Triangle Chapter Report – October 2011

RALEIGH, NC (NCR-SCCA) – The Triangle Chapter met, as usual, at its favorite watering hole, the El Rodeo restaurant in the Townridge Shopping Center in Raleigh, where Pleasant Valley crosses Glenwood Avenue.  We had a good time swapping stories, eating and drinking, even if technical difficulties prevented us from seeing the in-car video that Mark Senior brought on his computer.  Apparently there was a computer cable/interface mismatch that will be corrected before the next time (I hope!).  Thanks for trying, Mark!

Before going any further, I’d like to thank my good friend, Member-At-Large Wayne Quick, who ran the September meeting in my absence while I was overseas visiting family in Germany.  Thanks Wayne!  He didn’t make this meeting but those who did said he did a bang-up job, so now we have another candidate who might be (railroaded into being) the next Triangle Chapter Coordinator when I retire.  Yay, Wayne!  See what you’ve left yourself open for?

Member-At-Large Neal “Vern” Harrison was there, but he told us he was among the walking wounded.  As you may recall, Neal had back surgery awhile ago to remove some bone spurs on his spine, and a recent injury at work had dislodged something, so he probably would not be driving in the final two races at VIR.  Yike!  That’s got to hurt!  So Sorry, Neal!  Heal soon!

The business portion was predictably short, especially since we haven’t received an accounting yet from Central Carolinas Region regarding our joint venture at Charlotte Motor Speedway.  We presume that we made money but that’s about all we know at this point.  In other news, the Solo program is going great guns, with over 60 participants at their last two events.  Treasurer Steve Keadle said he was planning to run the one at Cherry Point on the weekend of the 8th and 9th and we’ll have to wait until next month to hear how he did.  Of course, by then The Goblins Go and the Charge of the Headlight Brigade will be in the history books, so we’ll have lots of news to catch up on.

By the way, Steve is heading up our presence at the Carolina Collector Auto Fest at the Sate Fairgrounds in Raleigh, Friday November 11 through Sunday, November 13.  Steve is looking for people to man the booth and cars to display, so please give him a call (919-601-5544) or drop him a line at [email protected], if you can help.  Hey Steve, put me down for a shift on Friday.  I’ll take any excuse to get out of work!

And finally, we’ve been told that our good friend and long-time member, Phil Hennrich, (Yup, Mr. Equipment himself, “Radio Phil”) has been moved to a long-term care facility.  When we get permission to visit him and send cards, you’ll see it here first, I promise. In the meantime, get better soon, Phil!  You have a lot of friends pulling for you.

Well, that about wraps it up for October.  We have two very busy back-to-back race weekends coming up, October 22-23 and October 28-29, so I hope you can make at least one of them.  But whether you do or not, plan on joining us Wednesday evening, November 2nd for the wrap-up.  I’ll see you there . . . or at the races!

James Shanks
Triangle Chapter coordiinator


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