BOD Minutes – September 19, 2012
Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA
Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
September 19, 2012
PRESENT: Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, Ron Gentry, Buddy Matthews, Jerry Pell, John Lindquist, Annie Lindquist, Ginny Condrey, Clayton Condrey, Wayne Quick, Neal Harrison Jr., James Shanks, Steve Keadle, Mark Senior, Steve Rose, Heather Powers and, via telephone conference call, Eric Danielson and joining later, Chris Severt.
1. The NCR BoD’s monthly meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:40 p.m., on Wednesday, September 19, 2012, at Carver’s on Elm Restaurant, 106 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253 (Exit 147, I-85/40).
2. The RE introduced guests in attendance: Steve Rose, Buddy Matthews, Clayton Condrey, Annie Lindquist and Mark Senior.
3. Motion (Lindquist/Shanks) to approve the Minutes of the August 15, 2012, NCR BoD Meeting, as corrected; Passed.
Steve Keadle, Treasurer, presented to the BoD a nine page Financial Report, including a Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual Report, for the period January through August, 2012. The Financial Report also included a Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison statement, comparing the first eight months of 2012 to the first eight months of 2011. The Financial Report also included a Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison, reflecting Cash on Hand of approximately $125,300.
1. Formula 1000 Championship Series. Ginny Condrey advises that the NCR has submitted its request for a sanction number for the 2012 Goblin’s Go race event, which submission included two Formula 1000 races scheduled for the Goblin’s Go event. The BoD advised the Registrar that the minimum number of entries for each Formula 1000 race is 15 cars, but if there are less than 15 cars, per race, the Formula 1000 race group may be combined with another race group, as the Goblin’s Go race schedule is very full. Mark Senior suggested that the Formula 1000 Series leadership be now advised, in writing, of the probability that the Formula 1000 race group will be combined with another race group if less than 15 Formula 1000 cars are registered for each race. Jon Lewis is the contact person for the Formula 1000 Championship Series
2. NCR Communications. James Shanks presented some statistics indicating the number of “hits” on various portions of the Region’s website, as of 6 p.m., September 11, 2012. These statistics reflect the interest of some members of the Region, and others, in the Region’s affairs, as reflected on our website. James suggested that since there is no longer a NCR newsletter that it is now more important that the NCR website be kept current with information from the various Chapters and others as to the activities of the Region, as the NCR website is the major form of communication with NCR members and others interested in the Region’s racing and SOLO programs and its other affairs. James further suggested the need to improve the process of obtaining written Reports, for the webmaster, from some Officers, Chapter Coordinators, Chairs of Committees and others, in the NCR, with information which needs to be timely disseminated through the NCR website. The BoD discussed the reason that the link on the website to the Goblin’s Go race event is not yet active, which relates to the failure of SCCA to timely issue a sanction number for said race. The BoD suggested that Ginny Condrey post a draft schedule for said race on the website along with a short explanation as to the reason that the link to the Goblin’s Go race was not activated before now. The link to the 13 Hour Enduro race on the website is now active, and has been active. Buddy Matthews suggested that we also put something on the website advising readers of our regret for the delay in opening the link on the website for registration for the Goblin’s Go event, to be held in late October 2012 at VIR.
1. Parity for NCR Volunteer Incentive Program. Ron Gentry suggests the BoD needs to review the Volunteer Incentive Program, for our workers (volunteers), as our Region’s incentives in comparison to the amount(s) provided by some other regions, he contends, is low. Ron suggested we increase the daily worker credit incentive amount for our workers to $50 per day, beginning in 2013. A discussion of a comparison of the components of the worker incentive programs with some other regions indicates that some other regions do not also give workers gifts, plus worker credits, but only provide workers with a per diem amount. Some BoD members had questions as to the costs of all the components of the incentives provided to workers in 2011 in the NCR, and other BoD members suggested we need to also get input from our workers, and other members in our Region, who would be affected by any changes in our worker incentive program, including their attitudes about the possibility of increasing the worker credit per diem amount by eliminating the worker gifts. Eric Danielson suggested that instead of increasing the per diem amount of the worker credits, we might increase the value of the gifts. The BoD decided to continue the discussion of this matter to the next BoD meeting, so as to allow the BoD to obtain input, in the meantime, from more workers, race officials and other NCR members as to the appropriate total cost for the entire volunteer incentive program, including all gifts and food costs, and how the suggested increase in the amount of the worker credits may impact (cause a necessary increase in) the registration fees charged for the Region’s race events, in order to cover said increased cost for all the worker incentive components.
