BOD Minutes – October 9, 2013

Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
October 9, 2013

PRESENT:   Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, Steve Keadle, John Lindquist, Annie Lindquist, Neal Harrison, Blair Deffenbaugh, Buddy Matthews, Jerry Pell, James Shanks, Sam Fouse, Bruce Dover, Ginny Condrey and Jacqueline Condrey.

1.   The NCR BoD meeting for October was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, October 9, 2013, at Carver’s On Elm Restaurant, 106 W. Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253 (Exit 147, I-85/40).

2.   The RE introduced guests in attendance: Annie Lindquist, Bruce Dover and Jacqueline Condrey.

3.   Motion (Shanks/Lindquist) to approve the minutes of the NCR BoD Meeting of September 18, 2013, with a correction for spelling; Passed.


   Steve Keadle, Treasurer, advised the BoD that through September, 2013, the Region had a net negative income of $5,600.00. Revenues (cash flow) in September were positively affected by registration fees received for the Region’s last two races this Fall; the Region has approximately $95,000.00 of cash in the bank as of September 30, 2013. The Treasurer advised that the budget established, by a resolution, for food costs for the Goblins Go event and the budget amount established for food costs for the 13 Hour Enduro race is being implemented by the Race Chair; however, the Treasurer indicated he has some concern that the cost of food this year, for the race event that last year was reduced, food cost wise, by the corner workers cooking their food on station, could be higher this year. In light of these issues, the BoD discussed some alternatives that might be used to control the major cost of the meals for the workers, including the cost of the social on Saturday, in the upcoming year, for our races at VIR. The BoD will further consider food cost control options at future BoD meetings.


1.   Email Database: Sam Fouse advised of the status of the NCR drivers’ email database updating process; six additional regions are now being added to the database, being regions in Pennsylvania. The NCR’s driver database now has approximately 1,400 email addresses of SCCA drivers. The NCR is still waiting for driver email addresses from 14 more regions, primarily being in the Northeast and Midwest, to add to our drivers’ email database, which information will come from National SCCA. Some members of the Region have offered to help Sam with the process of uploading to the driver database their email addresses to the NCR email blast program. The BoD discussed and decided to use the email blast program, in its present form, for the upcoming 13 Hour Enduro race though it is a little late to attract a large number of additional entries for this event, who have not previously entered; it will, however, provide a test as to how our email blast program works and what delivery issues might arise, as we bring this email blast program fully online for use with all our races in 2014.

2.   Wayne Quick Resignation. The Secretary read an email from Wayne Quick, resigning as a Member At Large, effective this date. The BoD decided not to fill this position at this time, as the upcoming election in December includes his position (one of the two members at large positions that are up for election). The BoD recognizes that four BoD positions will be voted on this fall, being two of the members at large positions (the Neal Harrison position and the Wayne Quick position), and the RE and the Secretary offices. Nominations are to be turned in to the Secretary, for these four BoD positions, by the close of the BoD meeting in November. Nominees must sign their nomination, acknowledging that they will serve if elected, and each nominated person must be nominated by three current NCR members, whose membership number should follow their name (signature) on the written nomination.


1.   Annual Banquet. The RE advised that Mrs. Neal Harrison has agreed to serve as Chairman, as she has done for the last two years, of the Banquet Committee. The BoD designated January 11, 2014, as the date for the NCR’s 2013 Annual Banquet. It is anticipated that the Annual Banquet will be the same as last year in terms of location and arrangements.

2.   Track Paving at VIR. The RE advised that he has received information that the VIR track will be repaved and widened and that this paving will be done in the early part of the year (2014), which could affect or eliminate one or more of our Spring race dates at VIR in 2014. The track has indicated that some early race dates in 2014 at VIR will be affected, because not only do they need time to pave, but there is a curing period of approximately 90 days, for the new pavement.

3.   Picnic. Buddy Matthews reported that about 20 people attended the recent NCR Picnic and advised that the facilities (picnic site) were excellent and that those who attended had a good time.


1)   Chapters

      a. Cape Fear : No report.

      b. Triangle: James Shanks, Chapter Coordinator, advised that 17 people attended their chapter’s last meeting, wherein some in car video was viewed from a race last year. Additionally, the membership discussed some of the Region’s business issues.

      c. West: Buddy Matthews, Chapter Coordinator, advised that 12 people attended their last chapter meeting. The membership discussed the picnic and talked about some of the business conducted at the Region’s last monthly BoD meeting. The membership was advised of the election of NCR BoD members coming up in December of this year, and of the four positions open for nominations and election.

2)   Committees

      a. Awards: The Awards Committee consists of the four Members At Large and the three Chapter Coordinators. James Shanks, the Chairman of the Awards Committee from last year, discussed the costs of the awards last year and indicated that in view of the Region’s current financial situation, he will suggest that the costs of awards be reduced this year.

      b. Banquet: No additional report.

      c. Comp. Board: Approximately 51 teams to date have entered the 13 Hour Enduro race for 2013, the Region’s last race event this year. About 199 entries have been received to date for the Goblins Go race at VIR in October, 2013.

      d. Solo: No report.

      e. PDX/TT: No report.

      f. Membership: James Shanks advised that the Region’s membership stands at 720. Further, James advised that he put an article on the Region’s website reporting as to how our local racers did at the recent SCCA Runoffs in September, 2013.

      g. Publicity: No report.

      h. Charities: No report.

Motion (Matthews/Deffenbaugh) to adjourn; Passed.


  • All
  • BoD Minutes
  • Cape Fear Chapter Report
  • Triangle Chapter Report
  • West Chapter Report