BOD Minutes – April 10, 2013

Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

April 10, 2013

Present:  Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, Buddy Matthews, Jerry Pell, John Lindquist, James Shanks, Sam Fouse, Blair Deffenbaugh, Mark Senior, Steve Rose, Blair Stitt, Ginny Condrey, Clayton Condrey, Josh Lyman and, via telephone conference call, Wayne Quick.  Joining by conference call at the end of the meeting, Eric Dainelson.

1.   The NCR BoD’s monthly meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:31 pm on Wednesday April 10, 2013, at Carver’s on Elm Restaurant, 106 W. Elm St., Graham, NC 27253 (exit 147, I-85/40).

2.   The RE introduced guests in attendance:  Steve Rose, Josh Lyman, Clayton Condrey, Mark Senior and Blair Stitt.

3.   Motion (Shanks/Lindquist) to approve the Minutes of the March 20, 2013, NCR BoD meeting, as corrected; Passed.

Financial Report:

Ginny Condrey provided the BoD with the Treasurer’s written financial report which included a Profit and Loss, with Previous Year Comparison, through March, 2013, a Balance Sheet with Previous Year Comparison, as of March 31, 2013, and a Profit and Loss Report by Class, through April 5, 2013.  The Region had a substantial loss on its March Memories Race event this year.  The BoD discussed the various reasons why the car count and revenues from the March event were significantly reduced from prior years.  A bad weather factor that weekend in the Northeast caused more than the usual number of cancellations, and a significant competing race event, out of the division, also may have limited the car count.

Old Business:

1.   National Convention Expense Reimbursement.  One of the expense reports for reimbursement of expenses, incurred in connection with the SCCA National Convention, included some food costs.  The language of the Motion approving reimbursement of expenses, as passed at a previous BoD meeting with reference to the 2013 National SCCA Convention, did not include food reimbursement for the RE or Assistant RE.  Motion (Fouse/Shanks) to reimburse the RE and Assistant RE for their convention food costs not covered by the SCCA convention registration fee, while attending the convention; Passed.  Motion (Fouse/Shanks) to reimburse food costs incurred while attending future SCCA National Conventions for authorized representatives from the Region, at $35 per day, beginning with the SCCA National Convention in 2014; Passed.

2.   Scales Room – Sam Fouse presented to the BoD a budget to repair the scales room at VIR, covering all anticipated costs of repair except the cost of lodging of workers and painting, in the amount of $7,750, as a budget number.  In addition to said amount, the Region will incur other costs in connection with painting and lodging costs for the workers.  Motion (Pell/B. Deffenbaugh) authorizing the rehabilitation of the NCR scales building at VIR, as indicated by the work covered by the cost estimate, at a total cost not to exceed $10,000; Passed.

New Business:

1.   Letter from VIR.  The BoD discussed in detail VIR’s letter of March 12, 2013, with reference to alleged activities at our March race event, to which VIR has taken exception.  James Shanks presented to the BoD his understanding of the facts and the situation at VIR in March of 2013, and with reference to a similar incident in 2012 at VIR.  James presented a proposed letter response to VIR.  Sam Fouse made certain suggestions as to the letter being suggested by Mr. Shanks and Mr. Shanks and other members of the BoD discussed various ways in which to best deal with the issues, for all concerned.  The BoD discussed forming a committee to approve a response letter.  The RE appointed Jerry Pell, Sam Fouse, James Shanks, Mark Senior and himself as the committee to approve a response letter to VIR from the BoD.  A draft of a response letter will be prepared by Jerry Pell and then submitted to the other members of the committee, for their comments, corrections, modifications and the like, prior to it being approved by the committee and mailed to VIR, from the RE.

2.   Racer’s Parts Wholesale.  John Lindquist advises that Racer’s Parts Wholesale wants to sponsor one of our race events at VIR, and provide prizes to be given out at the race event, along with their catalog, but RPW will not be selling its merchandise on site at the event.  Subject to no objection by VIR, the BoD welcomes the RPW sponsorship.  John also advises that the EP Class will run with Group 7 at April’s Double National race at VIR, a change from the original race groupings.  The BoD was advised that the October 2013 BoD meeting date will be moved up one week, in view of the Region’s scheduled race dates at VIR in October, 2013.


1.   Chapters.

A.   Cape Fear Chapter:  No Report.

B.   Triangle Chapter:  James Shanks, Chapter Coordinator, advised that 22 members attended their last chapter meeting, but there was no car video viewed.  The membership discussed some of the business conducted by the BoD at its last meeting.

C.   West Chapter:  Buddy Matthews, Chapter Coordinator, advised that 13 members attended their last chapter meeting. The membership discussed items on the agenda from the preceding BoD’s meeting.

2.   Committees.

A.   Membership:  The NCR Region’s membership is now approximately 715.

B.   Competition Board:  John Lindquist advises that May’s race event at VIR is, and has been, on line for registration.  He advises that the Comp. Board held a post race conference call to review the March race at VIR.  He reiterated that the EP Class has been moved to Group 7 for the Region’s April race at VIR.

C.   SOLO:  No Report.

D.   PDX/TT:  No Report.

E.   Publicity:  Grassroots Motorsports will publish an ad for the North Carolina Region, it will be a full page layout, which will contain up to date information on our races at VIR in the fall.  It was suggested that the proposed ad copy, to go in Grassroots Motorsports, be presented to the BoD for review, if time permits, prior to publication.

F.   Charities:  No Report.

G.   Banquet:  No Report.

H.   Awards:  Three annual awards are yet to be delivered to their recipients, being worker rewards from 2012.  Rex will attempt to give them out to those recipients who are present at the next NCR event race at VIR.

Additional New Business:

Buddy Matthews advised the BoD of the recent passing of Roger James Pierce, a long time SCCA member and driver.  A memorial service for Roger will be held Friday the 12th of April 2013, in Greensboro at 6:00 PM.

   Motion: (Matthews/Lindquist) to adjourn at 9:20 PM; Passed.


  • All
  • BoD Minutes
  • Cape Fear Chapter Report
  • Triangle Chapter Report
  • West Chapter Report