2. Thirteen Hour Enduro Workers Cooking Competition. Eric Danielson advises that VIR does not permit the cooking or preparation of food at the corner stations. The corner workers cooking contest has been a fun event in the past, at the 13 Hour Enduro race, according to Eric Danielson. Eric further advises that cooking is, however, permitted over the fence, in the spectator area(s) and that to accommodate some of the corner stations, which are not close to or have access to a spectator area, that the cooking contest could still take place by designating one spot for two or three stations, as needed, which is a good way to deal with the restrictions on cooking at the corner stations. Corner workers can still cook their meals, but only behind the spectator fence in the spectator’s area(s). Eric points out, as an example, that the corner stations at 11, 17, and 14 are not located near a spectator area and, therefore, it would be necessary to shuttle the workers’ food to their corner stations or bring the workers from the corner stations to an area where they can cook and eat their lunch, which is prepared by the contestants. Eric indicates that he expects about 70 corner workers at the 13 Hour Enduro event and that he anticipates six cooking stations being involved in the cooking contest. Motion (Shank/Keadle) that the Region pay $1,000 towards the cost of the food and supplies needed for the contest, by delivering said amount to Eric Danielson, to underwrite some of the costs of the cooking contest among the corner workers at this event.
3. North Carolina Autocross Championship. Chris Severt, on behalf of the SOLO Committee, requested that the Region loan to the SOLO Committee $3,000 to cover the upfront costs of ordering T-shirts and trophies for the North Carolina Autocross Championship, being hosted by the Cape Fear Chapter’s SOLO Committee, at Cherry Point, North Carolina. Motion (Shanks/Lindquist) to advance, as a loan, $3,000 to the SOLO Committee for use to prepay the costs of T-shirts and trophies for the North Carolina Autocross Championship; Passed.
1. Chapter:
A. Cape Fear Chapter: Chris Severt, Chapter Coordinator, advises that at their last meeting, held on the first Tuesday of September, 2012, that 11 people were in attendance. The Chapter discussed their August, 2012, autocross event and the upcoming state autocross championship event to be hosted by the Cape Fear Chapter.
B. Triangle Chapter: James Shanks, Chapter Coordinator, advises that 22 people attended their last Chapter meeting, which number of attendees included a large contingent from the Deffenbaugh family. The Chapter heard a report of the visit made by James Shanks and Blair Stitt with Phil Hennrich. They reported that Phil is in good spirits and that he is looking to sell his Pinto race car and his van. The membership talked about their fond experiences with Phil Hennrich.
C. West Chapter: The BoD was advised that 18 people attended the last West Chapter meeting, held on the first Tuesday of this month, wherein the membership discussed information obtained from the last BoD meeting, and other matters of interest.
2. Committees
A. Awards: No report
B. Banquet: No report.
C. Competition Board: No report.
D. SOLO Committee: Chris Severt advises that on October 6th and 7th, 2012, their Chapter will host the North Carolina Autocross Championship at Cherry Point. The Committee is ordering event T-shirts and trophies for this event, which is the biggest SOLO event ever put on by the North Carolina Region’s SOLO Committee. The event involves hosting three other autocross clubs, from North Carolina, in addition to the North Carolina Region’s Cape Fear autocross group. 139 entries have already been received for this event and registration remains open. 150 people have so far signed up for the event’s Saturday night social. Chris extended an initiation to all members of the NCR BoD to attend, as guests of the Committee, the social and autocross event. He advised of how BoD members can register as a spectator on the NCR website. Chris further advised of their efforts to obtain an event sponsor for this special event. Details about the North Carolina Autocross Championship event can be found on the Region’s website.
E. PDX/TT: Mark Senior advises that he is still looking into the Tarheel Sports Car Club’s VIR September date situation. The Tarheel Sports Car Club elected to cancel its Friday track activities this month and only ran its PDX type event on Saturday and Sunday, two weeks ago. The Tarheel Sports Car Club’s future plans as to the use of this date in September 2013, and beyond, is still to be determined. Mark will follow up with them if the Tarheel Sports Car Club cannot underwrite their two day event at VIR in September 2013.
F. Membership. James Shanks advises that membership in the Region is now 712. Eric Danielson advised the BoD of an electronic newsletter that his group is using to keep the workers informed and to recruit new workers. By using the electronic newsletter Eric believes one can build membership and workers through recruitment.
G. Publicity: James Shanks reports that the Region’s advertising of our fall race events at VIR are now running in the current editions of Sportscar and Grassroots Motorsports. Thought the North Carolina Region appears to be the only Region now advertising its racing events in Sportscar, Grassroots Motorsports has many other SCCA Regions advertising their regions’ race events.
H. Charities: No report.
Further New Business: Steve Rose, Administration of the Tarheel Cup Pro Series, distributed to members of the BoD the Series new patches, also being provided to all drivers entering the races in this Series and to all the corner workers and other race officials, to help keep in the forefront the NCR’s new 45 minute Tarheel Cup Pro Series races. A TCPS race is included as one of the race events scheduled for the Goblin’s Go races in October 2012 at VIR.
Motion to Adjourn (Keadle/Harrison) at 9:09 P.M.; Passed.
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report