BoD Minutes – April 2023
NCR SCCA Board of Directors Meeting
April 19, 2023
Attendees: Kit Williams, Anna Crissman, Stephen Miller, James Shanks, Bruce Dover, Al Heatwole, Lee Hill, Megan Tyler, Sam Fouse joined late
Guests: Rex Loden, Ben Tyler, Frank and Libby Killian, Rob Wilmoth joined late
- The meeting was called to order at 7:01 by Anna Crissman.
- Motion to approve the minutes from the March meeting (Shanks/Miller). Approved.
Financial Report
Treasurer Sam Fouse has sent the financial report to Kit Williams for the minutes.
As the details of our finances are confidential, NCR members who wish more information should contact either the Office Manager or any member of the Board of Directors. They are also invited to attend a Chapter Meeting, where such matters are discussed in detail.
Chapter Reports
Chris Severt was unable to attend the meeting but had sent a chapter report to the Board. He said the Cape Fear Chapter met with 8 people and had two new members attend. They spent the meeting answering questions for the new members. Lee Hill said the West Chapter met with 13 people, 3 of whom were new attendees and one of those who already signed up to flag at the May event. He said they mostly discussed the Super Tour event and racing in the region in the future. James Shanks had posted the Triangle Chapter report in the Google drive. He said they met with 13 people, all of whom were regular attendees. They watched race video from the Road Atlanta Super Tour and from the CMP regional race. James said they had a good time at the meeting.
Old Business
- May Race Update: Anna said we have roughly 80 individual drivers registered at the time of the meeting, which was a fairly low number. We are also very much in need of flaggers and Chris Schimmel in Tech had asked Anna to try and find people to help Tech pushing vehicles through impound for this race. Anna said based on our current numbers we may need to try and rent some flaggers. Megan Tyler said we had 23 flaggers currently signed up and would need at least 37 so we would need to come up with the difference in order to go racing. With just a few weeks left before the event this was obviously a big issue. Ben Tyler said he was planning to send more emails in the coming days and Megan had a few people she was planning to reach out to. Rex Loden said we could potentially reach out to Old Dominion Region and ask for help advertising the event to flaggers, which Anna said we would do. Anna said for worker gifts we may need to use leftover gifts from Hospitality, which James said we could do but he was not sure if any of the workers hadn’t already received the gifts that he had left over. Sam said he would reach out to a printing company to see if we could look into an orange poncho to offer as a gift, but he wasn’t sure that would be workable in the timeframe we have left. Sam also said we would be trying to avoid using the Gallery in May if possible and using the Pavillion instead. He was also looking into different options for worker lunches for this event. Al reiterated the need for more Tech volunteers and Sam and Anna offered a few options for solutions we could implement to help push cars in the Impound and Tech area. Rex asked if getting more volunteers would be something that might be able to be offered to a group of Marines on base at Cherry Point as a way to raise donations for a Marine Corps ball. This idea seemed attractive but Anna felt we would need more information about what kind of money this would require and how the details of this could be worked out. The Board generally felt if we could contribute to a Marine Corps ball rather than rent flaggers from VIR this would be a better cause to give our money to, but it would take some work to implement and the details could prove tricky.
New Business
- Item of Historical Interest: James said he was at VIR helping with load in for the Spring Sprints and was looking around the speed suite and while he was digging around he found a box full of 1974 NC Region SCCA Annual magazines. He said he had not seen these before but found them extremely interesting. The magazine was basically a snapshot of the region at the time, including a list of every member in the region, which had a thriving autocross, rallycross, and road racing program at that time. James described the contents of the magazine he found in detail, which was very descriptive of the region’s activities in 1974. James said he was scanning the magazine into a computer file and it will make its way onto the NCR website in the Archives.
Rob Wilmoth thanked the entire region for the efforts to raise donations for Racing for ALS during the Spring Sprints, and he said that RfALS would be happy to offer their help to the region in the future for any of our events.
Stephen Miller and Rob both asked for anyone who might be interested in helping out with an Audi Club event at CMP coming up on April 25th.
Motion to adjourn the public meeting (Williams/Miller). Approved at 7:55pm.
There was a closed meeting after the public board meeting to discuss a personnel issue.
Please note that all NCR members are welcome to attend NCR Board of Directors meetings.
If any member should have a question about the Region or its activities, please contact the Office Manager or any member of the Board.
Submitted by Secretary Kit Williams
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report