BoD Minutes – November 2020

Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

November 18, 2020

Present:  John Bodnar, Heather Clark, Anna Crissman, Eric Danielsen, Blair Deffenbaugh, Justin Deffenbaugh, Bruce Dover, Nikki Edwards, Sam Fouse, Al Heatwole, Stephen Miller, Heather Powers, Chris Schimmel, Mark Senior, James Shanks, Ben Tyler, Kit Williams, and Rob Wilmoth, all attended via video conference, due to the ongoing threat of the COVID-19 virus. Heather Powers joined late.

  1. The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by RE Anna Crissman at approximately 7:35 PM, on Wednesday, November 18th,
  2. John Bodnar, Eric Danielsen, Chris Schimmel, Ben Tyler, and Rob Wilmoth, attended as guests.
  3. Motion to approve the October minutes, as posted on the Google drive (Shanks / Clark). Passed.

Order of items below reflects the order of discussion, as nearly as possible; not necessarily as they appeared on the published agenda. 

Financial Report.

 The report was postponed until Treasurer Heather Powers could join us.

Chapter and Committee Reports:

 As before, all Chapters held Zoom meetings last month, with a fraction of their usual pre-pandemic attendance. The balance of attendees were members of this Board. No reports were posted on the Google Drive as of this writing.

Old Business:

  1. Time Trial Debrief. Anna asked Stephen for his take on the event. Stephen said that he thought that we had made about a thousand dollars ($1000), but that he had not yet seen a bill for the guardrail that had to be replaced. It was observed by others that NCCAR should charge considerably less for that than VIR does, which might protect our small profit. Other than that, the event went well, Stephen said, and others agreed, despite the rain squall mid-day on Saturday, and attendees were generally positive about the event. The big issue for next season remains the conflict between the fall date we have been offered, October 16th and 17th and the solo schedule offered by MCAS Cherry Point. Anna asked Kit to ask the base for an early decision on whether that date might be moved, and he agreed to contact them and ask for a decision by November 30th. It was also observed that CCR had scheduled a hillclimb event, which is a form of TT, for the first weekend in May, whereas last year it had overlapped our TT event. But as it turns out, this is a non-issue for us because the venue is to be in Kentucky. Kit then asked whether there was any participation on our part being requested for the National TT at VIR. Anna said that their Chief of Timing would not be available, so primarily John Bodnar will be staffing that, with her assistance. More details would be forthcoming closer to the event she said. Sam interjected that it was important that everyone understand that the Region would not be making any volunteer incentive payments (VIP) for this TT event. Bruce then asked whether there would be VIP for the March race at CMP, and the answer was most likely yes, since that is a racing event; and Anna had advised Shellie McKee, SCR’s RE, that paying a specific dollar amount was better than their previous practice of providing hotel rooms.
  2. Awards Committee Update. Anna requested an update from Nikki, who said that she had sent an e-mail to all the Comp Board specialty chiefs asking for their recommendations by November 30th. James had looked into the Majors and Runoffs results, Mark was looking at SARRC and ECR, and Blair at National TT for possible recipients. Eric would like at least three weeks lead time to make the awards, so Anna suggested December 13th as a deadline for award nominations, with an eye towards a presentation in mid-January. She was adamant that the awards presentation be separate from a Board meeting, in order to keep it special. James suggested a Zoom meeting with the recipients after Eric makes the awards, since that would give us a video recording. Justin said Twitch would be a better platform because it’s more one-way with no limit on visitors. John Bodnar said he would be able to piece together several individual Twitch sessions should not all award recipients be available at the same time. Anna was satisfied with that suggestion and moved further discussion offline for now.

New Business:

  1. Change Goblins Go SARRC from 2022 to 2021. Mark Senior announced that Blair Stitt, who is our current representative on the SARRC Committee for SEDIV, had called to tell him of developments from that committee’s latest meeting (via Zoom). The SARRC Invitational Challenge (SIC) is moving dates next year, and it will happen after our Goblins Go, rather than before it. Thus for 2021, our Goblins Go will take place within the 2021 season rather than after it. The fact that we will not have a SARRC race in March of 2021 actually helps us then, because by the SARRC rules we should be limited to just two SARRC events, and the past Goblins Go already counted as one.  That would give us three in the 2021 season; though as Stephen said, we are probably fine unless someone tells us we are not. Sam added that Jim Creighton had been talking to him about moving the ECR finale out of the SIC as well, since they did not get much participation for it this year, only 7 cars. Anna determined that the new date for the SIC is two weeks after the Goblins Go, which should give us ample entries, though Sam said we should still consider inviting WDCR to have another MARRS race with us again. Anna said she was already in discussion with Bob Crawford of WDCR to iron out potential conflicts and would bring that up. Heather Clark noted that she had heard that some WDCR drivers were concerned about the loss of the March race at VIR, even though it was not a MARRS event. Sam added that Summit Point was not on the new schedule for a Super Tour Majors, and Anna said WDCR was not happy about it, but she did not think everything was final at this point. She asked whether anyone had any other concerns about the schedule for next season, and Stephen Miller said we should reach out to SCR and make sure that they did not need any financial help getting our dual-region event in March underway. Anna said she had been talking to Shellie McKee, the RE, and would confirm that they were fine on their own. Sam noted that we could help with an e-mail marketing campaign in advance of that event, since we had the tools in place for that. The consensus was that the event should do very well in any case.
  2. Nominations and Election of Officers for 2021. James reminded everyone that per the Bylaws, the RE appoints an Elections Committee, and they in turn choose a method by which the elections should occur, subject to approval by the entire Board. Anna appointed James, Heather Clark, Stephen Miller, and Bruce Dover, to the Elections Committee for this year. By immediate voice vote, they approved the balloting / survey system in MSR that was used last year. Motion to accept the Elections Committee’s recommendation of MSR as the Balloting system for 2020 (Miller / Edwards). Passed. While the meeting was underway, James announced that he had received a nomination for Rob Wilmoth for Member-at-Large, and other endorsements for him started coming in to James’ phone and e-mail, as he was speaking. In addition, James said he had already received nominations for Cameron Conover, Al Heatwole, and Paul Spencer for Member-at-Large. Blair Deffenbaugh was running unopposed for Assistant RE, and Sam Fouse was running, also unopposed, for Treasurer.  Bruce will be contacting each person for a short bio, which will appear on our website, as a link from the ballot on MSR, and in the Region-wide email announcing that voting is open.

Financial Report.

 Treasurer Heather Powers joined the meeting late, but she was able to provide figures on our current financial position. Stephen asked how the Scholarship Fund was doing after Atlanta, and Anna said she had money still to deposit. She further said that we needed to create a QR code that takes potential donors right to the PayPal page. Sam closed this item of business by thanking Heather for her service and said that he was planning on having Heather remain involved, because the Treasurer’s job had grown too big for just one person to handle. Most likely, Bruce would also play a big role, he said.

As the details of our finances are confidential, NCR members who wish more information should contact either the Office Manager or any member of the Board of Directors. They are also invited to attend a Chapter Meeting, where such matters are discussed in detail.

Motion to adjourn at 8:35 PM (Clark / Fouse). Passed.


Submitted by Secretary, James Shanks

Please note that all NCR members are welcome to attend NCR Board of Directors meetings.

If any member should have a question about the Region or its activities, please contact the Office Manager or any member of the Board.


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