BOD Minutes – September 17, 2014

Summary of Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Minutes
September 17, 2014

Present: Blair Stitt, Buddy Matthews, John Lindquist, Steve Rose, Rex Deffenbaugh, Mark Senior, James Shanks, Ginny Condrey, Sam Fouse, Steve Keadle, Bruce Dover, Heather Powers, and via conference call, Eric Danielson, and Blair Deffenbaugh.

  1. The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:30 pm, on Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 at Piper’s Deli, 3219 Old Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC, 27707.
  2. The RE introduced guests in attendance, Mark Senior and Bruce Dover.
  3. Motion (Lindquist/Shanks) to approve the Minutes of August 20, 2014. Passed.

Financial Report: Treasurer Steve Keadle reported we currently have $84,600 in the bank, and have a net income of $21,100 for the year.


  1. Chapters
    1. Cape Fear: No report
    2. Triangle: James Shanks reported that 20 members attended the last meeting. There was a potential new member in attendance, so the usual round-robin introductions were done. Many wished Doug Piner well as he will be going to the runoffs later this month. Also discussed at the meeting were the minutes of the last BoD meeting and the recent NCR picnic.
    3. West: Buddy Matthews reported that 14 members attended the last meeting. It was a short meeting, but there were discussions about the last BoD meeting.
  2. Committees
  3. Membership: James Shanks reported that we currently have 752 members in the NCR.
  4. Competition Board: John Lindquist reported that both of our October races are open for registration. John announced that there will be a Competition Board meeting to take place on November 10th or 11th.
  5. Solo: No report
  6. PDX/TT: Mark Senior reported that our joint event with THSCC went overall well with the exception of the Auto-X portion which had to be cancelled due to lack of entries. This lack of participation meant there would not be enough people to “man” the course. It was indicated that we would not be charged for the skid pad by VIR even though we had reserved it. It was reported that there were around 200 drivers in the HPDE portion of the event with 70-80 of those being instructors. The go-cart portion of the event was full and the Rally-X was an absolute hit with the participants. It was indicated that we can make improvements next year to see if we can get attendance at the Auto-X portion of the event by possibly making it a “points” event. It was noted that scheduling conflicts may have also disrupted numbers this year. There was a concern by Kerrigan Smith that there were no emergency vehicles available for the Rally-X. Kerrigan did mention that we may be able to use part of the paddock next year for an Auto-X which may be more acceptable for making a challenging course.
  7. Publicity: Bruce Dover announced that the e-mail blast advertising our Goblin’s-Go event was sent out to drivers in SEDIV. Of 1569 e-mails sent, 578 were opened. It was noted that getting 1/3 opened is a very good result. Bruce indicated that there will be another e-mail sent out soon, this one directed to drivers in the North, and Great Lakes areas. There will be a separate e-mail sent out to advertise our 13 hour event. Last, there were discussions about the possibilities of using a service known as Constant Contact.
  8. Charities: No report
  9. Banquet: Ginny Condrey reported that she has given the credit card information to the Cape Fear banquet coordinators to secure the location for the banquet.
  10. Awards: No report

Old Business:

  1. 2015 Schedule: John Lindquist presented a 2015 schedule proposal to the BoD. After much discussion on whether or not the dates were correct, it was noted the schedule on the SEDIV website does not reflect the correct events for the dates. Blair Stitt also brought to the BoD attention that we do not have any SECS races listed and that it would be important to include when to host them in concurrence with our SARRC Regional races. Both Blair and Rex are to find out exactly how may SECS races we are allowed to host.
  2. Waiver to Atlanta Region: Atlanta Region is in need of a waiver from NCR in order to host a double SARRC the weekend before our scheduled single SARRC in March. There was great concern as to how this could deeply impact our numbers if we were to allow this. There were several options put on the table. Motion (Lindquist/Shanks) to grant Atlanta Region a waiver for a SINGLE SARRC and discussion to that Region on the possibility of doing a joint event at VIR in March instead of us each hosting a single. Passed

New Business:

  1. Advertising: James Shanks reported to the BoD about our free ad we have with Grassroots Motorsports Magazine. James expressed concern to the BoD about getting dates and what events will be hosted on these dates as he is up a critical deadline of November 8th (before the next comp board meeting) for a February issue that actually goes on sale starting December 24th
  2. Production Festival: There was a discussion about the Production Festival and if we were going to continue this feature race at our Goblin’s-Go event next year. It was decided at this point, we will keep the feature race in any future ads. It was noted that the folks who headed up the activities for the Production Festival have retired from doing so, but that someone else may take over at some point. We can still host a feature race for that group.
  3. Butch Kummer: It was announced by Steve Keadle that the director of club racing, Butch Kummer, has resigned. Steve mentioned that it would be important to discuss with the new director our plans to do a special feature race next year for SRF’s 30th anniversary.
  4. Teleconferencing: Sam Fouse raised the question again to the BoD on why we aren’t already using teleconferencing to host BoD meetings. It was noted that we now have a contact for this type of technology. This information will be forwarded to Buddy Matthews who has already done a great deal of research on the subject. This feature would save Board members a great deal of time and trouble for attending BoD meetings.
  5. October BoD meeting: Due to our racing schedule, the October meeting will be held at Coopers Ale House in Greensboro on 10-8-2014.
  6. Trophies: Ginny Condrey reported that our original estimate for trophies did not include a double SARRC in October and that we would be over budget on that item.
  7. Letter of Intent: Rex Deffenbaugh reported to the BoD on a letter of intent that Eric Prill has sent out with regards to the Majors event at VIR in April. Rex saw no changes that were made that concerned him. Rex is asking all Board members to review the changes and see if there are any concerns.
  8. Buddy Matthews asked the question of whether or not weekend memberships are considered members in good standing per the GCR. It was concluded that they were indeed members in good standing. Buddy pointed out that there are around 22 other clubs whose licenses we accept and that perhaps our March race would be a prime time to do something new. Buddy suggested a “King of the Hill” race, or a “run what ya brung” was suggested. In short, a weekend member with an acceptable license from another club would be allowed to race with us and there is ample opportunity to get more folks involved with SCCA Club Racing.

Motion (Powers/Stitt) to adjourn at 8:54 pm. Passed.


  • All
  • BoD Minutes
  • Cape Fear Chapter Report
  • Triangle Chapter Report
  • West Chapter Report