BOD Minutes – August 17, 2011

Summary of Minutes of NCR-SCCA
Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

August 17, 2011

PRESENT:  Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, Mark Senior, James Shanks, Ron Gentry, Steve Keadle, Chris Severt, Elizabeth Severt, Ginny Condrey, Wayne Quick, John Lindquist, Annie Lindquist, Vern Harrison, Jerry Pell, Heather Powers, John Uftring and, via telephone, Sara Snider.

1.     The NCR BoD’s monthly meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:41 p.m., on Wednesday, August 17, 2011, at Carver’s on Elm Restaurant, 106 West Elm Street, Graham, NC  27253 (Exit 147, I-85/40).

2.     The RE introduced the guests in attendance:  Annie Lindquist, John Uftring, Mark Senior and Elizabeth Severt.

3.     Motion (Shanks/Snider) to approve the Minutes of the NCR’s Board of Directors Meeting of July 20, 2011; Passed.


     The Treasurer, Steve Keadle, reported that for the 7 month period ending July 31, 2011, that the Region had cash on hand of $122,699.69 and that our Region’s net income through July 31, 2011 was $19,104.24.  The Treasurer presented a 13 page written Financial Report as of July 31, 2011, which report included a Balance Sheet, a Profit and Loss Statement, for said 7 month period, and a separate Profit and Loss Statement Previous Year Comparison analysis, comparing the same seven month period in 2010 to the current seven months in 2011.  These reports reflect ordinary income attributable to the racing events, the solo events and the membership dues, as well as some miscellaneous income.  Net income as of the end of July, 2011, for the seven month period, is approximately $7,300.00 less than the net income for the same seven month period in 2010, a decrease of approximately 27%.


     1.  Solo Transport.  Chris Severt made a presentation to the BoD as to the Solo Committee’s interest in, potentially, acquiring a van to use as a tow vehicle for the Solo Committee’s equipment trailer, which van would also serve as the on-site registration facility for the Solo events, thereby saving the work of having to unload all the Solo equipment from the trailer in order to create a space for Solo registration.  Chris indicated that the Committee is not pursuing the purchase of a van that was for sale by another Solo group (Tarheel), as it was determined that the van did not have the towing capacity to handle the Region’s larger Solo equipment trailer.  The RE discussed the BoD’s concerns as to the total costs involved in vehicle ownership, including not only the cost of the acquisition, but the related costs of operation (repairs, fuel, maintenance, insurance, taxes, tags and storage).  The BoD expressed its support of the idea of a van for use by the Solo committee as a tow vehicle and a Solo registration facility, subject to sufficient funding arrangements.  Chris indicated that his committee would put together a plan, which would included an analysis of projected acquisition and operation costs, as well as the method of funding the costs of acquisition and operation of the van, upon which plan the NCR BoD can then consider an appropriate contribution amount to be allocated to the Solo van project, from funds available to the Region.  The BoD discussed potential monetary sponsorship efforts that the Solo Committee might use in raising funds for the van’s acquisition and operation costs.  The RE emphasized to the Solo Committee that the BoD views the Solo program as a material and very important part of the Region’s total program of motor vehicle competition events.

     2.  Waving Yellow Flag Policy Issue.  Eric Danielson, the NCR’s Flag Chief, sent a memo to the BoD as to his request to represent the Region with reference to a proposed waving yellow flag policy (rule), as described in his memo, and he suggested a need for a clarification of the GCR’s waving yellow flag rule, with reference to how same is described in (applied by) the GCR.  The BoD discussed the present GCR language as to both the standing yellow flag and the waiving yellow flag rules, and the circumstances under which each flag is appropriately used.  The BoD instructs the NCR’s Competition Board to draft a “local” waiving yellow flag rule to be applicable to the NCR’s races at VIR.  The RE will talk with Eric as to what other, if any, actions may be necessary or appropriate with reference to a NCR local waiving yellow flag rule, as is adopted by the NCR’s Comp. Board.  The intention is to, at least, put into the Region’s Supps for its races at VIR, the local “waiving yellow flag rule” which is adopted by the NCR’s Competition Board.


     1.  Goblins Go Grouping.  The issue as to the preliminary grouping of SFR and SM classes in the same race group, for the Goblins Go race in October, 2011, at VIR, has been resolved.  Consultations between the Race Chair, the Chief Steward and the Region’s Registrar considered the significant concerns expressed by many people about the proposed grouping of SFR and SM in the same race group.  The Chief Steward for the Goblins Go event, Ken Blackburn, advised that he did not want those two classes in the same race group, for multiple reasons, which reasons have been discussed through emails between the BoD and many other interested parties over the past few weeks.  The decision reached by the Chief Steward, Race Chair and the Registrar is to group the Spec Racer Ford class with the “Little Wings” race group, being the best alternative, based upon the race groups as classified for the Goblins Go event.

     2.  Improved Touring Driver’s Championship.  The RE brought to the BoD’s attention the efforts of some SCCA members who are advocating for a National IT Championship, via a points system, earned at designated race tracks (events) during the year, including, possibly, VIR as one of the IT Championship points race designated venues.  The BoD considered the pros and cons of such a broad proposal, as presented, and decided that it would await further details and specifics before taking any action regarding such proposal.

