BOD Minutes – May 21, 2014
Summary of Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
May 21, 2014
Present: Heather Powers, Rex Deffenbaugh, Mark Senior, Rusty Matthews, John Byers, Richard Franklin, Chris Severt, Elizabeth Severt, James Shanks, Ryan Franklin, Sam Fouse, Steve Keadle, Mark Miller, and via conference call, Buddy Matthews, Steve Rose, Blair Deffenbaugh, and Eric Danielson.
- The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:42 pm, on Wednesday, May 21st, 2014 at Elizabeth’s Pizza, 4304 Market St, Wilmington, NC.
- The RE introduced guests in attendance: Mark Senior, Rusty Matthews, Richard Franklin, Ryan Franklin, Chris Severt, Elizabeth Severt, and Mark Miller.
- Motion (Shanks/Fouse) to approve the Minutes of April 23, 2014, (passed).
Financial Report: Treasurer, Steve Keadle, reported to the BoD that we have $100,315 currently in the bank. Steve provided for the record a profit and loss statement for the year thru April. It was reported that we had received a deposit from MSR for from our last event. Also discussed were alternatives to Motorsports registration such as DLB racing and My Auto Events. Steve is looking into these alternative registration companies as a way to possibly reduce the fees we are currently paying.
- Chapters
- Cape Fear: John Byers reported that 15 members attended the last Chapter meeting in which they discussed their last event along with problems with the registration trailer. Also discussed was that approximately 5 people used gate passes given out at an auto-x to attend our road racing event at VIR in May. John also discussed that their last event location was double booked and the event had to be cancelled with no notice. They are planning to reschedule later this year. 85 people had pre-registered for the event and around 50 had showed up for the event as word about the cancellation could not be gotten out to everyone. It was suggested by the BoD that John put an apology notice on the Region’s website. They will have an event at Cherry Point in June.
- Triangle: James Shanks reported that 10 members attended that last meeting. Attendance was low as a result of it being a race week, and James is putting out the idea of having meetings on alternate weeks when it’s a race week. A longtime member of the DC region who has relocated to Cary was in attendance. Last, an E-Prod video was shown of a race at Roebling Road.
- West: Buddy Matthews reported that 14 members attended the last meeting. (First in a long time to beat the Triangle chapter with attendance). There were discussions on the 2nd Annual Picnic in August. It was reported that there will be an e-mail blast in the near future to advertise the picnic. Due to difficulty via conference call, Buddy feels we need to get a better phone system for BoD meetings as it was nearly impossible to hear what was going on.
- Committees
1. Membership: James Shanks reported that we are up to 808 members. This is the highest membership number since 2008. It was reported that National is doing a membership drive, but it was hard to tell what the results were specifically. The retention rate is 94%. National also states that people come for the cars, and stay for the people. The bottom line was to put on quality events, be nice to folks, and they will come back.
There was also a member drive by the Solo group. They gained the NCR 10 annual members as of recent by employing a program where if three family members were to join, they would get a free entry at the Cherry Point event.
2. Competition Board: Mark Senior reported that the Formula Lite group that would like to run at our Goblins Go event would be willing to run late in the day. We still need approval from the Comp Board which will meet in early June.
3. Solo: The Solo group is working on visibility of results within the group. They are now set up with a mobile hot spot which they can use to upload results to Race Monitor. Other clubs are taking notice of the Cape Fear Chapter’s work. Elizabeth Severt reported that as of the end of April there was approximately $9000 in the Solo group. The Solo group is also working with the bank to possibly start accepting credit cards if an agreeable rate can be determined that would still be affordable. This would be a lower security risk to the Registrar by not having so much cash on hand at these events. The BoD supports whatever is necessary to make events safer and easier for our membership.
