BOD Minutes – December 17, 2014
Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
December, 17 2014
Present: Buddy Matthews, John Lindquist, Annie Lindquist, Steve Keadle. Blair Stitt, Rex Deffenbaugh, James Shanks, Steve Rose, Mike Spencer, Sam Fouse, Heather Powers, Bill Foster, Ginny Condrey, Bruce Dover, and via conference call, Blair Deffenbaugh, Eric Danielson.
- The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:37pm, on Wednesday, December 17th, 2014 at Pipers Deli, 3219 Old Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC, 27707.
- The RE introduced guests in attendance, Bruce Dover, Annie Lindquist, and Bill Foster
- Motion (Lindquist/Fouse) to approve the Minutes of November 19, 2014 amended per typo correction under 2a. Passed
Financial Report: Treasurer Steve Keadle reported that we have a net income for the year of $15,792.00. This number is higher than it was at this time last year. The Region was under budget for the year, keeping in mind that we did not host an event in March. A profit and loss statement was given to the BoD and retained for our records.
1. Chapters
a. Cape Fear: No report.
b. Triangle: James Shanks reported that 15 members attended the last Chapter meeting. There were discussions about the upcoming awards to be presented at the banquet as well as the elections. Members running for BoD positions that were in attendance had the opportunity to say a few words.
c. West: Buddy Matthews reported that 13 members attended the last Chapter meeting. Discussed at the meeting were the events of the last BoD meeting. Bill Foster reported to the BoD about VIR’s expanded schedule for 2015. There will be several more events hosted at the track including the Tudor series, motorcycles and even a series that races semi-trucks. Bill also noted that the hill between turns 4 and 6 on driver’s right will be removed for next year.
2. Committees:
a. Membership: James Shanks reported the NCR is currently at 775 members.
b. Comp Board: John Lindquist reported that there is a committee responsible for the Region introducing a shorter 8 hour race to be run inside of our 13 hr race in October. At this point, the BoD agrees this might be a good idea for the Region. There are still several details that will need to be worked out. Also reported are that the entry fees for March have not been finalized. Last, Steve Keadle reported that the MARRS series will once again be part of our May event, but will not be with us in March.
c. Solo: No report.
d. PDX/TT: No report.
e. Publicity: Bruce Dover reported that an e-mail was sent out to the membership with a meet and greet of the candidates running for BoD positions. Also, Bruce mentioned there is a feature in Constant Contact when an e-mail is sent, there is also a post made to either Facebook or Twitter. When this is done the post is formatted in a way where the end result is undesirable. Blair Deffenbaugh commented that he is working on a way to resolve this issue.
f. Charities: No report.
g. Banquet: No report
h. Awards: James Shanks reported that everything is working very well with the Awards Committee. At this point, there have been nominations, and work is being done by the whole committee rather than just one person. It was also reported that the Solo group will do their own awards presentation at the Banquet.
Old Business
1. SRF 30th Anniversary: Ginny Condrey reported that if NCR still wishes to host the SRF anniversary at VIR in October, the Region will need to work toward this. It was reported that the Region is in competition with an event at Mid-Ohio which would also like to host this event.
New Business
1. Twitter/Facebook: There was discussion amongst the BoD about the fact that several members of the Region are posting data to the Region’s Facebook and Twitter accounts. The problem with doing this is that much of the data is not necessarily NCR official business, rather personal opinions of Region members. Blair Deffenbaugh stated that the Region now has control over site administrators as to who can post what information. He also stated that it would be important that the Region comes together to decide what and where to post relevant information pertaining to the NCR-SCCA. Bruce Dover clarified that many posts that are made on Twitter get automatically posted on to our Facebook account. Sam Fouse suggested that we have a small group or committee responsible for posting information to such sites.
2. Jeff Lengel: Buddy Matthews reported that Jeff Lengel has done a significant amount of work on our scales over the past year. Buddy commented that if the Region were to have had this done by a repair company, the cost would have been significant. Buddy suggested it would be in the Region’s best interest to reimburse Jeff for his time and expenses, and he may be able to do this again for the Region in the future. This reimbursement would be a significant savings to the Region. Motion (Stitt/Keadle) to pay Jeff Lengal to cover time spent and expenses associated with the repair and upkeep of the Region’s scales. Passed
3. Ginny Condrey: Rex announced to the BoD that Ginny will be retiring from her duties at the end of 2015. Rex mentioned that we will need to find several people to fill the job duties that Ginny has done over the years. There was mention of the Region’s Treasurer, Steve Keadle, as someone who would be able to take over the book keeping duties that Ginny was doing.
4. TV ad: Rex discussed a recent inquiry to the Region about an ad for television that would air as part of a program about sports car racing. There was much discussion amongst the BoD to the fact that more research needs to be done on this matter. It is not clear at this point what the Region would receive for the money this would cost. James Shanks mentioned that we simply do not have enough information to proceed forward at this time.
5. Track Night: Bruce Dover reminded the BoD that SCCA wants to do “Track Night” at VIR next year. This would be an evening of PDX held during a weeknight.
Motion to adjourn at 9:19pm (Keadle/Lindquist) Passed.
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report