West Chapter Meeting – August 1, 2017
The meeting was possibly our most well attended in recent history. POSSIBLY because of the warning I had sent to all Chapter members letting them know that they were in jeopardy of not attending two meetings in a row. Whatever did the trick, we had 21 members in attendance.
The meeting consisted of going over the minutes of the July meeting of the BOD and stopping to discuss some items in detail. John Lindquist reported that all plans for the IMSA weekend appeared to be finalized. Then we had a discussion about the Code 35 rules and the questions that Morgan Mehler had sent out for all to give their opinion on. The real answer to this might just be that the different attempts at this that don’t match are because the operating stewards for the various groups don’t have the same way of directing how the rules are followed. More study needs to go into this subject.
Dwight Cooke gave a brief account of his going to Blackhawk Farms Raceway to participate in a special race for Triumph racecars. There were 48 cars in the race and Dwight had gone as a guest of one of the Vintage group drivers that he has helped with his car this year and last. The old yellow car that Dwight has been driving now for over 30 years went through all of the practice sessions and after gridding it for the actual race it decided to spring a leak in cylinder 4 while waiting to race and refused to crank when the call to go was given. Dwight was still thankful for getting to participate in this event.
Jeff Yeates gave an update of the 50 year reunion of Triad Sports Car Club at the fairgrounds in Winston-Salem. They had over 100 entries in a two-day autocross and several oldies with the group were in attendance. Arnold Williams was there from Texas, Sam Neave was there, as was Ron Gentry and Buddy Matthews and son Rusty Matthews were there Saturday afternoon. Jeff was given an award for his service to TSCC.
Hayden Beatty and wife were in attendance for the meeting and he announced he had recently turned 88. Both of them looked really good and it was nice to see them out for the meeting.
The event to replace the 13 hour race will be a PDX type of event and we can use more help in getting things ready and done. Get in touch with Mr. Senior if you can help.
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report