Profiles of Candidates for NCR Board of Directors

December 10, 2012

Below are profiles, provided by the candidates themselves, listed in the same order as on the ballot.

John Lindquist, running for Assistant Regional Executive

I’ve been a member since 2004, started working for on grid/pit for two years, drivers school in Feb 2006, been racing the little Red Fiero ever since. West Chapter Coordinator for the past two years. I have with the help of several other members, set up a booth at the Greensboro Hot Rod Car Show for the past 5 years.

Active member of Board of Directors, 2 years. View SCCA as a volunteer organization supported by the membership.

Sara Snider, incumbent, running for re-election as Assistant Regional Executive

I have been a member since 1985 and always North Carolina Region. Licensed in Timing & Scoring, Registration, Pit & Grids, Tech, National in Race Administration, National in EMS/Emergency Services, National Steward. Jobs held in Region: Assistant RE, Treasurer, Member At Large, Advisory Board, Competition Board, etc.

My Region is SCCA and SCCA is my Region. What is good for my Region is also good for SCCA. My Region is always first because it is the first step and if you miss the first step, the other steps will fail.

Keith Church, running for Member-at-Large

I am Keith Church, a candidate for Member-at-Large. I have been an SCCA member since the early 80’s, when I autocrossed at SCCA, PCA and Triad Sports Car Club events. I started road racing in about 1983. I’ve been fortunate enough to win some races over the years and have accumulated 5 SARRC Championships and 2 SEDIV National Championships. While I don’t race as much as I used too, I am still an active National Production car driver and I have also raced in IT, GT, SSB, C Sports, Spec Miata, and even an A Sedan car.

I attended lots of meetings, as well as races, early on but in recent years my business and family obligations consumed the time for non-racing club activities. Now that I race less and my kids are grown I have more time and would gladly help Club members where I could. It was suggested to me that my racing experiences and knowledge of Club rules and issues would enable me to listen to Club member’s concerns and perhaps help them resolve issues of importance to them. I thought it would be a good way for me to begin to repay the club for the 30 years of pleasure I have derived from racing.

Blair Deffenbaugh, running for Member-at-Large

My name is Blair Deffenbaugh. I am running for North Carolina Region Member-at-Large. I am 21 years old and I have a 20 year SCCA pin, this club is like a family to me. When I wanted to work corners, they told me I had to be able to see over the hand rail to hold a flag, so I started working in Timing and Scoring, holding a National license for a period of time. When I turned 16, I started working corners. I also have just completed my competition license requirements. I have been around the track and autocross course for a while and worked many track positions including a few weekends in the Control room. I have an intimate knowledge of the track’s inner workings and I know the Club runs smoother with participants on the Board. I have been in the Club all my life and I can bring a new, young perspective to the Board. I just need your vote to do it.

Sam Fouse, running for Member-at-Large

I’ve been a member of NC Region since July 1976. I served as NC Region Solo2 Chairman for about 4 years during the late 70’s and early 80’s, and as a Board Member during one or two of those years. During that time, I campaigned a Honda Civic and later a German Opel in area Solo2 events, winning multiple season championships in both cars. It was during this period (before the re-securing of VIR) that the Region actively sought out potential sites to build our own race track and I served on that committee. I also served as vice-president of Tarheel Sports Car Club for a year or two in the early 80’s and helped them organize their Solo2 program.

All during this time period I also crewed for Dan Robson and/or worked corners at SEDIV Regionals and Nationals throughout the southeast. I also served as an occasional crew member for Team Highball in IMSA from the early 80’s all the way up until their shut-down in the mid-90’s. I also attended every Runoffs at Road Atlanta from 1979 until it left for Mid-Ohio, as either a crew member for Robson or as a cook for RRDC. Don’t laugh – the cook job allowed me to meet and serve some pretty big racing VIPs.I still have the aprons!

In 1983, I went to my first driver’s school at Rockingham in Phil Hennrich’s Sprite. I didn’t get the opportunity to follow that up until 1985 when I attended my second school at Charlotte in Robson’s GT car. I began my own racing “career” in about 1986 and raced SEDIV Nationals in a GT4 Mazda, earning a trip to the Runoffs in 1995 at Mid-Ohio. I also served as driving instructor for NC Region at Rockingham during this time. Unfortunately, my race car was destroyed in a crash at Roebling Road in late 1996, and I took some time off from driving.

For several years during this time, however, I stayed active by serving as a paid crew member and over-the-wall tire changer for a semi-pro team in Grand-Am at Daytona, Sebring, Road Atlanta, Watkins Glen, Mid-Ohio, etc. I also continued to crew for Robson while we (mostly he) built a new GT4 car for me. That car debuted in 2005 and won the SARRC in GT4 in 2006. During this period I also served as a driving instructor for the Region at VIR. My racing activities were curtailed after 2007 because of the recession (and two kids in college), but I have begun racing again on a limited basis the past two years.

So, I guess I’ve soloed, raced, worked corners, crewed, turned wrenches, instructed, cooked, and served on the Board at one time or another for about 36 years. I guess that makes me the Forest Gump of NC Region… and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it!

Ron Gentry, incumbent, running for re-election as Member-at-Large

I guess I’m a newcomer, been a member only since 1982. I did crew for about 5 years prior to joining when I built my first Race Car, a Datsun 1200 GT5. Great little racecar, I won 5 SARRC championships with it. Then built an IT7 and raced several more years until I started renting it and finally sold it to my renter.

Joined the Stewards program about 2000 and have progressed to a National license. I have been the Series Chief Steward of the Carolina Cup Pro Series since it was started and still do. I have been the Chief Steward for NCR’s 13 Hour Race for the past two years. I am approved by SCCA National office to do SCCA Club racing track reviews.

I have been on the NCR BOD as a member at large for about 6 years and will try to keep the Region in the black and run the Region as set out by SCCA Rules and the GCR.

If anyone has questions, my e-mail is [email protected] and my phone number is 336-642-4209.

Alfred “Buddy” Matthews, running for Member-at-Large

I have been a member for a long time but with a short lapse. From 1966-1969/1973-2012; Driver’s school in 1966 in GP, National License 1968. Ran 1974 Runoffs in Formula C. One race in 1975 in FC. Started Tech in 1976 to Present. Went back to driver’s school in 2000 and stopped racing due to health problems in 2000. Hold the ITD track record for VIR and will probably do so till I die as the class no longer exists. Record set with a 1986 Yugo which my son Jason also holds the Roebling Road track record with. He won SEDIV ITE championship in 1969 and I won same championship in 2000. I was the RE of the NCR for about 9 years and have held most of the Region’s offices except Secretary and Treasurer. Several stints on the BOD.