West Chapter Report – July 2020
The July meeting was held via Zoom due to Shelter in Place restrictions.
Board meeting notes were passed along and we discussed the various options available for
continuing our racing online as well as a debrief of the Time Trial National Tour at CMP. I
advised that the June Track Night in America at Charlotte was held successfully under the
COVID-19 social distancing requirements and that there is another event there coming up,
along with an event at VIR on 7/16. Registration is open for both.
Hayden Beatty, one of the last surviving charter members, is in hospice. Some of his stories
were shared with the group and it was agreed by all that sometimes it was a good thing that
there weren’t cell phones back in the day.
Our hunt for a possible new location for the monthly meeting continues, although it’s been
temporarily suspended until restaurants reopen.
Nikki Edwards
West Chapter Coordinator
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