The Bulletin has been “the Official Newsletter of the North Carolina Region, SCCA” for as long as most of us can remember. In reality, it’s been around since the 60s…we’re just not sure exactly when it was “born”. We know that the last printed issue was published in July 2010 and we’ve located issues going back to 1969 and are still digging. Everything we’ve found so far is posted on the Region’s website, Go there and then NC Region>The Bulletin, or click here. From there, you can view and download pdf files of old issues of The Bulletin, as well as other archival documents related to NCR events. Check it out and let us know what you think! And keep checking back, because there will be more to follow!
This is the revival of The Bulletin, in electronic version. Hopefully, it will be easier to read and navigate than previous printed copies. One feature that should help, although it unfortunately doesn’t currently work with mobile devices, is that under “In this month’s Bulletin…”, you can click on an article title and be immediately taken to that article within the email, for the opening paragraph or so, which will hopefully entice you to click on the READ MORE link, which will take you to the full article on our website. Constant Contact is working on a fix for mobile devices.
At the bottom of the page, you will find a calendar of events, showing what, where and when NCR events are taking place during the month. For more detail, click the “See the full Calendar of NCR events here” link to be taken to the Region’s full calendar on the website.
We hope you enjoy The Bulletin and look forward to your feedback. We’d also love to have you contribute. Tell us about your experiences at NCR events, send us pictures, let us know what you’d like to do, see or explore, by way of your SCCA membership. To get you inspired, there’s a wonderful article below titled, “So many places to race, so little time“, written by Alan Morris, a racer from Canada who came down to visit us for the SARRC/MARRS Challenge.
This is OUR Club. This is YOUR Club. Let’s make it even more special!
Bruce Dover, Editor
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