BOD Minutes – October 8, 2014
Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
October 8, 2014
Present: James Shanks, John Lindquist, Buddy Matthews, Blair Stitt, Steve Keadle, Steve Rose, Rex Deffenbaugh and joining later, Mark Senior.
- The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 6:30 pm, on Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 at Rally Point Sports Grill, 1837 N. Harrison Ave, Cary, NC, 27513.
- There were no guest introductions, however, Mark Senior joined us late.
- Motion (Shanks/Lindquist) to approve the Minutes of September 17, 2014. Passed
Financial Report: Treasurer, Steve Keadle presented the BoD with a profit and loss statement showing a net income of $29,980.01 for the year. Steve also presented two proposed budgets to the BoD for review and discussion at the next meeting.
1. Chapters
- Cape Fear: No report
- Triangle: James Shanks reported that 23 members attended the last meeting. Video was shown of Steve Rose competing at Daytona for the SIC, and discussions were had about the last BoD meeting.
- West: Buddy Matthews reported that 13 members attended the last meeting. The minutes of the last BoD meeting were discussed. Also discussed were fees charged by Motorsports reg. Members felt that these fees were not necessarily absurd with respect to what the service does for the region.
2. Committees:
- Membership: James Shanks reported that we are up 10 members to 762 total. This number should go up as our final races of the year approach.
- Comp Board: John Lindquist reported there will be a comp board meeting on November 10th.
- Solo: As John Byers was unable to call in. Here is an e-mail he sent to the BoD. “Our Sept two day event was by far the best weekend of the year. We had 85 on sat and 74 on Sunday. Event went extremely smooth and we all had a fantastic time.
Last weekend was the NCAC and NCR had 25 members make the trek to ZMAX dragway. We had a fantastic showing and placed 3rd just barely being edged out by Triad with CCR taking the win.
November 1st and 2nd are the next two events at Cherry Point.”
- PDX/TT: Mark Senior reported that THSCC will be hosting an event in April, 2015 at VIR. This will include an HPDE, rally-X, go-carts, and possibly an auto-x. There is discussion on the auto-x about it being a points event this time to possibly increase attendance. NCR expresses interest in joining the event.
- Publicity: James Shanks reported that there was another e-mail blast sent out, this time to NEDIV drivers on our upcoming races at VIR. It was also reported that GRM has not yet responded about our free ad we have been promised. Brian Shanks will update the ad for a nominal fee. The ad will be in the February issue which comes out in late December. The deadline for the issue is November 15th.
- Charities: No report
- Banquet: No report
- Awards: Still needs to elect a chairman
Old Business:
- SECS: 2 SECS races will be on the schedule for our May races at VIR per John Lindquist. It was noted that the SEDIV website is not up to date with what races will be offered at our events. Rex Deffenbaugh will take action to get the website corrected.
- Pit Road workers: John Lindquist expressed concern that we only have 3 pit road workers signed up to work the 13 hour race. It was mentioned that we should speak to the flag chief to obtain more help with that specialty if needed.
- Constant Contact: Blair Deffenbaugh is taking classes in school about social media. As he was not able to attend, Rex made a brief summary to the BoD on what he is doing. Blair feels that e-mail will be a thing of the past at some point and social media will be a more widely used format of communication. He is looking very hard at “Constant Contact” as a medium for keeping the membership informed. He is currently working on an experiment to try this out. He will make a more formal presentation in the near future.
- December BoD meeting: Buddy Matthews will be hosting the December meeting via the internet.
New Business:
- SRF anniversary: Rex Deffenbaugh reported that he is working with SCCA to indeed include a special race at VIR for the SRF anniversary. It was noted that this is not as of yet set in stone, but discussion are being had to try and do this.
- Track Night: Rex Deffenbaugh reported that National is working on a “Track Night” program that we might want to look at. This idea is still in the early stages of development, but it would be a PDX type of program that would have little financial risk to the region as National would be helping to run the event. If it were to happen, it would possibly take place on a weeknight starting at 5pm
- SIC 2016: Steve Rose brought to the BoD attention that membership is talking about the possibility of the SIC moving around every couple of years. It would be possible that in 2016, our region could have a chance to host this championship race during out normal Goblins-Go weekend. The BoD agreed it would need to be looked at as a possibility.
- Nominations: Heather Powers, via text message, reminded the BoD that nominations for this year’s elections are due to the Secretary by the end of Novembers BoD meeting. Positions up for election are Assistant RE (John Lindquist), Treasurer (Steve Keadle), and 2 Members at large positions currently help by Sam Fouse and Blair Deffenbaugh.
Motion to adjourn at 7:06pm (current record for fastest BoD meeting) (Shanks/Stitt) Passed
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report