Triangle Chapter Report – August 2016
The Triangle Chapter Coordinator is on the road this month and tapping this out on an iPhone, so the report will be briefer than usual.
The Triangle Chapter met at the El Rodeo restaurant off Pleasant Valley Road on Wednesday August 3rd. The evening started with videos of recent races at Roebling Road provided by Chuck Hines. Thanks Chuck! The meeting was called to order by Mark Senior around 7:30. It was a light turnout with only 12 members in attendance and no guests. Mark updated everyone on what transpired at the last Board of Directors meeting.
Our Treasurer reported that we are in good shape financially with a more detailed accounting of this year’s expenditures coming soon. The upcoming NCR promotional tent at the IMSA event at VIR August 26-28 was noted and a call was put out for volunteers to man the booth. We received more information on a business plan for advertising on our website and Blair Deffenbaugh was going to digest it and provide guidance back to the Board at their August meeting. It was noted that the plans for the annual picnic fell through and we will try to regroup for an event next year. Plans for the Annual Awards Banquet are moving forward with an infusion of new committee members. New Enduro class structures and fees were agreed upon with a goal of making the racing more inviting and ensuring that the event breaks even. Sam Fouse and Rex Deffenbaugh provided a report on the SEDiv mid-year meeting. Hopefully that will be covered in depth elsewhere in the newsletter. It was noted that our Chief Starter, James Buckberry, had passed and plans to honor him and his years of service were discussed. James Shanks noted he was well into his monumental effort of archiving the Region’s history and needed some minor funding to cover materials and containers, which was quickly approved. Pete Romanowski was nominated and approved to replace James as the new Chief Starter. Congratulations Pete! The possibility of reviving the Danville Chapter of NCR was discussed but it was agreed there were not enough members in that area at this time. A motion was made to adjourn the formal meeting and everyone agreed and returned to socializing.
Mark Senior
Triangle Chapter Coordinator
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