discussed some of the matters from the previous NCR-BoD meeting.
C. West Chapter: John Lindquist, Chapter Coordinator, advised that 16 people attended the last West Chapter meeting, wherein the membership discussed including a shorter enduro race event within the 13-Hour Enduro race event in 2013. The membership was advised of VIR’s recent track drive around safety issue, because of two rollovers at the last VIR sponsored track drive around (not an SCCA event). John also advised of the upcoming Car Show in January, at the Greensboro Coliseum, and suggested that this year we use four individual display spaces, grouped together, to show four SCCA race cars. Potential race cars available are Bill Black’s Cadillac and Tim Lion’s GT-1, together with a IT or SM race car and an open wheel or formula race car. Motion (Keadle/Severt) that the NCR pay the $60 per car entry fee, for four cars, and the SCCA booth workers’ entry fees for the SCCA presentation area (booth) at the January, 2013 Car Show in Greensboro; Passed.
The BoD then returned to the issue of the SARRC/MARRS VIR event in May, 2013, and the request by MARRS to receive a $40 to $50 per car fee for each MARRS car entered in the SARRC/MARRS event in 2013. The BoD discussed potential ways to deal with the very large discrepancy between the $5 per car SARRC fee and the $40 to $50 per car MARRS fee. Suggestions included raising the MARRS fee for this event by the amount MARRS wants above $5 per MARRS car, by increasing a MARRS car entry fees by said amount, for the event, or limiting the MARRS car fee to a $5 per MARRS car fee, an amount equal to the SARRC fee, or some amount in between. The BoD discussed having the RE to enter into discussions with the DC Region/MARRS group. It was suggested that a potential cancellation of the Double SARRC/MARRS event might be necessary if an agreeable solution is not reached as to the MARRS fee, and that our event would then run only as a Double SARRC, but would still be open to all drivers from the DC Region, and all others who wish to race in a SARRC event, or who wish to race at the event but want to waive SARRC points.
2. Committees
A. Awards: James Shanks, Committee Chair, advised that the Committee has completed its awards selection process for 2012 and that without disclosing the recipients of a particular award to be received, that some potential recipients have been advised that they will receive an award and have been encouraged to attend the NCR Annual Banquet. James advises that the Committee’s expense for the annual awards this year is approximately $2,000.00, being higher than the amount he had anticipated.
B. Banquet: No report, though the BoD was advised that the deposit for the location for the 2012 banquet has been made.
C. Competition Board: Sara Snider, Competition Board Chairperson, advises that the Competition Board will meet on January 13, 2013. Heather Powers suggested that the BoD reimburse some members of the Competition Board who recently appeared for an announced Competition Board meeting and were surprised to learn, upon their arrival, that the meeting had been cancelled without notice to them and, thus, they had incurred transportation costs unnecessarily. Motion (Powers/Quick) to reimburse three named Competition Board members, in the amount of $40 each, for the fuel expenses they incurred in attending the cancelled Competition Board meeting; Passed.
D. SOLO Committee: Chris Severt advises that their last SOLO event for the year was held on December 8th, 2012, at the Community College facility in downtown Wilmington (a small SOLO site), and that as said event was a designated charity event the SOLO Committee only had to pay the $80 insurance fee, as opposed to also paying a per car rental fee for use of the SOLO site. Seventy-three entries participated in said event. The designated charity was “Toys for Tots.” From each SOLO entry fee, $5.00 was allocated to “Toys for Tots” and between the cash obtained from the SOLO event and the toys donated, a total of approximately $600.00 in toys was collected and disbursed, from this event, through the “Toys for Tots” charity program. Chris was congratulated by the BoD for a recent television interview he gave in conjunction with a SOLO event, put on by his Committee. It was suggested that a copy of said television interview, which gave recognition to the Cape Fear Chapter, the NCR and SCCA, be forwarded to the National SCCA office for appropriate consideration of this outstanding PR effort. Chris advises that the SOLO Committee’s financial situation, as of the end of this year, is looking strong.
E. PDX/TT: No report.
F. Membership: James Shanks advised that membership in the Region is now about 720.
G. Publicity: No report.
H. Charities: No report.
Motion (Pell/Powers) to adjourn at 9:35 p.m.; Passed.
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report