West Chapter Report – February 2013

Hello from the West Chapter!   6:30 p.m. found us at Cooper Ale House enjoying drinks and ordering dinner.

Want to start by saying “CONGRATULATIONS to BUDDY MATTHEWS”  he is the new West Chapter Coordinator.  All 19 attending members voted to put Buddy in this important position.  I really hate it that I won’t be writing these reports in the future, I think it was starting to come to me. But, not to worry, Buddy is very poetic and sure to write lively and informative reports.

Welcome, Linda and Wally Becker!  Linda and Wally met us at the Greensboro Car show and we will see them at the track in March. Be sure to give them a warm NCRSCCA Welcome. And speaking about the show, you should have been there.

The SCCA was well represented at the Greensboro Coliseum.  Tim Lyons brought his GT-1 Ford, Bob Wheless brought a FM, Dwight Cooke brought a EP Triumph, Brian Hooper brought a SM (aka the batmobile).   What we were not expecting was the cool temperature. Man was it cold!!  But just like clockwork, everyone showed up. We got lined up and in the building we went.  A big THANK YOU to Mike Cooke for towing Dwight Cooke; Buddy Matthews for towing Tim Lyons (new class for the Miata, tow vehicle) and Brian Hooper for towing the Formula Mazda.  Jim Turner, the show promoter, was great.  He saved us a spot in the middle of the hall.  We could not have asked for a better spot. THANKS to the following members, who stood on the concrete for hours telling folks about the cars and SCCA: Doug Hooper (6 yrs), Steve Martin, Darrell Hunter, Roger Hunter, Tim Lyons, Brenda Lyons and Buddy Matthews.  Be sure to tell these folks Thanks when you see them at the track.  Bob W. and his crew towed from VIR to the show.

I have some pictures, if I can only figure out how to get them off my phone………
(click here to see the pictures on the NCR Facebook page)

Tell everyone you know to be at VIR for the March event. The ground hog said there was going to be an early spring! Be sure to check out our ads in Sports Car and Grassroots Magazine.

See you at the track!  Be safe and bring a friend, they’re sure to enjoy the day!

John Lindquist
Outgoing West Chapter Coordinator (now Assistant RE)


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