BOD Minutes – August 15, 2012

Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA
Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

August 15, 2012

PRESENT:  Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, Steve Keadle, Ron Gentry, Neal Harrison, Jr., John Lindquist, Jerry Pell, Buddy Matthews, Wayne Quick, James Shanks, Mark Senior, and, via telephone conference call, Sara Snider, Chris Severt and Heather Powers.

1.  The NCR BoD’s monthly meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:40 p.m., on Wednesday, August 15, 2012, at Carver’s on Elm Restaurant, 106 West Elm Street, Graham, NC  27253 (Exit 147, I-85/40).

2.  The RE introduced guests in attendance:  Buddy Matthews and Mark Senior.

3.  Motion (Lindquist/Gentry) to approve the Minutes of the July 18, 2012, NCR BoD Meeting, as corrected for the spelling of the name Goodrich; Passed.


Steve Keadle, Treasurer, advised the BoD that the Region’s Cash on Hand was approximately $135,000.  No written financial report was presented by the Treasurer at this BoD meeting.


1.  Formula 1000 Championship Series.  The RE related to the BoD conversations he has had with Jon Lewis and another Formula 1000 Championship Series spokesman, Mr. Altman, with reference to the Series and some problems it is experiencing.  The RE advised that the Formula 1000 Championship Series recently expressed its desire to also run with us as part of our Region’s Double National race at VIR in April, 2013.  The RE also indicated there is some concern that the Formula 1000 Series may not be able to meet its obligation as to the minimum number of entries needed in order to participate as a separate race group in our Goblin’s Go race at VIR in October, 2012.  The consensus of the BoD is that if the Formula 1000 Series can prepay for at least 15 Formula 1000 race entries at the Goblin’s Go event in November, 2012, then they can be accommodated as their own separate race group, otherwise the Formula 1000 drivers will have to run with another existing race group, but with the potential for a split start with the other SCCA group, in which their Formula 1000 class would be combined.  Mark Senior advises that the Steward’s have the authority to combine a group with another group if a minimum number of cars are not registered in the group.  Mark also indicated that the Supplemental Regulations provide that a group (example: Formula 1000) “may be” combined if a minimum number of entries are not registered.  The Formula 1000 group is an evolving issue with reference to its participation as a separate race group at the Region’s Goblin’s Go event in October, 2012.  The form of its participation at said event will, hopefully, be clarified at the September 2012 BoD meeting.

2.  Mustang Club.  The Mustang Club expressed its thanks to the Region for the VIR/SCCA passes provided to its members and participants at its car show, which gate passes will be given out at the Mustang Club Car Show held in Cary, North Carolina.

3.  National Worker of the Year.  Steve Keadle indicates that our Region’s Worker of the Year ought to be considered for submission to SCCA for the SCCA National Worker of the Year award.  The SCCA rules, however, do not require that any name submitted for the award be limited to one name, or that it be the Region’s Worker of the Year, as it could also be the Region’s Member of the Year, or any other Region member who has provided outstanding contributions to SCCA.  The BoD discussed the benefits of having the Region participate in and help with writing up the nomination for the National SCCA Worker of the Year award, from our Region.  The BoD discussed the fact that we have a Region’s Awards Committee, which functions might be expanded to include taking the lead in nominating a Region member for the SCCA National Worker of the Year award.  James Shanks, Chairman of the Awards Committee, advised the BoD that he will have his Committee submit a National SCCA Worker of the Year nomination of a member from our Region.


1.  NCR Communication.  Bruce Dover has indicated to the BoD his desire for regular written reports from the Chapter Coordinators and some of the Region’s Officers, for inclusion in the Region’s website.  The BoD discussed his wishes that said written reports be an Operations Manual requirement of said Chapter Coordinators and some of the Officers.  The BoD discussed his suggestions but took no action, however, as some of the Officers and some of the Chapter Coordinators, who were included in Bruce’s suggestion, indicated certain limitations on their ability to provide regular written reports, for such reasons as there is not sufficient information generated at some Chapter meetings to justify a written report, one’s heavy work schedule which does not permit regular writing of reports; some members also indicated their own lack of talent in writing reports and suggested that they would appreciate someone else writing reports of Chapter meetings and of other Region’s activities, in which they may be involved, which may provide the basis of a report for the website.

