BoD Meeting – August 22, 2018
Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
August 22, 2018
Present: Anna Crissman, Justin Deffenbaugh, Rex Deffenbaugh, Bruce Dover, Sam Fouse, Buddy Matthews, Adam Miller, Stephen Miller, James Shanks, and via conference call, Heather Clark, Eric Danielsen, Blair Deffenbaugh, Morgan Mehler, Ben Tyler, and Kit Williams. Heather Powers and Mark Senior did not attend.
- The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by RE Sam Fouse at 7:30 PM, on Wednesday, August 22nd 2018, at Piper’s Deli, 3219 Old Chapel Hill Road, Durham, NC,
- Eric Danielsen, and Ben Tyler attended as guests via telephone. Justin Deffenbaugh, Adam and Stephen Miller attended as guests in person.
- Motion to approve the July minutes, as posted on the Google drive (Shanks / Fouse). Passed.
Order of items below reflects the order of discussion; not necessarily as they appeared on the published agenda.
Financial Report.
Due to the absence of Treasurer Heather Powers, there was no financial report for this meeting.
Old Business:
- Bylaws Committee Update. James reported that the Bylaws Committee had put their final revisions out on the Google drive, under a new folder for 2018 called “Bylaws Revisions”, for the Board members to peruse a week earlier. The adoption process under the current Bylaws calls for a ballot to be generated by the Elections Committee, if they are moved and seconded. Since there was no Elections Committee constituted for 2018 yet, Sam asked for volunteers of Regular Members and officers whose positions would not be up for re-election this year; and constituted an Elections Committee consisting of Justin Deffenbaugh, Adam Miller, Stephen Miller, James Shanks, and Bruce Dover, as the chairman. He then moved that the Bylaws updates be approved and Anna Crissman seconded that motion. Per the existing Bylaws, there must now be a ballot mailed to the membership for them to approve or reject these updates, following the process in the Operations Manual. After considerable discussion, it was moved that Bruce prepare and mail a ballot to all Regular Members with a postcard for return, for an election beginning on or about September 15th and concluding at midnight on October 15th, and that there be a notice of the election placed on the Region website and an e-mail sent to all members via Constant Contact (Shanks / Fouse). Passed. The timing is specifically designed to coincide with the Goblins Go race, October 13th and 14th, so that members who had not returned a ballot by then might be encouraged to do so at registration for that event. There was discussion about whether unreturned ballots could be counted for or against the adoption of the revisions, but nothing was formally decided.
- Goblins Go Charity. VIR is having an all-day charity barbeque to benefit Boys and Girls Clubs of Danville, open to the public, on Saturday, October 13th, which corresponds to the first day of our Goblins Go. They have approached us with a plan to incorporate our social for that race with their event, letting them provide food and drink for us at a reduced rate. In exchange the proceeds would go to their charity. Mark Senior has been meeting with them, Sam said, and we should give him approval to work out the details. We should also adopt the Boys and Girls Clubs of Danville as our charity for the lunchtime drive-arounds. The Board agreed by consensus. In a related issue, Heather Clark brought up the fact that F&C wanted to rent a side-by-side ATV for use at the Goblins Go so that they could test out its feasibility as an all-purpose vehicle at our events. She was granted informal approval to check with Sunbelt rentals about the cost of getting one for that weekend. Bruce offered to check with a local dealer in Roxboro too.
- Speed Suite Work Day. Sam indicated that a workday would be held at the Speed Suite this coming Saturday, August 25th, commencing at 10:00 AM and that he was looking for volunteers. James agreed to be there and Sam said he would send out an e-mail to which others could respond to after checking their schedules.
- Time Trial at VIR in 2019 Update. Justin Deffenbaugh presented a spread sheet he had been working on for the proposed Time Trial event to be held on the Patriot course in conjunction with our March into Spring event next season. He thought we could make money at $200 per car and an expected participation rate of 75 cars, with a cap of 100 cars. That would give us a nominal budget of $15K. The format would be similar to the Memorial Monster event at CMP with 3 run groups (4 on Sunday) and 3 sessions per day culminating in a track cross session at the end of each day, which would involve running the Patriot course in reverse. Some people felt that this presented a problem, but Bruce said that running the course in reverse had been done in the past. Only four corner workers would be needed, and most of the Board felt we could supply those, but Heather Clark was not so sure and suggested that the budget should include hiring some VIR folks if needed. One issue that came up was whether participants should pay up front, and be charged as soon as they register in MSR, as was done at CMP, or whether they could pay at the track as racers do. The consensus was that we should do what is convenient for us as time trials participants are used to paying up front and would not be turned off by that requirement. In the absence of Mark Senior, our VIR track liaison, Sam directed Bruce to ask Kevin Massey-Shaw at VIR whether we could add this to our contract for next year.
New Business:
- Goblins Go Drive-Arounds. An issue was brought up concerning the availability of alcohol to participants in VIR’s barbecue and how that might affect our ability to conduct the lunchtime drive-arounds. Tim Gardner, chief of EV, who usually handles these activities, even called in to take part in this discussion, at the behest of Eric Danielsen. The issue was that VIR would be serving alcohol all day long and it would be hard for EV to police who should be allowed on track. It was pointed out that spectators and non-participants at our events can buy alcohol at the Pagoda and consume it whenever they choose at any of our events too, so this was nothing really new. Bruce brought up the fact that there are suggested track touring rules which can be downloaded from the SCCA website’s File Cabinet and that these had been sent to him “out of the blue’ by Deputy Executive Steward for Area 12, Robert Mayes. These rules have a list or requirements for track touring by spectators, which we have never followed, including that a specific steward be appointed to oversee the activity and that minimal corner worker staffing be provided, as well as three pace cars. It was observed by others that we had been running our drive-arounds with tacit steward approval, as well as that of VIR, for 18 years and that we did not need to make them into a formal SCCA session of some kind. They were part of our VIR contract. The final consensus, as noted above, was that VIR should handle the drive-arounds this time, since they had created the problem if there was one, and that the proceeds would benefit VIR’s charity.
Chapter and Committee Reports: As of this writing there were no Chapter or Committee reports for August 2018 posted on the Google drive.
Motion to adjourn at 9:06 PM (Crissman / R. Deffenbaugh). Passed.
Submitted by Secretary, James Shanks
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report