BoD Minutes – April 17, 2019

Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

April 17, 2019

Present:  Heather Clark, Anna Crissman, Rex Deffenbaugh, Trish Deffenbaugh, Bruce Dover, Nikki Edwards, Sam Fouse, Al Heatwole, Joedy Pennington, Heather Powers, and Mark Senior, attended in person; and via conference call, Eric Danielsen, Justin Deffenbaugh, Frank Killian, Morgan Mehler, Stephen Miller, James Shanks, Ben Tyler, and Kit Williams.

  1. The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by RE Sam Fouse at 7:43 PM, on Wednesday, April 17th 2019, at Piper’s Deli, 3219 Old Chapel Hill Road, Durham, NC,
  2. Eric Danielsen, Justin Deffenbaugh, Frank Killian, and Ben Tyler attended as guests via telephone. Joedy Pennington and Trish Deffenbaugh attended in person.
  3. Motion to approve the March minutes, as posted on the Google drive (Crissman / Fouse). Passed.

Order of items below reflects the order of discussion, as nearly as possible; not necessarily as they appeared on the published agenda.

 Financial Report.

 Treasurer Heather Powers reported that the Region had a total of about $181K in the checking account at this time, and that we had written 2 checks to VIR following the Spring Sprints because the amounts were so large. One was for track damages of approximately $10K, for which we should ultimately be reimbursed by K&K Insurance, and the other was for our normal reconciliation, which was for $54K. Sam said he expected we would net about $100K from the event when everything was done, which was right in line with what our projected budget showed ($113K surplus).

Old Business:

  1. Spring Sprints Debrief. Sam stated that we had a total of 486 drivers, and that the effort to get them all paddocked was monumental. The overtime we paid for that was justified, as was the extra we spent on lights and portajohns. The weather was our enemy. Everything else was good, except that we forgot that since the workers were not coming into the paddock to eat, we had to figure out a way to get their tee shirts to them. We eventually brought boxes of them to lunch to distribute. But we ran out of popular sizes. Sam is still looking into getting a few more.

New Business:

  1. Additional VIP for Saturday. Sam felt that the weather was so awful, and the problems were so large as a result, that the workers on Saturday merited an additional day of volunteer incentive pay. Motion to pay an additional $35 to each worker, except stewards, (Crissman and Clark / Senior). Passed.
  2. SARRC/MARRS: Caps, Load-In, Budget. The cap is 400 cars. With 8 groups, that is 50 per groups. We may rearrange groups closer to the start of the event, depending on how lopsided the numbers are. We will not do a formal load-in as we do not have the manpower to make it work. The budget is not really complete at this point. Justin Deffenbaugh is the Race Chair and he requested that we reserve the Gallery, if it is raining, or the Pavilion for lunch. Mark said he would ask. This requires that the food staff prepare lunches in advance and transport them to the site where we will eat.
  3. Time Trial at CMP. This event, dubbed “The Memorial Monster” is a joint effort between NCR, SCR, and Atlanta, but SCR is the primary, as its location, Carolina Motorsports Park, is in their jurisdiction. Plans are proceeding but the event is not being well-publicized. SCR seems to dragging their feet getting it posted in MSR so that registration can begin. Stephen Miller, TT Chair, said he plans to contact them this week and get things moving. Volunteers are needed, especially corner workers and registrars. Those who have primary roles for this event should pick out others to shadow them so that we can build expertise in putting on this event.
  4. Time Trial(s) at NCCAR. Stephen Miller, who was calling from out-of-state on a work assignment, said that he is preparing a comprehensive budget and schedule for the June event and would e-mail it to the Board for consideration later in the week. The big problem is that the track has not been approved for a Time Trial by SCCA, even in the clockwise direction. NCCAR will not let us reserve the date until the track is formally approved. Sam and Stephen have reached out to Heyward Wagner for assistance because the national time trial people say they cannot do it. Sam and Stephen think the event is still salvageable if we get the track approved by next Monday.
  5. After May: Speed Suite Plan. Sam will circulate plans when he has them done. Before we can start our construction work, the electric and plumbing will have to be completed first, which requires permits. Sam will see to those. He has the names of the original plumbing contractor and the original electrical contractor, so they should be able to do the work without an issue. Sam wants to have everything done by the Runoffs.
  6. Test Day Plan. Anna is working on a draft of the Supps and schedule for this event which she will present after the SARRC/ MARRS. Estimated entry fee is between $500 and $550 for the two-day event. We need a way to provide sound control as a service.
  7. Additional Tent and Side Wall for Hospitality. The bad weather has made it clear that the hospitality tent needs additional sidewalls to help keep things dry. Thankfully Ginny Condrey had the foresight to bring the visqueen she was planning to use to cover her hot house back home and she used that for the time being. Sam also put up his old 10X10 EZ-Up over the trailer to fully protect the printer that we use for printing results. So we will need to purchase another, sturdier 10X10 for Hospitality to use as well.
  8. New Mazda MX-5 Pace Car Needs. Sam also said that he is awaiting proper paperwork from Mazda indicating that we own the new pace car so that it can be insured, since it has no title. And it still needs properly mounted strobe lights. The ones we have do not mount well to the retractable roof.
  9. Wanda Cecil Recovering in Danville. Sam announced to all those who did not know that Wanda Cecil, a long-time member of South Carolina Region and volunteer in Registration for decades had fallen at the Spring Sprints and broken her hip. She was transported to Danville Regional Hospital where she was treated and is resting comfortably until she is well enough for the long ride home. Sam stopped to visit her and offered the Region’s condolences and assistance should she need anything.
  10. Chief Starter Retiring. Bruce indicated that he had received a letter from Pete Romanowski that he would be retiring as Chef Starter at the end of the season, He recommended that Chuck Stanley take his place.
  11. Worker Gift Suggestions. Sam indicated that he would like some worker gift suggestions, since not everyone seemed happy with the 75th Anniversary travel mugs. But he will need those before the end of the week to get them ordered in time.

Time Trial Report. Stephen Miller indicated that he had covered everything in his earlier remarks.

Chapter and Committee Reports: As of this writing, there were no Chapter or Committee reports for April 2019 posted on the Google drive. But there are some comments from the Spring Sprints Participant Survey, which Bruce circulated before the meeting.

Motion to adjourn at 9:05 PM. Passed.

Submitted by Assistant Regional Executive, Anna Crissman, and Secretary, James Shanks


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