West Chapter Report – March 2017

The West Chapter meeting was held on March 7, 2017 at Coopers Ale House located at 415 S. Swing Road in Greensboro, N.C.  This was the second time that we used Salon D for our meeting and it appears that we may not be going to have any future meetings in the room where we started which was the Jamestown room. Both rooms are equally nice and we are very fortunate to have the use of either for our monthly Chapter meetings. We had 13 members and no guests for this month’s meeting and since there was no guest speaker and no advance publicity for the meeting, seems to be about the turnout we look forward to.

The night’s meeting consisted of a lengthy discussion of the two meetings that the NCR-BOD held in February. The first meeting was held in Hillsborough, NC at Pueblo Viejo restaurant. This was the annual meeting of the NCR-BOD and the management team of VIR. 9 members of NCR and 3 members of the VIR management team met to discuss all of the matters that were of interest to the two parties. These annual meetings have been valuable to our organizations for several years and allow us to spend the time that is needed to keep our relationship on a good footing. If you want a more complete report on this meeting, Mark Senior has posted a more complete report on Google Drive.

The meeting then shifted to discussion of what had basically been discussed and worked out at the SEDiv meeting and award Banquet that was held at St. Simon Island, Ga. The topics from that meeting were such things as Drivers Schools, the CCPS and TCPS race Series and their futures and present needs.

Other topics from the NCR – BOD were convention reimbursement, payment of fees for events handled by MSR, registration sites at VIR, Signage for these sites, the charities for our VIR Events, and Swap and Sell Page on our website.

The meeting ended with the presentation of trophies from St. Simon to Mike Cooke, Shannon Jones, Bill Foster, and Martin Reiter for their efforts in SARRC races in 2017.

Buddy Matthews – West Chapter Coordinator


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