2.  SOLO Series Name.  The BoD discussed the fact that the SOLO Series in the North Carolina Region is known as the “Cape Fear Series” but, in fact, it is a North Carolina Region series.  Chris Severt advises that the “official name” is “Cape Fear Autocross Championship Series”, which the SOLO Committee advises that it identifies as an event of the North Carolina Region, SCCA.

3.  Race Entry Fees.  Steve Keadle gave out some race registration forms from some other regions, indicating the amount of their entry fees being charged by said regions.  The double SARRC fee is $425 from CCR, $320 is charged for a double SARRC in Central Florida Region and $425 is charged for a double SARRC race put on by the Alabama and Atlanta Regions.

4.  Additional VIR Date.  Mark Senior advised as to his discussions with the Tarheel Sports Car Club with reference to it, maybe, giving up its traditional September VIR date in 2013, and the possibility that said date may be available for our Region to put on a two-day race event at VIR in September, 2013.  The BoD discussed various potential race series that could be run (SARRC, Tarheel Cup, ECR, Regional races and/or a PDX) on that date.  Mark will follow up on this matter (the September 2013 date) and its potential availability for the NCR to add another race weekend event at VIR, beginning in September 2013.


1.  Chapter:

          A.  Cape Fear Chapter:  Chris Severt, Chapter Coordinator, advises that the Chapter met on the first Tuesday of the month, wherein 11 people attended their Chapter meeting.  The Chapter discussed the North Carolina Autocross Championship, to be held at Cherry Point, N.C., and being put on by the Cape Fear Chapter’s Autocross Committee.  Up to 150 cars from all the other autocross groups in North Carolina will participate.  Chris also advised of the Cape Fear autocross event held in downtown Wilmington, North Carolina, in July, 2012, which, in his opinion, was their best downtown autocross event ever.  Chris indicated that his Chapter was considering having its Chapter Coordinator position separate and apart from the Chairman of the Cape Fear Autocross Committee.  He inquired as to whether that separation would justify a second BoD position for the Cape Fear Autocross Chairman.  The BoD was advised that none of the other Chairman of the various NCR Committees are members of the NCR BoD, as such.  Just the Region’s Officers and Chapter Coordinators, and for a limited time period, the past RE, are BoD Members.  Sportscar Magazine had, in May’s edition, a letter to the editor (letter of the month), complimentary of the Cape Fear Chapter.

          B.  Triangle Chapter:  James Shanks, Chapter Coordinator, advises that 14 members were at the last Chapter meeting, where they viewed a DVD provided by Team Highball Racing, including two professional races narrated Brock Yates.

          C.  West Chapter:  West Chapter’s July meeting was attended by 15 members and its Chapter meeting in August had 16 members present.  The Chapter Coordinator, John Lindquist, advised that he has discussed with WXII (NBC) Channel 12, the possibility of it doing a story about SCCA racing at VIR, with footage of racing at VIR by some local drivers in SCCA.

2.  Committees

          A.  Awards:  No report

          B.  Banquet:  No report.

          C.  Competition Board:  No report.

          D.  SOLO Committee:  Chris Severt advised that at their last SOLO novice school that there were 14 Marine students and that on Sunday, following the SOLO school held on Saturday, that 87 autocross entries participated in an autocross event which had 5 complete runs, on a rainy day.  The BoD indicated that it would upfront the costs, via a loan to the Committee, for the cost of  obtaining event t-shirts for the North Carolina Autocross Championship, scheduled later this fall.

          E.  PDX/TT:  No report.

          F.  Membership.  There are now 721 Members in NCR, a decline from last month.

          G.  Publicity:  The Region’s fall races at VIR appear in an ad in Grassroots Motorsports and also will be in the next issue of Sportscar, as well as in an ad which is currently running in this month’s Sportscar magazine.

          H.  Charities:  No report.

Motion to Adjourn (Keadle/Lindquist) at 9:30 P.M.; Passed.


  • All
  • BoD Minutes
  • Cape Fear Chapter Report
  • Triangle Chapter Report
  • West Chapter Report