BOD Minutes – April 23, 2014
Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
April 23, 2014
Present: Buddy Matthews, Rex Deffenbaugh, James Shanks, John Lindquist, Annie Lindquist, Sam Fouse, Blair Stitt, Steve Keadle, Mark Senior, Steve Rose, Heather Powers, Ginny Condrey, Bruce Dover, and via conference call, Sara Snider and John Byers.
- The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:23 pm on Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at Pipers Deli, 3219 Old Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC 27707.
- The RE introduced guests in attendance: Ginny Condrey, Mark Senior, Bruce Dover, and Annie Lindquist.
- Motion (Lindquist/Fouse) to approve the Minutes of March 19, 2014 (passed) as amended to show corrections per Steve Keadle.
Financial Report: Steve Keadle reported that we have $82,000 currently in the bank. There was no formal financial report as we had just hosted the Majors race the previous weekend, but we had received a deposit from MotorsportReg from the event. Steve also provided a Profit and Loss statement for the record from January to March, 2014.
1. Cape Fear: John Byers reported that 12 members attended the last Chapter meeting. Discussed at the meeting was the recent Novice School at Cherry Point and the positive reviews received by the membership from the event.
2. Triangle: James Shanks reported that 17 members attended the last meeting. The members watched in-car video of Chuck Hines at his last race at Roebling Road. There were discussions about the last BoD meeting.
3. West: Buddy Matthews reported that 10 members attended the last meeting. Discussed were the Minutes of the last BoD meeting, and future gate passes that could resemble tech stickers rather than the ones being used. Buddy passed around the mug to be given at the Majors event and also discussed were the new requirements for getting a competition license.
4. Committees
a. Membership: James Shanks reported we now have 793 members in the NC Region. This is up 35 members from last month and a 3 year high for the Region.
b. Competition Board: John Lindquist made the suggestion of putting together a committee that will determine the entry fees for the remainder of 2014. To do this, the committee will use the last several years P&L statements to help determine these fees. Rex discussed that his personal goal would be for us to make back the financial loss we encountered last year. The BoD appointed the following to this committee: Rex Deffenbaugh, Heather Powers, John Lindquist, Sam Fouse, and Steve Keadle.
c. Solo: John Byers reported that they had a positive review from the folks that attended the Novice School hosted at Cherry Point. It was reported that the event gained the Region 9 new members. John also asked the BoD for the ability to give out some gate passes for the May event at VIR which the BoD agreed would be a good idea. The next item discussed was the Chapter’s need for a Wi-Fi hotspot at events in order to be able to upload results to Race Monitor. The BoD agreed since the Solo program is paying its own way, that there would be no problem with them signing a 2 year contract to obtain a monthly service to have this capability.
d. PDX/Time Trials: Mark Senior addressed the BoD about the Tarheel Sports Car Club’s upcoming event at VIR on September 6th and 7th 2014. Mark asked the question of our Region co-hosting an event with THSCC at this event. It was noted that since SCCA rules have relaxed on hosting this type of event, that it would be very easy for us to run an event with them. It was stated that there would be a separate SCCA group for advanced drivers. Also mentioned was the possible addition of adding an Auto-X during the weekend on the Patriot course as the skid pad is too small to do so. Rex suggested that we do indeed have an interest is this event and for Mark to get the ball rolling.
e. Publicity: James Shanks reported that Grassroots Motorsports Magazine, in which we ran an ad in the April issue, also ran the same ad in the May issue without any approval from James, or the BoD. Grassroots is now billing NCR for an ad we did not authorize. Grassroots is offering the Region a free ad in the future if we go ahead and pay this bill. The BoD decided that if we can use this free ad at a later time, and gets it in writing, we would consider doing so. James will advise the BoD at the next meeting as to the outcome of this mistake made by Grassroots.
f. Charities: Blair Stitt advised the BoD that the Angels Among Us event is this weekend in which fliers and gate passes will be given out for the May event. Also reported by Ginny Condrey was that we received $491 from drive arounds at the Majors event that will be given to the Ronald McDonald charity.
g. Banquet: It was reported that the Cape Fear Chapter will be hosting this year’s Banquet at the same location as in the past. There was a tentative date set of January 10, 2015.
h. Awards: Former Awards Chairman, James Shanks reported that we need to appoint a new chairman.
Old Business:
1. Sound equipment: Ginny Condrey reported that there was a mixed message with Clyde Kiser with regards to Sound Control. Normally we are not required to have Sound Control as we have a Divisional waiver and it is not required by the track. Clyde said it was required as this is a Majors event. This item was tabled for now as it won’t be an issue until the Majors event next year.
2. Catering budget for Majors: Rex Deffenbaugh addressed the BoD about the food service at the Majors event. It was noted that there was plenty of food left over on Friday night but food ran out very early on Saturday night. The social was on the schedule for Saturday, but nothing was in the schedule for Friday. It was noticed by Rex that several people were complaining that there was no food left as we had only told VIR we needed food for 80 people. We had over 120 volunteers not to mention drivers and crew. Mark Senior suggested to the BoD that we need to get a better number of people attending to the Race Chair so adequate food can be ordered. Also noted was that there may be a communication gap between the BoD and the Race Chair and we would need to resolve this immediately.
New Business:
1. Loaner wood for jacks: It was reported that Sam Fouse will again make up
2. Wooden supports to be used at the May event. Many of the boards at the Majors were not returned, but it is a small price compared to what pavement repair may cost. It is the hope that the supports will be retained by those who did not return them, and be reused at future events. The BoD agreed to reimburse Sam for any expense this will cost. Also reported by Ginny Condrey is that our May supps will need to be changed to show that VIR changed the rule to only wood will be used under jacks and jack stands. The old wording was wood or metal.
3. Pro racing series at VIR: Mark Senior reported that Tom Campbell is trying to put together a new Pro series for this year. It’s a formula spec class. They are working on scheduling and have inquired about having track time at our Goblins Go event in October. They would need time for a race on both Saturday and Sunday. SCCA Pro is willing to pay for any track time used. They would have to have their own run group. At this time, there is no guarantee that this will take place. The BoD agreed we would like to host those if time permits but will have to have two versions of the supps drawn up in case they don’t come.
4. Power pedestal: There was a power pole damaged during our Majors event in the Paddock at VIR. One of our entrants had hit the pole with his vehicle. It was suggested by Sam Fouse that we send the entrant the bill as VIR is charging us for this damage. Ginny will send the bill, then the entrant has the option of filing with his insurance company if he so desires.
5. Refunds: Several entrants are asking for refunds from the Majors event for various reasons. Before we make any decisions on refunds, Rex Deffenbaugh will inquire to Butch Kummer as to whether or not National is willing to waive any of the fees at the National level. One entrant has already been granted this fee waiver. This item will be discussed at the next BoD meeting.
6. Trophies: F&S Enterprises, who supply our trophies, have presented a formal estimate to the BoD for trophies for the remainder of the season. There are three options to choose from. Motion (Lindquist/Rose) to accept option 3. Failed. Option 3 would have decreased trophies for the 13 hour race to (2) per team while keeping regular season trophies at a slightly reduced size from last year. Motion (Powers/Stitt) to accept option 2 (passed). Option 2 will keep 4 trophies for the 13 hour race, but will reduce the size of regular season trophies (1st place) to a 7×9 inch size, (2nd place) to 6×8, and (3rd place) to 5×7.
7. Scales: Buddy Matthews briefly discussed that our scales are in need of repair. As we were running short on time, it was decided to find out for the next BoD meeting exactly where we are within the budget for this item.
Motion to adjourn (Stitt/Powers) at 9:00 pm (passed)
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report