BoD Minutes – May 20, 2015

Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Minutes
May 20, 2015

Present: Sam Fouse, Mike Spencer, Buddy Matthews, James Shanks, Rex Deffenbaugh, Blair Stitt, Heather Powers, Steve Rose, Steve Keadle, Bruce Dover, Ginny Condrey, Mark Senior, and via conference call, John Byers, Blair Deffenbaugh, and Eric Danielson.

1.      The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:30 pm, on Wednesday, May 20th, 2015 at Pipers Deli, 3219 Old Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC, 27707.

2.      Motion (Spencer/Stitt) to approve the minutes of April 2015. Passed

Financial Report: Treasurer Steve Keadle reported that the region has $129,840 in the bank.


1.      Chapters

a.       Cape Fear: No Report

b.      Triangle: James Shanks reported that 16 members attended the last Chapter meeting. As this was a race week, it was a lightly attended meeting. Of those in attendance were two new members. One, a returning member who raced in the early 80s, and another who is very interested in Auto-X.

c.       West: Buddy Matthews reported that 14 members attended the last Chapter meeting. There was discussion on the last BoD meeting, as well as the usual bench racing.

2.      Committees

a.       Membership: James Shanks reported that we currently have 787 members in the NCR.

b.      Competition Board: Mike Spencer reported that the Competition Board met in Pittsboro on Sunday, May 17th 2015. Several items were covered including: Observers report, trophies, re-gridding after black flag, transponder issues, radio procedures, Code 35, safety on fueling, track limits, and gate hours.

c.       Solo: Mark Senior reported that 110 people attended the last Auto-X at Cherry Point. NCR donated 27 SARRC/MARRS t-shirts to the event which Mark personally delivered to be given away.

d.      PDX/TT: No report.

e.       Publicity: Bruce Dover reported that an e-mail had been sent out advertising the upcoming picnic, and one will be sent out soon for the 13 hour event.

f.       Charities: Ginny Condrey reported that the Region collected $132 for our Diabetes charity from the March event, over $1000 from the Majors which will be donated to the Ronald McDonald charity and $492 at the May event for Angels Among Us.

g.      Banquet: No report.

h.      Awards: No report.

Old Business:

  1. Code 35: Mike Spencer reported that the supplemental regulations of all upcoming races will need to address the new Code 35 procedure that VIR is forcing us to implement for hot pulls. Mike contacted National as to how this should be done. An e-mail was sent back, and retained for the record, that even though this procedure is not in the GCR, and most likely will not be, that we can cover the rule in our Supps. VIR has their own penalties for drivers who violate the Code 35 procedure.
  2. Trophies: James Shanks reported on the numerous complaints received about the trophies the Region has provided this year. In was the general consensus of the BoD that we need to get quotes and adjust the budget to bring better trophies back to our customers. It was suggested that our photo trophies as we have offered in the past would be a good route to go.
  3. Hospitality Tent: James Shanks reported that once again the hospitality tent has been well received. At the tent, t-shirts were sold, as well as memorabilia, decals, and results and grid sheets are available almost instantly. $560 worth of merchandise was sold at the last event.
  4. Sponsors: Ginny Condrey reminded the BoD that there are possible sponsors available that we could use to help finance trophies and other expenses the Region has.
  5. Discounts: Tabled until next BoD meeting
  6. Kerrigan: Mark Senior reminded the BoD that Kerrigan Smith has asked some questions of the Region, and would like them answered. Steve Keadle will respond to the questions thru Mark Senior.

New Business:

  1. Rent check for decoder: At the May event, the Region had to rent a decoder as the power supply for ours was missing. $230 will be sent to cover the rent on said decoder. It was suggested that the Region needs a backup system.

Motion to adjourn at 9:10pm (Stitt/Keadle) Passed.


  • All
  • BoD Minutes
  • Cape Fear Chapter Report
  • Triangle Chapter Report
  • West Chapter Report