Triangle Chapter Report – December 2016

The Triangle Chapter met at El Rodeo in NW Raleigh Wednesday December 7.  14 folks attended, including 2 guests (well one was sort of a guest).  We welcomed Logan Buchanan who owns a Nissan 350Z and is interested in getting into motorsports, especially Rallycross.  We also welcomed Al Heatwole who I believe is a former SCCA member and is looking to get back into the fun, get a license and run an FP Sprite (or is it a Midget or a Spridgit…..sorry, an old running joke).  Everyone introduced themselves and then we move onto the business end of the meeting.

We discussed business items from the November Board of Directors meeting including the budget (we are well in the black this year, thanks primarily to the efforts of our RE Sam Fouse and Treasurer Steve Keadle which will help make up for loses during the past few years); discussed the upcoming awards banquet and identifying deserving members; approved next year’s contract with VIR (dates are similar to last year and should be posted on the website soon – we noted that the May SARRC/MARRS won’t conflict with Mother’s Day Weekend this year but our March date does conflict with a race in Atlanta); we discussed assigning Specialty Chiefs and Race Chairs for the coming year as well as the pressing need to develop and approve rules to meet the National office submittal deadline for the March race – we are actively looking for folks interested in getting more involved and helping out as Assistant Race Chairs.  If you might be interested, please let me know; we approved some budget items for equipment purchases; and continued to refine the Region’s travel expense policy for required out of state meetings.  This was also the meeting where nominations for next year’s slate of officers is finalized and when the nominations were closed the only contested race was for Treasurer between Steve Keadle and Heather Powers.  You should have received a ballot in the mail by the time you read this.

We discussed finding a new location for our monthly meeting.  It’s clear that the current venue is no longer using their private room and the current meeting area is too open and noisy to properly host a meeting.  I have researched about 10 locations and unfortunately none of them is ideal.  However, a couple look promising and we will likely try out one or two in order to see if they suit our needs.  Both are relatively close to our current meeting location so it should not disrupt things too much.  Be on the lookout for an update on where we will meet next.  We are also seeking topics and speakers for our meeting to make them more interesting, so if you have any ideas, please share them.  The next to last item we discussed was skipping our January Chapter meeting since it would fall so close to the awards banquet.  There seemed to be consensus on this so our next meeting will be the first Wednesday in February with a location to be announced at a later date.  The final item was selecting a Chapter Coordinator for next year.  For better or for worse nominations were quickly opened and closed and before I could blink I was reelected.  Thanks for your support…I think!

Mark Senior, Triangle Chapter Coordinator


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