     3.  North Carolina Autocross Championship.  Chris Severt advises that the five autocross clubs in North Carolina, one being our own SCCA Solo group, hold an annual state championship Solo event, wherein each autocross club in N.C. sends a team of a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 Solo drivers to compete, team wise, against the other four teams, for the state championship.  Chris indicated a desire for suggestions as to how to obtain some funds needed to pay a part of some of the expenses (travel and lodging) of our SCCA Solo team, out of the Wilmington area, which will be competing for the state championship event, which this year will be held in Charlotte.  Chris hopes to build a full team of 20 SCCA Solo drivers, but a minimum of 10 is necessary.  The cost of hotel rooms (2 nights stay) and travel expenses were discussed.  The BoD discussed some fundraising suggestions to help supplement the Solo teams travel and lodging expenses while participating in the North Carolina Autocross Championship event this fall.

     4.  Location of SIC.  The BoD was advised of a movement by some SCCA members in the SEDiv to rotate the SIC race among additional tracks in the SEDiv.  The BoD considered some of the pros and cons of rotating the SIC race within the SEDiv, potentially from a northern race site to a southern race site and a mid division race site, such as Roebling Road Raceway, in Savannah.  The RE will direct the Region’s SARRC Representative to raise the SIC track rotation issue at the next SARRC Committee Meeting for discussion and consideration, but the NCR’s BoD, at this time, does not take a position, one way or the other, as to the rotation of the SIC event; the NCR’s BoD purpose in directing its SARRC Representative to open up the subject is to raise the issue for a full discussion by the SARRC Committee.

     5.  Illumination Boards.  A vendor of illumination boards, located in Florida, contacted a member of the NCR BoD, requesting assistance from the Region to promote his efforts to sell illumination boards for use at the Region’s 13 hour race event in October, 2011.  Based upon the BoD’s prior action and its expressed intention to refer all inquires, as to purchase or rental of illumination boards, to Jeff Lengel, who agreed, at no financial risk to the Region, that he would acquire a sufficient number of illumination boards and sell or rent them for use at the NCR’s 13 hour race, the BoD’s response to the vendor from Florida is that he would have to purchase his own advertising on the Region’s website and make his own arrangements, to be a licensed vendor, with VIR, as to selling his illumination boards at the 13 hour race.


1.     Chapters

     A.  Cape Fear Chapter.  Chris Severt, Cape Fear Chapter Coordinator, advises that only 4 people attended their July Chapter meeting (week of the 4th), but that their next Chapter meeting was much better attended.

     B.  Triangle Chapter.  James Shanks, Triangle Chapter Coordinator, advises that 21 people attended their last Chapter meeting, wherein a video was shown of portions of the “Chump Car” race, recently held at VIR, a “24” hour event.

     C.  West Chapter.  John Lindquist, West Chapter Coordinator, advises that 19 people attended the last Chapter meeting, wherein a race video from a SCCA race at VIR was shown.  John advised the BoD of the suggestion made by Peter Romanowski with reference to a simplified yellow “light” arrangement which could be used during the NCR’s 13 hour event, at night; his suggestion being that the same blinking yellow light system rule be used at the NCR’s 13 hour race at VIR as is used at the Rolex 24 hour race at Daytona.

2.  Committees:

     A.  Awards Committee.  No Report

     B.  Banquet Committee.  No Report

     C.  Competition Board.  Sara Snider, Assistant RE, advises that the adoption of a requested local waving yellow flag rule, for use at VIR, will be considered at the next Comp Board meeting, with the intent of adding the adopted local rule to the Supps, for use beginning with the Goblins Go race event at VIR in October, 2011.

     D.  Solo.  Chris Severt reports that June’s Solo event had 60 plus entries.  July’s Solo event, at Cherry Point, included a Solo Novice school, which school was completed on Saturday.  On Sunday of that weekend’s Solo event there were 84 entries for the autocross event, at a very fine Solo facility at Cherry Point.  The Solo course was so large that course workers were shuttled, by vehicle, to their respective stations.  The Cherry Point Solo event was well attended by spectators as well, as there were 323 individuals who signed event waivers.  The last Solo event, which was held in Wilmington, had 62 entries.  The RE re-emphasized that the NCR’s Solo group is a very important part of the NCR and its automotive competition programs.

     E.  PDX/TT.  Mark Senior, PDX Chairman, advised that for next year he is putting together a PDX Committee, to include: a representative from the Solo group, Heather Powers, as a member from the BoD, Sara Snider, a NCR Steward, and others to be named to the Committee.

     F.  Membership.  James Shanks reports that the Region has approximately 744 members, a low point in recent membership numbers.  James anticipates that the membership of the Region will be increasing prior to the Goblins Go event in October, 2011.

     G.  Publicity.  John Uftring advises that the September edition of SportsCar has a full page ad for the Region’s two upcoming race events at VIR this fall.  The same ad content will also appear in the October edition of SportsCar as well as in the October edition of Grassroots Motorsports.  In response to a request from Chris Severt that the Solo group will participate in a “Cars and Coffee” car event in Wilmington, the Publicity Chairman indicated that he may have some excess funds in his publicity budget to underwrite the cost of the coffee for the Solo group’s use as a sponsor of one of the “Cars and Coffee” events in Wilmington.

     H.  Charities.  Ginny advises that the designated charity for the Goblins Go race event at VIR in October, 2011 will be the Southcentral Spay/Neuter Clinic of Virginia.  Some of their members will participate, in person, in the fundraising aspect, for their charity, at the Goblins Go event at VIR in October.

Motion (Lindquist/Harrison) to adjourn at 9:36 p.m.; Passed.



  • All
  • BoD Minutes
  • Cape Fear Chapter Report
  • Triangle Chapter Report
  • West Chapter Report