BoD Minutes – August 19, 2015
Summary of Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Minutes
August 19, 2015
Conference Call Meeting
Present: Steve Rose, James Shanks, Rex Deffenbaugh, Blair Stitt, Bruce Dover, John Byers, Heather Powers, Buddy Matthews, Mike Spencer, Sam Fouse, Steve Keadle
1. The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:30 pm, on Wednesday, August 19th 2015, via conference call.
2. Motion (Byers/Shanks) to approve the minutes of July 2015. Passed
Financial Report: No report.
1. Chapters
a. Cape Fear: John Byers stated that the chapter would like to separate the current chapter coordinator/solo chair into two separate positions. It was announced that John will continue as the chapter coordinator, and Morgan Mehler will be filling in the separate position of Solo Chair. John also mentioned of the upcoming events at Cherry Point.
b. Triangle: James Shanks reported that 14 members attended the last chapter meeting. Discussed were the last BoD meeting along with current financials as well as the happenings amongst our members in attendance.
c. West: Buddy Matthews reported that 12 members attended the last chapter meeting. Discussed at the meeting was the recent picnic as well as the last BoD meeting.
2. Committees
a. Membership: James Shanks reported that we currently have 743 members in the NCR. This is our traditional low point for the year. James also reported on the recent picnic the region hosted. Approximately 35 members attended the event and everyone who came had a great time. It was mentioned that the region will do this again next year. Last, James reported on the region history project he has been working on. James has received several old region bulletins which are being scanned into electronic format. There is a possible source of bulletins available dating back to 1968.
b. Competition Board: Mike Spencer reported that the comp board has not met, but has had several calls pertaining to both the Goblins and 13hr events. Mike explained he has heard both sides to allowing Chump and Lemons cars to compete in our events, both pro and con. Mike has taken the time to explain that the region has done this to ensure we will fill the grid and keep the events in the future.
c. Solo: John Byers reported on recent upgrades to the solo trailer including a much needed sway control. Solo has also purchased a wireless timing display board for the regions events that will allow spectators, as well as the competition, to see what’s going on.
d. PDX/TT: No report.
e. Publicity: Bruce Dover reported that an e-mail had been sent out on the 13/8 hour event, one went out for the picnic, and another will be sent out again for the 13/8.
f. Charities: No report.
g. Banquet: It was reported that the banquet will be in Wilmington again this year. Buddy Matthews reported that the park being used for the regions picnics also has a building that could accommodate us in the future. There is interest in moving the banquet toward Greensboro, possibly next year. (2017)
h. Awards: No report
Old Business:
1. Approval of October supps: Several items were discussed on the supps for both October events. The code 35 procedure was once again discussed, and there were some wording changes that were made about withdrawals for the 13/8. The wording in the supps will read that, “Withdrawals received after October 1st will be refunded, less a $100 expense fee”. There was also a change on the wording for trophies that will read, “Trophies will be awarded on a to be determined basis”. “Team trophies will be awarded per the GRC”. Motion to submit supps as amended (Spencer/Fouse) Passed.
2. Trophies for 13/8: Mike Spencer has been in contact with F&S about trophies for the 13/8. He has not heard back as of yet. It was also mentioned that Jeff Eng has been tasked with designing a logo for the event to use as the region sees fit. Possible use of logo would be the trophies, shirts, or other merchandise.
New Business:
1. Chin Motorsports: As usual, Chin Motorsports will be arriving for a Sunday event while out 13/8 is going on. They will paddock in the marked off section (unpaved) near the grid barn as they have done in past years.
2. Production Festival: It was noted that there will be new people in charge of the production festival this year. The region has decided to still give them a recognized race, but a few classes have been added to their run group this year.
3. Tent @ Tudor race (VIR): The region will have a space at the Tudor event this year ($200 expense) to publicize the region and grass roots racing. The region will have 2 SCCA race cars on display and several region members will work the event to promote our club.
4. Office computer: Bruce Dover stated that he will be in need of a new office computer for the regions business. The BoD authorized the amount of $500 for Bruce to do so.
Motion to adjourn at 9:00 pm (Fouse/Spencer) Passed
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report