Triangle Chapter Report – May 2020
On Wednesday May 6th at 7:30, 10 members joined a conference call meeting. We reviewed the most recent BOD meeting minutes including discussing the change in distribution of financial information from the board meetings and the possible change from using Constant Contact for emails. We went over our plans for the TT in August as well as Goblins Go in October, mentioning the possibility of a 3 day event and the participation of the DC region. With no racing to talk about, we shared stories of quarantine experiences shopping, trips to the ABC store, and chicken and sausage sales at big venues. Natasha shared that she may have had the virus back in January at Sundance Film Festival as a number of attendees suffered from a similar flu-like illness at that time.
Upcoming Events:
Time Trial at NCCAR – August 15-16
Goblins Go at VIR October 10 – 11
Solo at Cherry Point June 13 -14 (Cancelled post meeting)
Memorial Monster TT at CMP – Memorial Weekend
We closed with a discussion of in-person vs. virtual meeting for June and it was decided that Zoom would be the best method for that meeting. Sam mentioned the possibility of a picnic and that may be an option for July or August.
Submitted by Al Heatwole
Triangle Chapter Coordinator
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