4. PDX/Time Trials: Mark Senior pointed out that we need backup volunteers to help learn and run our timing systems. There are several systems used, and we may not be equipped to run them if Anna Chrissman was not available for an event. At the SARRC/MARRS event, there was a panic when there was a power outage causing a “ghost” wifi. It was also noted that driver Morgan Mehler sent a special thank-you to T&S for having results available at impound. This is something that other Regions don’t seem to be doing. Next, Mark Senior stated that we are moving along with trying to run an event in conjunction with the Tarheel Sports Car Club. The event is set for September 6th & 7th at VIR. Mark once again mentioned that this type of event is easier for us to host since SCCA has lessened certain restrictions that made it difficult in the past. Right now it looks like the cost of the event would be $495 for non-members (2-day) and $470 for members (2-day). They agreed to this rate if we choose to only run as a one day event and would also allow SCCA instructors. Also discussed was how NCR could host an Auto-X during the event. This would possibly take place on the Patriot course or the skid pad. John Byers and Chris Severt mentioned the idea of doing an exhibition Auto-X on the skid pad on Saturday and a track event on Sunday.
5. Publicity: Casey Upton Rousch at Grassroots Motorsports Magazine has agreed to let us have a free ad in the future (Feb 2015 tentative) if we pay the bill on an ad we didn’t authorize. Motion (Fouse/Shanks) to pay this bill in exchange for a free ad (full page/full color) in the future. (Passed)
6. Charities: No Report
7. Banquet: Cape Fear is working on this year’s banquet. Steve Keadle is to provide them with a budget.
8. Awards: No report. Members at Large and Chapter Coordinators need to appoint a new Awards Chairman.
Old Business:
1. Worker reimbursement for joint CCR/NCR event at Charlotte. Steve Keadle is to provide Ginny Condrey a list of workers who worked the event and were not compensated. This event was over two years ago.
2. Power Pedestal: NCR has paid VIR for damage done to one of the power poles on track property caused by an entrant at the Majors event in April. Ginny has since spoken to the entrant’s insurance company about getting reimbursed for the funds we paid VIR. We are waiting for a response at this time.
New Business:
1. Plaques: Bruce Dover had plaques made from the old Start stand to be given out as awards/mementoes and incurred a cost of $152 doing so. Motion (Fouse/Byers) to reimburse Bruce this cost. (passed)
2. NC Cars at Roanoke Rapids: Steve Keadle reported that NC Cars is trying to get SCCA to attend their event. There have been concerns in the past about running there because of switchbacks and may be too dangerous for door to door. It was suggested that NCR send someone to observe and review the track. Steve is going to ask Ron Gentry about the possibility of providing an analysis to the NCR BoD.
3. Passes: James Shanks. At a non-NCR event with Pro SCCA being run, someone was asking for free passes for the event since it was “SCCA”. James suggests that National should provide passes at Pro events that can be given out to members who ask for them.
4. Mugs: As discussed in previous meetings, the coffee mugs given out at the Majors event titled “Spring Sprints” was a huge success with everyone that received one. Member at large Sam Fouse headed up the project, and even obtained $1500 dollars worth of support from National toward this gift. Every driver and worker received a mug. Sam even went so far as to track down members who didn’t get one. Mugs were also provided to the Cape Fear Chapter. Sam wanted to commemorate this first event on the new pavement at VIR, and the first time we had a Majors event with no Oak Tree at turn 11. Many thanks from the entire Region to Sam Fouse and Jeff Eng who helped in the design of the mug.
5. Randy Pobst: Steve Rose who had Randy Pobst drive his car in the TCPS race sent out a special thanks to the Region for putting on such a well run event. Mr. Pobst donated a bag of goodies to be given to the workers such as nomex and gloves. Eric Danielson made sure each item found a good home. Much thanks to Mr. Pobst for his gracious act of kindness.
6. Future BoD meetings: There will be an e-mail in the coming weeks to determine the location of our next BoD meeting
Motion to adjourn (Keadle/Byers) at 9:11pm (passed)
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report